My Hero

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(Y/N) POV-
I snarled thinking of the blond hedgehog asshole as I threw more of my belongings into boxes.
How in the hell am I supposed to do all this overnight? It's not Fair!
I growl.




My phone beeped. I looked down at the screen to see one of my few friends calling me.
"Izuku!" I chirped happily looking down at the phone.
"H...hey... I wanted to know if you wanted to come to a party with me," I could hear the nerves and excitement in his tone.
I paused for a moment thinking about the angry mob boss and how pissed he'd be.
"Hell yeah of course I will," I grin wishing I could see his face when he realises my box's aren't packed and I'm not here!
Little Deku has been one of my only friend since I moved to this town but... He's been so busy lately I haven't had the chance to see him.
I remember the day we met like it was yesterday...

Rewind... Authors POV-

Izuku Midoria stood in the middle of a ally way, his back pressed up against, the wall a hood falling over his emerald eyes. He'd only joined a gang a month ago and already he had blood on his hands.
"I wanted to help people..." He whispered to himself, "I wanted to be a hero. How did I get here." The tears poured down his cheeks and they wouldn't stop.
He was interrupted from his thoughts that where starting to turn almost suicidal due to the unfathomable guilt he felt.
"Stay the hell away from me creep," a female voice snapped.
"Your farther owned us allot of money before he died and your going to pay us back!" Izuku peaked around the corner to see a formiliar face, Dabi looked over a young girl. His blue eye shone bright and where filled with hunger.
He then noticed the 4 other thugs that had surrounded the young girl. She wore an oversized hoodie that almost completely hid her face.
"Like I said creep I'm not paying shit, you're lying about my father!" at this the raven haired villian pushed the girl against the hard brick wall.
She groaned in pain.
trigger warning(sexal assault) ⚠
"If you don't pay in cash you'll pay me with that body of yours," He grabbed her hoodie and his blue flames quickly burned though it.
Her pale pink flesh was suddenly on show every curve on that beautiful body made the spying greenettes heart skip a beat.
He wasn't sure what this feeling was but he couldn't help but state at the girl in awe.

'Maybe this is part of her quirk?
Perhaps that's why she kept her face hidden?'

Izuku pondered to himself and realised he was an idiot and needed to save the girl he felt this unfathable attraction to.
Luckily for him he had the element of surprise and could use his borrowed quirk to enhance his speed.
He shot towards them grabbing her by her beautiful naked waist as he sprinted away. His cheeks flushed red and his nose bled so much from the demon girls half naked torso being pressed up against him as he ran; that he now fault extremely dizzy.
He ran and ran for what felt like forever untill he was certain that Dabi had completely lost him.
Izukus eyes scanned every inch of her beautiful body as he let go of her. She noticed this and instinctively covered her with her black leathery wings, "I could have taken them myself you know." The small Demon girl huffed blowing her hair from her face in a very Tsundere manner.
At this the Greenette panicked and started mumbling apologies to the girl and bowing.
The girl raised an eyebrow and raided her hand to her lips trying to hide the grin but she couldnt help it a loud joyous laugh emerged from her perfect full lips and she watched him grow flustered.
"Dont apoligise," she tilted her head to the side and gave the boy the most welcoming smile, "you saved me today... You're my hero!"
Dekus heart warmed.
He suddenly knew his life had perpose again. Izuku Midoria vowed to keep her safe and wanted desperately to make her his.
His obsession was born that day.

'She might look like a demon she's an angel!'

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