Mothers love

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The echoing of there angry screams filled my ears. The psychotic hord slammed themselves against our door. Screaming the words, "Kill the freaks!" repetitivly. My mother pressed herself against the door using the strength of her quirk. The power of the love she got from both me and my farther coursed though her veins but even that wouldn't keep them at bay forever.

"Run!"She screamed towards my farther. Tears poured across both of there faces, "Please. Keep her safe! I love you both so much," She cried out. My farther desperately wanted to do something, anything to save his wife. He looked down at me knowing he had no choice.... He didn't want to leave her but he's quirk-less and If he tried to fight they'd only kill his daughter too. Lifting up my weak frail body he ran towards the fire escape. 

That was the night my mother died.

The night our world changed forever. 

As we ran I could hear her screaming, smoke filled the air and the smell of burning flesh singed my nose as she took her last breath at the hands of the anti mutant heretics.

I learned the cruelty of the world.

present day

My eyes slowly lifted back open, my vision slightly blurred as I awoke. A face was inches from my own causing me to leap back, luckily the small child on my lap didnt awaken by the  swift movement.

"Izuku," I whispered. The Greenette sat next to the bed his head resting on my pillow watching me dilogently, his forever crazy smile still plastered across his handsome features.

"Sorry angel did i scare you?!" he tilted his head like a wounded puppy, he almost teared up as he spoke. "I was just mesmarised angel... you'll be such an incredible mother." His hand stroked my cheek lovingly sending warm shudders down my spine.

The door swung open and an pink head popped into the room, her black eyes beemed with excitment as she looked at me. She lept forwards pushing Izuku away from me before wrapping her arms around me as if she didnt notice the sleeping child that was now awakened by the excentric alien, "I cant belive your pregant this is so exciting! have you picked names! Oh i hope it comes out all pink too! have you picked god parents! ohhh im so excited!" She cherped, now bouncing up and down on the bed.

Izukus intimidating hand rested on the pinkettes shoulder, murderous intent in his eyes. "Dont shake her around like that! Shes delicate!" 

She ignored him, "Ohh yeh theres food for you downstairs."

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