The boss

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The first thing I noticed when I walked into the almost empty room was the group sat in the corner, Kaminari noticed me and waved. The table had two other extreamly good looking men, one with gleeming smile and black spikey. The other with spiked Ash blond hair with glaring red eyes, he had the most develish bad boy look apparence. His tag was red... Wait red? Is he the fucking boss I gulped nervously.
The boys weren't the main thing that kept catching my eye, the girl.... Do these creeps have a fetish for pink skin and horns? That's such a weirdly specific fetish! I gulped back my nerves wishing I wasn't there. The girl wasn't demon esc like me, she looks more like an alien then anything.
The girl jumped up and down excitedly when she saw me, "O... M.... G... She's so cute!" the girl chirped giddily. That's when I noticed something tied around the girls neck. A TAG!
She has a damn tag...
And it's gold.
How does a mutant have a tag?!
The angry looking blond stood up from his seat and walked towards me, before I knew it I was pinned against the wall. His breathe beating down on my neck. He almost growled when he spoke, "wow doll face... Nobody told me you where this cute. If the job today doesn't work out I can think of a job for a little thing like you!" He winked.
I felt rage bubble up in my chest my eyes glowed yellow, he noticed but didn't flinch... Heck he didn't even flinch when I slapped him."I might be a mutant but I'm not a fucking whore. If that's what you bought me here for then I'm sorry..." I faced away from the red tag and turned towards Kirishima, "Then I'm leaving!"
I am so dead!
He wore a shocked expression not used to anyone talking back to him. That expression then turned into a sadistic smile his eyes never leaving me.
I angrily started stomping away and felt a large manly hand gently rest on my shoulder, "ignore Bakugou he's not being very manly."
"THE HELL DID YOU SAY?!" the angry mobboss snapped.
Kirishima smiled warmley at me, "I promise we didn't bring you here for that...We opened up a new club and you said you could sing right?" I nod a little dazed by he sweet expression, "well consider this your audition cutie." He then pointed at the stage.
I nervously walked over, not used to singing in public and not really wanting to be in the same room as the angry mobboss.
A spot light shone on me and I started to sing they all gawked at me, when I get over emotional in any way my quirk makes my eyes and the markings on my body glow... It always happens when I'm singing. It's kinda embarrassing....
I didn't know for sure but when I was finishing the song I swear I saw the ever so scary Bakugou blushing.
They all excited clapped and cheered, Kaminari and the alien girl stood up yelling the word, "encore!" Kirishima and the other black haired boy soon copied.
Bakugou silently stayed sat down his red eyes not leaving my face and matching his cheeks. He silently muttered the word, "beautiful," under his breath not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

Succubus (Mafia! My Hero Academia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now