I Love You

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His hand stroked down my body. His long slended fingers finding there way under the silk nightgown that covered my curvy pink figure.
The light beeming from my bright yellow eyes practically lit up the room.
This carnal hungry passion was over whelming but something felt wrong to me. His fingers iched closer to my entrance, I grabbed his hand stopping him from going any further. A look of disappointment spred across his beautiful features.
"I'm sorry Shoto, I don't ever remember you... This doesn't feel right..." I sighed but he just responded with a warm understanding smile and a deep kiss.
He pulled away and looked into my eyes, "I love you."


Izuku fist crashed though the closest wall.

Where is she!
Where in the fuck did she go?!

He screamed and began digging his fingers into the wallpaper clawing psychotically at the walls untill untill his fingers bled.
"She wouldn't leave me!" his whispers turned into manic laughter. "Someone stole you angel! They must have! I'll get you back."

His mind despretly searched for any clue of where you could be. Then he suddenly remembered your golden tag.





I'll kill him!

The laughter echoed though the room as he imagined how satisfying it'll be slaughtering his childhood bully.

Shoto's POV-

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Shoto's POV-

She sat in bed surrounded by mountains of fluffy white blankets, I watched her. Every detail of her beautiful face is memorising to me.
"Shoto?" She smiled her sweet voice breaking me out of my trance.
"Yes love?"
"You're staring," She blushes, "if you want some of my pancakes you could have just asked."
"Hmm... Maybe I do want some," I blush before pulling her into a kiss tasting the sweet flavour on her lips.
"Delicious," was all I could say as I pulled away and caught a glimpse of her adorable flustered face.

This may have started as a lie.... But this feels so real...

Succubus (Mafia! My Hero Academia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now