Part Of The Family

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(Y/N) POV-
I stepped of the stage; the small crowd of mobsters still cheering for me, my cheeks where flushed an almost neon shade of pink and I awkwardly played with my tail trying to stop my legs from shaking.
I smiled flashing the two razor sharp fangs I have on either side of my mouth.
This feels too good to be true.
"You're hired!" The pikachu boy Kaminari practically yelled with excitement.
This caused Bakugou to whack him hard on the back of the head almost knocking him to the ground​, "you don't make the damn desiciousins moron!" Bakugou turned to me his blush extremely obvious on his light skin, "but... Yeh you're hired. I guess." He seemed nervous, the ever so feared mob bass Bakugou was nervous? It must be my imagination​. I thought to myself as I bowed and thanked him.
"I'll need to interview you alone," Bakugou said his fiery eyes burning into me.
"Erm why?" Kirishima quizzed his boss.
"Isn't it fucking normal for a boss to interview someone before they work for them!" The ash blond barked defensively.
He lead me to a room in the back, I was reluctant but knew there was no saying no to someone like him.

Bakugou's (POV)-
Those adorable leathery wings of hers bounced behind her as she walked into the room.
I could see the nerves in those yellow eyes of hers thought she tries to hide it though that snarky attitude.
"You start next friday and you'll need safer accommodation if you're going to work for me," I growled. I'm lying to her of course. I don't care what happens to most of my employies but I know it'll be dangerous if any other gangs find out about my attachment to this girl.
Her slender brow raised, "what do you mean?"
"We will find you a suitable place to stay. I expect you to pack your bags the second you leave this place. I'll send some people to help you move tomorrow morning."
She had an almost dazed look on her face oblivious look in her round face, " you're giving me one night to pack up my entire house!? I need to let my landlord know and I cant ac..."
"I said to be ready for tomorrow! Don't question me demon bitch!"

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