Chapter 3.1: The Mini Desert Adventure

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Chapter 3: Autumn, the Red Snake of the North Fire Desert


Ten minutes had passed and the trio were still walking in the vast desert. Blaise was tired, Zephania seemed fine, and Autumn led the way in the front.

"I wanna go to sleep," Blaise whined.

"Then I'll bite you." Autumn hissed.

"Please don't." Blaise shivered.

"Then let's continue," Zephania said.

Blaise sighed as he moved his legs forward. Moving forward, he struggled. His legs wouldn't lift up. His legs wouldn't move and take a step.

"Um, guys, I can't move," Blaise said.

"You're jussst being lazy. Move it." Autumn replied.

"No, I really can't move," Blaise said as a bead of sweat rolled down from his forehead.

Placing his hands on his arms, he tried lifting them up, but to no avail. Noticing his feet were under the sand, his eyes widened as he began panicking.

"Help!!" Blaise shouted.

Zephania looked back to see Blaise slowly sinking into the sand. Autumn sighed and looked at Blaise before his yellow eyes widened.

"Idiot!" Autumn hissed as he quickly slithered through the sand.

Zephania walked over to Blaise, not seeming to mind the fact that Blaise was slowly sinking. Blaise, in a panicked state, swung his arms in the air.

Autumn, wrapped his tail around Blaise's wrist and began pulling him up. Despite pulling him up, Autumn tried the best he could even though he wasn't strong.

Growling, Autumn faced Zephania and yelled, "Hey Z! You better hurry up and help usss!"

"I'm coming." Zephania casually replied.

Autumn glared at Zephania who only continued to walk casually as if this situation were to be his everyday life. Zephania stared at the two, but mainly on Blaise; Blaise looked scared yet again. Sighing to himself quietly, he decided it wasn't the exact time yet.

Blaise was now sunk into the sand to his knees. Grabbing onto Autumn's tail, Blaise tried pulling himself up. Unable to due to the strength of the sand pulling down, Blaise didn't dare give up despite the fear of dying now. Never did he knew he would come across a situation at a time like this.

Zephania stood in front of the two and raised his right hand up. Blaise looked at Zephania in confusion and Autumn only watched, gripping onto Blaise's wrists.

"Air Technique: Lift."

A gray-colored circle formation appeared. Unidentified designs were on the circle and in front of Zephania's hands.

Blaise felt himself getting light and being lifted in the air. Looking down, he saw his own two legs dangling in the air. Autumn, too, was floating in the air but didn't seem to mind at all from the looks of it.

A mixture of confusion and childishness, Blaise grinned with excitement and went into a flying formation. "I can fl-"

Blaise fell from the air to the sand below him and with Autumn somehow on his head. "Fly..."

Slowly getting up from his position, Blaise groaned and stared at Zephania. Autumn had slithered off of his head to Zephania's shoulder.

"Hey, Gramps... how did you do that?" Blaise asked.

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