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Authors note-
♥ Uft look at that cosplay ♥

Shoto owned allot of homes so narrowing down his location was quite a difficult task for Izuku.
Deku and Bakugou arrived at the 5th home they had gone though. By this point they Todoroki had to know they where coming right?
"Deku this better be the one or you're dead!" Katsuki growled showing his fangs to his green rival.
An explosion rumbled though the house. Blowing the doors of the hinges revealing a home decorated in white and gold.
But... It seemed empty. Midorias nose was hit by a formiliar strawberry scent,"(Y/N) she's here she has to be!"
"The house seems fucking empty to me Deku!"
"No Kachan I can smell her scent." Deku practically drooled at this point.
"Well that's not weird at all..." Mina whispered to the electric blond standing next to her in the doorway.
They tour the mansion apart looking through every room. Untill they came to a bedroom, the walls where covered in white wallpaper with a golden trim. The bed sheet where made of expensive silk. Izuku threw himself on the bed taking a deep breath as he nuzzled his head into the pillow. "This is where the smells coming from... She slept here...." He quickly went from fangirling too becoming angry when he caught the scent on the other pillow, "My angel didn't sleep here alown." He tore the pillow in his hand in two. "I'll kill him! I'll tare of those dirty hands that dared to touch her! She's mine!"
"So she was here psycho?" Kaminari walked into the room with a judgmental raised brow.

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