Unhappy Reunion

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A screach.

A blood splatter.

Shoto grabbed me by the waist using his ice to prepel both us forward.
The sound of explosions could be heard across the home.
"How did they find us!" Shoto screamed his brows furrowed in frustration and gritted his teeth furoshiously.
"What's going on Shoto! I'm afraid!" tears filled my glowing yellow eyes. I felt a strange present within the home, multiple of those present where feeding my quirk. But why? Who are they?
Shoto continued to drag me away his eyes filled with desperatation.
He smashed though the closest window forming an ice shield around him to protect us. I felt the prickle of desperate icy tears fall onto my face.
I looked up from within his arms, we where surrounded.
"I won't let you take her!" he screamed, fire erupted from one side of his body. He was careful none of the flames touched his beloved.
I noticed one of the men physically tense at the sight of the flames going dangerously close to me.
This boy radiated so much emotion towards me. His blond spikey hair seemed oddly formilar and those piercing red eyes... Where have I seen them?
"Angel!" A cherpy, excitable voice came from behind us; sending shivers down my spine. "Ohhh how I've missed you." A messy forest green head of hair came into view.
"Who are you?" I muttered.
His eyes widened and Shoto pushed me behind him.
Suddenly my head started hurting, it felt like my skull was on fire, visions filled my mind.

My life.
My memory's.

Izuku lept forward knife in hand towards my duel haired capture. The explosive blond following suit, screaming the word die repeatedly.
Shoto fought back using both sides of his abilitys in unisen. He might have stood a chance of winning if not for Bakugous minions encroaching upon him.
My heart lept in my chest.
I... I can't let him die... I gulp jumping forwards, running towards him as fast as I could. Katsuki avoided Shoto fire leaping towards the other male with bloodthirsty intent. An explosion ready and aimed at his handsome features.
The explosion missed him entirely though.
Everyone's eyes now fixated on me. My arms wrapped around the hetrochromic male protecting him. My sleek black wings now burned.

"P.. Please do...on't hurt him."

The agony was overwhelming, I felt myself drifting in and out of contiousness. I tried desperately to keep my eyes open and focused.
"Angel! What're you doing he stole you?"
"Promise me... Nobody else has to get hurt..." my desperation was unbearable. Trying desperately to find the words to keep them from hurting him, "I'm pregnant. I need him." My body was weak and my legs gave out from under me.

Succubus (Mafia! My Hero Academia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now