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Authors note-
Sorry I've been the worst at updating, I just started my second uni year and it's killing me!

Bakugou Katsuki sat at his desk his rage making his face flush an unnatural shade of red, Mina was convinced her bosses ears would start pouring steam at any moment.
"The hell did you say Pinkie!"
"She was spotted entering one of Todoroki's clubs a week ago. We haven't been able to find her since," Mina sighed.
"You've known this for a whole Damn week and you said nothing!" He slammed his hands down against on the table his voice a deep burely growl.
"I didn't think it was a big deal, she's only just joined..." Denki spoke.
"Yeh why do you care so much Bakubro?" Kirishima winked obviously poking fun at his oh so scary bosseses very obvious crush on the new girl.
"Shut the hell up shitty hair!" he growled before leaning back in his large leather arm chair, he rested his chiseled chin on his arm seeming surprisingly calm for one. He let out a deep breath before speaking again," were going to go talk to Todoroki."
"What!?" Bakugou's loyal group of followers all bellowed out simultaneously.
"Like.. You do realise where at war?" Minas cherped, "we can't just show up on there terratory and have a casual chit chat!"
Bakugou's fist slammed into his hard mahogany desk leaving burns and steam in there wake, "He's stolen what belongs to me! I want her back!"

(Y/N) POV-

My body feels weak.
My wings feel heavy.
Theres something wrapped around my waist... Is someone holding me?

My eyes started slowly adjusting to the light as I turned to see a handsome half naked green-ette nuzzled into my collarbone, my wing wrapped around his body like a blanket.
I jumped and blush, confused and alarmed at the fact i was cradeling a man wearing nothing but his underwear in my wing.
Izukus emerald eyes opened and suddenly met my own, "good morning angel."
"How did I get here Zu?" I looked around the room to see, it was Izukus apartment however the windows where boarded up and the door heavily locked.
My thoughts where interrupted by a load growling, I held my stomach. Feeling so hungry it physically made me feel sick.
Izukus arms quickly found there way around me, "Ohh Angel you must be starving you've been sleeping for almost a week... It.. It must have been to strong for you... I got so worried..." his face turned almost manic, "I thought I was going to lose you... but your here now! Your fine and I'll make my angel happy."
He gripped ahold of my arms as he spoke, digging his fingers into me and pinning me to the bed. The pain was so intense it made tears form in my eyes but he didn't budge. He licked the tears of my pink cheeks before speaking again. "I don't like hurting you... You need punishment..."
His hands moved to my legs now, using his quirk to strengthen his grip.

Surges of pain coursed though my body.

I felt my leg bones snap in his grip.

And the world went black yet again.

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