Chapter 9.3: In a Way

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Chapter 9: The Red Orb of Fire


Xidrem smirked. "I like people like you. So you know what, I'll let you have it."

Blaise's once ruby-red eyes that held determination disappeared and formed into confusion. "H-huh? Why?"

"Out of all the people and Elementals that encountered me, you fought me with such bravery. I was able to see through your facade of fear but you fought through it. Those who encountered me visibly cowered in fear and ran. Even those who dared to fight me trembled upon my presence. A mere human like you who fought me are one of a kind."

"So... I win then...?"

"In a way, yes."

Blaise looked at Zephania with the biggest grin he could put on. "I did it, Gramps! Autumn! Nix!!"

Nix flew over to Blaise, glad to see Blaise have survived. Zephania walked over to Blaise, approaching him. Blaise had scratches, bruises, and dirt all over him. His clothes were dirty as well and had little cuts here and there.

"Zephania, this boy is very different from the others. And I'm glad he was the last... right...?" Xidrem asked.

"Yes," Zephania replied.

Xidrem sighed in relief before turning around. Blaise stared at the fire dragon as Xidrem faced them again. In his mouth was the Sword of Fire and the Red Orb of Fire. Xidrem them placed them on the ground.

"Here you go, Blaise. It was an honor to fight you." Xidrem said.

Blaise walked over to the two items laying on the ground and picked it up. He suddenly let go of the two items.

"They're slimy!" Blaise exclaimed with disgust.

"My apologies. That's my saliva." Xidrem said.


Zephania walked over to the two items with a white handkerchief. Picking up the Red Orb of Fire, he wiped off the saliva before doing the same with the Sword of Fire.

"There," Zephania said.

Blaise held the Sword of Fire. The metal glimmering from the fire that surrounded the cave. He then strapped it onto his back where it once was strapped before the battle. But... the sword only fell onto the ground.

"Ah..." Blaise looked behind him.

The Sword of Fire was on the ground and that's when Blaise realized. The vines that were strapped around him had burned during the fight because of the fire that both he and Xidrem had done.

Blaise sighed in laziness and picked up the sword. Zephania held onto the Red Orb of Fire, staring at it.

"Now that I think about it, I no longer have a duty. I now have freedom. What do I desire? Nothing. Do you have a suggestion, Zephania?" Xidrem asked.

"Why don't you travel with Blaise?" Zephania suggested.

"Huh?" Blaise asked.

"How so? I don't think us dragons are common nowadays and are more rare to find. I'd rather not stand out." Xidrem said.

"I can transfer you into the Red Orb of Fire." Zephania offered.


"W-wait. Why are you acccepting thisss ssso easssily?" Autumn asked.

"Well, if Zephania suggests so, then I'll do so," Xidrem replied.

"Why lisssten to ZZZZ? What about the Great Alexxxander Xxxeno?"

"He's dead now. That's what I believe. No Elemental can last long. But I remain to him even after death. He told me before his death that a certain man of his bloodline will come for me, to give me a new duty. And that's Zephania standing before you."

"You're from Alexander's bloodline?!" Blaise exclaimed.

"Yes. But I suggest being quiet about it. Talks about the Xeno family are forbidden in the Overworld." Zephania said.


"It's about the war I told you before. Allexis Xeno gave the Xeno bloodline a bad reputation. Though Alexander Xeno slowly rebuilt the Overworld, none could ever forget the deeds of Allexis."

"Is your last name Xeno?"

"No. But I am connected to the Xeno bloodline."


"Other than that, place me into the Red Orb of Fire, Zephania," Xidrem said.

Zephania nodded and placed the Red Orb of Fire on the ground. Xidrem stood in front of the Red Orb of Fire, awaiting for Zephania.

"Placement Technique: Animate to Inanimate."

Xidrem's large dragon figure began turning into red ashes. The red ashes of Xidrem's body began flowing into the Red Orb of Fire.

Blaise, Autumn, and Nix stared in amazement; Blaise, being the most amazed one, seeing such an incredible thing.

"I'll look forward to our journeys together, Blaise," Xidrem said with a smile.

Blaise returned the smile and replied, "Yeah. Me too."

Then, Xidrem had completely disappeared and had been transferred into the Red Orb of Fire. The Red Orb of Fire glowed brightly in the color of red from Xidrem's transfer.

Blaise stared at the Red Orb of Fire. The Red Orb of Fire glowing ever so brightly reminded him of her favorite gem. Rubies.

Unconsciously, he brought his hand out to the Red Orb of Fire, feeling two attachments, one that was unknown to him and one that longed for it.

Blaise suddenly collapsed along with the sword he held.

"Blaise! / Guardian Hayessss!" Nix and Autumn shouted.

"Air Technique: Breeze."

Blaise floated in the air in front of Zephania as well as the Sword of Fire. "Let's go back."

Both Nix and Autumn nodded as they got onto Zephania's shoulder. Zephania then left the cave as the fire died out. The cave now remained empty in darkness, slowly growing cold from the fire that once remained to keep the cave warm.

Already out of the volcano with the sky painted in the color of dark blue, the moonlight shined brightly in the dark sky. The forest was lit up with yellow-colored lights hidden in the trees, grass, and out in the sky.

The sound of air flowing gently and softly crashing the nature and life in the forest of the Island of True Fire. As well as the sounds of the little night creatures that roamed at night making noises from moving, eating the berries, and such. The silent footsteps Zephania made were as gentle as ever as if to not wake up the day creatures that slept through the peaceful night.



Date of Publish: 11/15/19

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