New Beggings

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I awoke early that morning to the sound of my someone knocking on the front door to my shitty apartment. A man in a suit with very pikachu looking hair smiled at me. He's extreamly handsome.
"You must be (y/n), Damn Kiri forgot to mention how cute you where," He winked at me.
"Do I know you?" I quizzed him.
"I'm Denki, I have a delivery for you!" he happily handed me a crimson box with a big ribbon across it, "Kirishima sent me."
I opened the box and gawked at what I saw. It was a beautiful expensive looking dark red velvet dress.
"Listen I gotta go beautiful," he grinned, " I cant wait to see you in that dress."
Seconds... Ticked into hours...
I was so anxious as I waited for the man. I'd done my hair and makeup hours ago and I pulled my dress on and gawked at myself, the dress clung to my curves in such a complimentary way astounded me. I already had very wide hips but this made them look even bigger making it look like I had a perfect hourglass body, there where even little slots in the back for my wings and tail to sit comfortably.
I posed infront of the mirror and took an obnoxious amount of selfies.

Finally Kirishima arrived

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Finally Kirishima arrived. He pulled up in a fancy ass bright red sports car. He smiled an extreamly manly smile, I was taken aback seeing him in his maroon suit and black shirt, he looked so dabber and handsome I almost felt myself salivate.
Damn what a man!
I thought to myself as I stepped into the swanky car. He turned to me and spoke, " the clubs not far from here."
Club? Great is he just taking me to strip somewhere else? I looked down at my dress. At least it seems fancier then the last place right?
He pulled up outside a large building two armed gunmen stood outside. I panicked seeing this, what if he brought me here to do something bad there's no way I could get away.

I felt myself breaking out into cold sweats as we entered the building.

Succubus (Mafia! My Hero Academia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now