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The clock struck midnight as I peaked down onto my goal. The moonlight glowed beautifully across the now abandoned park. The other children should all be in there homes and my parents where fast asleep! A mischievous smile plastered across my rounded face. 

Cracking open the window, I took one last glance around my surroundings to make sure nobody could see me before leaping down; my wings flapping clumsily around me as I hurtled towards the ground. 

As usual id made sure to cover my form completely, big sunglasses, clothes baggy enough to tuck both my wings and tale into unnoticed and a large hood to cover my horns and most of my face. excitement bubbled inside of me as i sprinted towards the swing set a giggle happily escaping my lips. 

My joy however was broken when I heard a noise.

The noise was small and quiet. So quiet infact that most people would have passed it by.

Curiosity caused my small feet to shimmy forwards towards the sound. The jungle gym was large and had a small yet ominous wooden play house sat in the middle. I gulped back my fear, visions of boogie men filled my innocent mind as i dragged myself forward.  Slowly I crept around the side of the tiny house peaking through one of the windows.

I let out a load breathy gasp at what i saw, a mass of purple curled into a ball sobbing alone. The boy looked up at me his lavender eye rises meeting my sunglasses covered ones. I jumped back away from the window in a panic ready to fly away.

"Wait!" yelled the boy his voice sounding almost desperate.

Pausing for a moment before tucking myelf behind a nearby bench, hoping he'd leave so I could fly back home. 

"Who are you and why are you hiding?" The boy quizzed raising his slender brows. My heart was beating so furiously I was certain he could hear it.

oh my god... the cute boy is talking to me! 

My cheeks where burning up. "Lee..leave.. me.. a.." My mind felt blank and my eyes whited out.

"Come out," the young boy demanded his bottom lip sticking out in a pout. My body stepped forwards on its own and my hood slowly fell off my head, revealing my horns and long hot pink locks. The boy looked at me slack-jawed his lavender eyes now sparkled with something i didn't recognize. He stepped closer his small hand reaching out to take my glasses off, "pretty." He blinked astonished. 

His quirk deactivated and his adorable eyes where glued to my now glowing yellow ones.

"Im Hitoshi, please be my friend!" my crush practically yelled his face filled with excitement before turning an adorable shade of pink.

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