Future Mrs Bakugou?

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Rewind Bakugou's POV-
"Dude you're going to freak out when you see her!" The annoying pikachu guy said putting his arm around my shoulder.
I growl and push him off, "DONT TOUCH ME!" I sigh and roll my eyes, "I doubt this bitch is up to my standards anyways!"
"Less compitition for me then!" Pikachu put his thumb up happily.
"What does she look like?" Pinkie bounced in excitedly.
"Like if you and a demon had a baby," his annoying ass grin not leaving his face.
"GOD WHY ARE YOU SO ANNOYING!" I snap when I heard the door open.
My jaw dropped when she walked into her room, her red dress clung sexily to every curve of this women's perfect figure.
Honestly I always had a thing for a succubus.
How fucking hot would it be to have a sexy succubus fully submit to me. A hot demon wife on my arm has always been my dream but...
No girls have ever fit it perfectly,
Sure you'd occasionally see girl with wings or horns...
But this girls the entire sexy demon package.
She's mine!
I down the last of my whiskey and imagine her out of that dress.
I almost growled in excitement as a sadistic grin plastered across my face.
"O.... M... G... She's so cute!" The annoying alien bitch said excitedly. Way to state the obvious! Dumb bitch!
I stood up to so she would see just how much I tower over her. I stepped forward her adorable little face looked so shocked as I pushed her against the wall.
It took all my will power not to take her right now. I breathed down her neck I saw her body adorably shiver in antispation.
"Wow doll face... Nobody told me you where this cute." I lied thinking about the way that annoying Pikachu was drooling over her. I felt the sudden urge to hit him but I pushed that aside for now and instead I let a perverted grin spread across my face, "if the job today doesn't work out I can think of a job for a little thing like you," I winked at her.
I was exsedingly shocked when I saw her stunning yellow eyes glowing angrily, it kinda turned me on!
"I might be a mutant but Im not a fucking whore! If that's what you brought me here for I'm sorry..." Damn she's got a feisty attitude.
How does this girl have no fear when talking to a Mafia boss?
"Then I'm leaving!"
NO! I don't even know her name yet.
"Ignore Bakugou he's not being very manly!" obviously I yelled at him for that comment but I was extremely relieved he convicted her to stay.
Her expression was so adorable and almost dazed as she approached the stage my minions set up for her. She was obviously nervous I could see it across her beautiful features.
The spotlight shone on her making her illuminating every detail of her of her face, that voice... Its mesmerising and when she sung her stunning eyes and markings glowed.
What is this feeling?
I want to see this every day! It's breathtaking.
I couldn't help but blush looking at her, The future Mrs Bakugou. I growled excitedly thinking about making her mine. My cheeks where heating up.
Why do I feel like this? I just met her.
Those other idiots yelled for an encore. I wanted it to but didn't want those idiots thinking I wass one of them.
She smiled such a pure beautiful smile I felt my heart jump in my throat.
She's just sooo... "Beautiful." I whisper under my breath.

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