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"I'm pregnant and I need him!" Of course this was a lie, a logical ruse my brain concucted in the hopes of keeping Shoto alive, we'd only done it once. Of course Shoto wanted it desperately but I'm definitely not ready for that.
My body was weak and my legs gave out from under me. The smell of my burning leathery wings filled the air and my world faded to black.
Shoto sat on a sheet of ice cradling me in his shaking arms, his brow furrowed in confusion and pain.
"Damn it!" Katsuki hissed covering his face with his hands tears pouring. He couldn't bear to look at you, the smell of burning making him nauseous. He rocked back and forth slightly whispering barely audible words to himself, "I didn't want to hurt her. I love her. How am I supposed to forgive myself. I don't deserve her."
Izuku walked towards Shoto, his aura surprising less mensing. He almost seemed sane. His hand reached forward petting my hair watching my chest rise and fall with my breaths before his eyes met his former bosses. "The only reason you're not dead is because she seems to care for you. If I kill the father of her child she may hate me," Izuku winced, "but the second you mess up or I find an opportunity to make you 'disapear' I won't hesitate.'"

The battle for now was over.

A thick heavy darkness covered my vision. My lids felt heavy as I struggled desperately to try to open them.
My small pink body was surrounded by blankets a beeping echoed around the room as wires and machines monitored my every heartbeat and breath.
It wasn't a hospital though.
At first everything was blurred.
But soon the rooms decidant decor came into view revieling that I was back in my bedroom.
After a few moments a young girl came into view, she couldn't be any older then 12. Her long silver hair framed her pale features and a small horn protruded from her forhead. She noticed me and smiled.
"You're finally awake!" She cherped sending me a chearful smile. I felt drousy and strangely... light? I looked beind me and to find my wings where completely gone. Tears filled my yellow iris's, ill never be able to fly again.
"I'm sorry. P... P... Please don't cry miss but I couldn't save them," she said a sadened tone making her adorable child lisp ever present in her frail voice. "when Mr Deku brought me here.. Your wings where already gone... I reversed your other burns but I don't have enough control of my quirk.. I'm sorry..." and with that the small girl bursts into fits of tears.

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