Obsessions 18+

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Izuku's POV-

My beautiful angel lay sprawled out across my bed, her beautiful fushia hair lay messily across the white pillows and her wings wrapped protectely around her figure making her look like a cute little bat.
I feel bad spiking her drink but....

I hate the way he looked at her...
She belongs to me!

I felt a snarl forming on my face thinking about my boss wanting her.
I'm pulled away from my angry thought when I hear her stirring around in her sleep.
My cheeks flush seeing her sprawled across my bed, making me imagine all the ways I'd love to defile my angel on this bed.
Imagining her perfectly curvy body beckoning for my touch, my hand creaping between her legs making her scream out for me.
Wanting her to belong to me,
Dominating her.
Leaving my bites, scratches and whip across her.
I felt myself get hard and bit down on my bottom lip as I gently stroked myself.

I wonder how she'd react if she woke up and saw how much I need her.

Maybe I could force her beautiful face down on her new masters cock and make her choke until I cum down her throat.

Instead of recreating all my filthy thought I climbed into the bed and buried my face in her hair, getting intoxicated by the sweet strawberry scent.

wrapped the blanket and my arms around her lovingly wanting desperately to stay like this forever.

Maybe we could.

Maybe you never have to leave.
My love.
My angel.

I felt my mouth twist into an almost manic grin as I held her soft leathery wings in my strong arms.
I caught a glimbs of something red and gold from the corner of my eye and my smile quickly died.
Gently I pulled myself from her side to investigate the suspicion crimson.
(Y/N)'s purse lay sprawled across the floor.
I lent down tears now flowing down my cheeks as I looked at her tag.
She's a gold member of the red faction...

Was all of this a lie?
Was she a spy this whole time.

My eyes filled with tears and the pain in chest felt as though it was tearing me to shreds.
Her phone lay on the floor and buzzing with an ohh so formilliar name Bakugou.

I don't care what she is!
I don't care if she works for him.
She's mine.
She's never leaving me for that monster.

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