Chapter 8.0: Let's Begin

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Chapter 8: Handling the Sword of Fire


Groans were heard on the transparent seaside of the Reef Sea.

"Did we really have to land in the water?" said Autumn.

Nix flapped her wings, flying above the water. She looked at her surroundings. A transparent blue sea, sand, little sea creatures, trees, and nature. It had been at least been her first time out as a grown Phoenix.

Zephania stood up as his gray robe was soaked from the water. Blaise, on the other hand, was floating above the water.

"Anyways, let's get back to where we started," said Zephania.

Autumn nodded as he slithered onto Zephania's shoulder. Nix flew softly from behind, watching them.

On the very next morning...

"Where... am I...?" Blaise murmured.

Rubbing his tired eyes, Blaise let out a yawn as he stretched his arms. Looking around him, he saw Zephania and Autumn asleep and a sword. Wait. A sword?

Blaise blinked multiple times and rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was seeing things. "Was there a sword? Why is there a sword? Or is there not a sword and my eyes are tricking me?"

"You're awake, Sir Blaise," Nix said.

Blaise looked above him to see Nix. "A Phoenix...?"


"A phoenix! It just spoke in my mind too! Telepathy?!" Blaise exclaimed.

"Is there something wrong with me being a Phoenix, Sir Blaise?" Nix asked.

"Do you have telepathy?!" Blaise asked in his mind, wanting to confirm it.

"Er, yes."

Blaise cheered before staring at Nix suspiciously. "How are you doing it?"

"Master gave it to me when I was born mute, being unable to communicate with others properly."


"The Fire Guardian who remains nameless."

"Oh? He was your owner?"

Nix nodded. "Anyways, I brought back a meal to eat this morning."

Blaise looked at Nix's claws. Nix carried four branches with red, orange, and yellow berries as well as some edible-looking green leaves.

"What's your name? I'm Blaise Hayes." Blaise greeted.

"My name is Nix. Pleased to meet you, Sir Blaise, in a much proper greeting."

"If the Fire Guardian was your owner, why are you here? Shouldn't you be with him?"

"For the judgment as you know, has been decided and you obtained the Sword of Fire. The Fire Guardian's purpose was simply to guard the sword and judge those who dare take the Sword of Fire. You, out of all of the opponents he had encountered, obtained it and have put him into his deep slumber. He told me to go with you as an order. That is simply why I am here."

Explaining to Blaise about her master, she gently placed the berries down for Blaise to eat.

"Oh..." Blaise muttered.

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