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The bi coloured man eyes the angry pomeranian man who was attempting to blow up the ice but to no avail. "Damn it!" He screamed, "where the hell do you think you're going icey hot!" Shoto sighed and left his now desheveled home marching towards Izukus home towards the intreging girl.

Izuku left. A few hours earlier, apparently being a villain makes you quite busy. I sighed dragging my broken legs across the ground painfully.
This is my chance for freedom! I need to get out of here. Tears filled my eyes as I thought of my once sweet best friend driven crazy by my plauge of a quirk.
Little did sweet Izuku know... His obssession gave me the strength I needed to escape.
I reached for the door crushing the handle and practically ripping the door off its hinges. My quirk fed off his love giving me this power. I slowly pulled myself up from the ground limping towards the outside world.

Two hetrocromic eyes spotted the frail limping girl. Her broken body making his icy heart ache in an unformilliar way. She winced in pain, she didn't even notice him slowly creeping behind him. Her body was covered in ice now. Her mouth completely covered by the ice making her quickly begin to loose contiousness. He pulled her from the ice quickly so she's wouldn't die from the lack of oxygen.
She lay limp in his muscular arms, he couldn't help but think how doll like she looked. It was adorable to him, a blush spread across his pale cheeks.

Succubus (Mafia! My Hero Academia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now