🗡 Kachan 🗡

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Katsuki desperately tried to melt away the ice that trapped his arms. Normally he'd be able to burst his way out of the ice in a single moment but here he was... Hours later trapped.... And why?

He was exhausted....

... He couldn't sleep with you missing.

He couldn't eat...

Tears brimmed the outcorners of his eyes as he thought about (Y/N).

Where are you?

Icey-hot said something about Midoria!

It couldn't be that Midoria right?

The quirk less nerd?!

A sudden spark of rage ignited in the blonds chest as an exsesively large explosion completely shattered the ice prison. A spikey redhead who had been using his quirk to try to dig his boss out went flying across the room.
Kasuki, brushed flakes of ice of his taylored suit before speaking.
"Oi! Shitty hair!" Katsuki snapped at the boy who lay upside down against a cracked wall, "Get me Deku's address!"

Izuku's insane laughter could be heard down the street he held his bloody fingers up to his face covering his pale freckled cheeks in smears of blood. After at least an hour of this insane demonstration Izuku heard a cars pull up outside of his home and an oh so formiliar angry voice yelling at his pions.

You where never very stealthy where you Kachan?
Unluckily for him...
That's my speciality.

Izuku covered his mouth to hold back his laughter as he used his window to sneak out of the house undetected.
He crept between the well-kept bushes and plants that covered his lawn. The nightsky providing perfect shadows for Izuku to hide amongst.
He approached the line of red sports cars.
"Hey, calm down Boss! We don't even know if she's in there!" Kaminari hummed and crossed his arms.
"Yeh, but even if she's not we will totally find her soon!" cherped the pink haired alien girl happily.

None of them saw Izuku coming and by the time they saw him it was too late. A knife tore through the males muscular chest and Izuku's manic laughter echoed sending chills though everyone who heard it.

Succubus (Mafia! My Hero Academia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now