💥 Deku 💣

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Kaminari quickly shot a wave of electricity at the greenette and tape wrapped around his body tying him up and leaving him dangling from from a nearby tree. Mina skidded forwards pouring acid onto the ground underneath him blocking any escape method.
Blood dripped down from Kirishima's lips as he fell to the floor Katsuki quickly grabbed Kirishima's limp week body. "Damn it Kiri! The hell did you do that for!" Katsuki's eyes filled with tears.
Kirishima just flashed a toothy smile at his boss, "I was just... Doing.. My... Job" he coughed between words.
Katsuki's heart sunk. Kirishima's always been his right hand man, how's he supposed to cope without him? Tears now fludded from Katsuki eyes.
"He.. Y.. Boss... That girl.. Keep her safe for me...." Kiri gasped for air, " I don't know why but she's special to.... Me too.." He let out his last weak smile as his eyes glossed over.
"Damn it!" Katsuki yelled gently placing his best friend on the ground and running towards the dangling green-ette, "I'll kill you Deku!"
"Wait Boss!" said Mina a worried and sorowfull look in her eyes, "If you kill him now we might never find (Y/N)."
The realisation hit him and he growled annoyed at himself. As pissed as he was he doesn't want to lose (Y/N) forever.
"Kachan... You don't have her?" Izuku's eyes went wide. "Where the fuck is my angel?!" He screamed.
A blast shook the ground, "Don't play fucking games with me Deku! And if you call her Angel again I'll skin you!"
"I thought you stole her Kachan and I'm not afraid of you anymore,"He hissed tying to think of a way to escape, he could easily tear through the tape but that damn acid is a problem, guess I'll have to kill the girl next but first finding (Y/N).
Izuku franticly searched his brain untill...

Izuku whispered though crenched teeth annoyed he hadn't thought of it sooner.
"He seemed overly interested in her."

"Let's make a truse Kachan! We will find her together. Then we can kill each other!"
"HA! WHAT THE HELL MAKES YOU THINK I'LL AGREE TO THAT!" the blonde snarled, " I could blow your head off right now."
"I'm not strong enough to take out his entire gang to get to him but I was his right hand man. I can find them. I have the knowledge you have man power. You can't do shit without me Kachan!"

Authors note-
Dyed my hair blond/ginger in queritine and I need advice on if I should keep it or not ahhhh!

Authors note-Dyed my hair blond/ginger in queritine and I need advice on if I should keep it or not ahhhh!

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PLEASE COMMENT. I need advice.

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