Chapter 4.0: The Four Coyotes

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Chapter 4: Coyote Attack


Blaise slowly opened his eyes, groaning in annoyance as the bright light blurred his vision. Slowly getting up, he rubbed his eyes and yawned. Smacking his lips, Blaise looked around his surroundings.

The cave he had slept in was now bright due to the sunlight in the desert. It was much warmer now than it was last night as it was cold, very cold. Looking for his two companions, he found Autumn and Zephania still asleep. Putting on his orange jacket, Blaise stretched and walked up to Zephania.

"Gramps... get up." Blaise tiredly said.

Zephania immediately got up, panting slightly. Blaise looked at Zephania confused, curious as to why Zephania had woken up like this.

"Oh... Blaise, you're up." Zephania said.

"Yeah..." Blaise muttered.

A loud growl was heard from Blaise's stomach. Blaise chuckled nervously and scratched his slightly messy black hair, blushing slightly from letting his stomach growl loudly.

Zephania chuckled and stood up. "I'll go get breakfast before we head off. For now, stay here with Autumn. I don't want you wondering in this endless desert without me by your side, okay?"

"As long as I can get food, okay!" Blaise exclaimed.

Zephania smiled and left the cave, searching for a meal.

Blaise sighed and sat on the rock he had slept in. Bored, he stared at Autumn and thought of what Autumn can do with him with Zephania gone. Shivering, Blaise sat further away from Autumn and stared outside.

"This world... a desert..." Blaise thought.

Despite the given information, Blaise was still curious. Zephania, his grandfather, having knowledge of this world and "born" here. Autumn, a talking snake, happens to speak and is somehow related to Zephania. The main question that got Blaise curious the most was the world itself. A fantasy world? Then that must mean dragons exist, right? Mythical creatures? Was this... really a dream come true?

Hearing the sound of a snake, Blaise looked at Autumn. Autumn was awake and seemed angry as he quietly hissed under his breath.

"Autumn, erm, what's wrong?" Blaise asked.

"Quiet, Guardian Hayessss! They're here." Autumn whispered.

"They...?" Blaise thought.

"I can smell it!" squealed a high pitch voice.

"I'm starving..." groaned a deep voice.

"Shut up! Both of you!" barked a female voice.

Blaise tilted his head in confusion. "There's people out there!"

Running out of the cave of excitement, Blaise was suddenly stopped by Autumn. "Whatever you do, don't go out there. It'sss dangeroussss."


"They're not people!" Autumn hissed.

"Then what are they?" Blaise asked.

Autumn sighed and released Blaise, replying, "They're coyotessss."

"Coyotes?" Blaise asked.

Autumn nodded and said, "Thossse coyotesss are dangeroussss. Essspecially thossse four outssside."

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