Chapter 5.1: The Deep Shark, Blue

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Chapter 5: To the Island of True Fire!


"In the seas, there are only five levels. The first level is what we call 'Surface Level', simply because it is the surface by sixteen feet. The second level is called 'Light Level' as when you do enter by eighty-two feet. The third level is called 'Mid-Level' as, well, it is the middle area of the sea by one hundred and sixty-four feet deep. The fourth level is called 'Dark Level' since the deeper you swim into any parts of the seas, it becomes darker. The fifth level would then be known as the 'Deep Level' as it is the very bottom of the sea." Zephania explained.

"That's too much information for my brain to take up." Blaise groaned.

"Well, get usssed to it. Z hasss alwaysss been like thissss." Autumn sighed.

Blaise blinked in confusion of what Autumn meant. Z has always been like this?

Sighing, knowing well that he wouldn't understand Autumn, he asked, "Then where are we in the... um... blue sea...?"

Zephania chuckled and replied, "It's Reef Sea, Blaise."

Blaise pouted and blushed slightly in embarrassment. "Yeah. S-so what?"

"To answer your question, the Reef Sea isn't that deep as it is well known for being the third deepest sea by thirty meters. Currently, we're in the Mid-Level." Zephania answered.

Blaise shuddered as he gripped onto Zephania's strand of gray hair. Zephania noticed and stopped walking, facing Blaise.

"Is something wrong, Blaise?" Zephania asked.

"Can we go back up?" Blaise asked.

"We can't, I'm afraid. We must continue as the journey ahead of his is very important." Zephania replied.

"I don't wanna be here anymore! It's scary!" Blaise cried.

"What'sss ssso ssscary about the depthsss of the sssea?" Autumn asked.

Blaise stayed quiet as Zephania loosened his composure. Blaise's once yellow and bright aura changed into a very blue aura. Zephania understood Blaise and Autumn soon caught on.

"A-anywayssss, Guardian Hayessss, jussst ssstay clossse by Z. Z may not look like it, but he'sss very ssstrong and trussstworthy," Autumn said.

Blaise looked at Autumn and then at Zephania's figure. The loose robe he wore made him look frail. He has his doubt of Zephania's strength as he did look frail, but... Autumn sounded very confident about his words.

"But... what if it gets dark and Zephania loses control and the water drowns us?" Blaise asked.

"I can tell you're doubting Z, but you're only thinking worssse of the sssituation, Guardian Hayessss. Even though Z looksss weak and frail, he does have very powerful abilitiesss and is very strong with great combat ssskillssss. If you were to doubt him, you'd be disssressspecing him asss a powerful grandfather." Autumn said.

Zephania then ruffled Blaise's hair gently. Blaise looked up at Zephania with a frown and the doubt that still remained within his ruby-red eyes.

"Blaise, it's okay. As long as I'm here, it'll be alright. Remember when I saved you from that little coyote?" Zephania said.

Blaise nodded. "Then there's no need to fear of being the depths of the Reef Sea or any other seas. I can tell your fear is the very deep depths of seas or oceans that Earth calls, but those fears only stop you from your future. To overcome them, you must challenge them, even if it isn't easy."

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