Chapter 8.4: Training Session has Ended

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Chapter 8: Handling the Sword Fire


Blaise kicked his leg towards Zephania's abdomen. Zephania dodged once more before swinging his wooden stick onto Blaise's shin. Blaise yelped in pain, hurt from the now throbbing pain in his shin. Still, he remained strong and endured the pain to continue the round. He couldn't give up yet. He couldn't end the round just because of his shin.

    Blaise let out a yell as he ran to Zephania once more. Zephania disappeared and reappeared behind Blaise. Blaise turned around, having been used to Zephania disappearing and reappearing from behind him.

    He swung his sword right behind him as Zephania ducked in the process. Then, Zephania thrust his wooden stick into Blaise's back. Blaise's mouth was agape as a little of his saliva was spat out. Blaise then fell onto his stomach and dropped his sword onto the sand.

    Determined to continue the round, Blaise stood up, picking up his sword. Panting, Blaise held onto his back where Zephania had thrust his wooden stick onto. It hurt a lot but if it meant for him to get more points, then he wouldn't give up.

    Blaise ran up to Zephania once more, this time, running in a zig-zag formation. Zephania focused his eyes on Blaise as he ran in a zig-zag formation. According to his observation, due to Blaise running around the island, Blaise has a lot of stamina that would last the whole day. To decrease his stamina more, he would have to force Blaise into using all of his stamina.

    Blaise jumped into the air as soon as he got close to Zephania. Zephania jumped into the air as well, seeing Blaise's expression grow into frustration.

    Blaise sighed, murmuring inaudible words to himself before slicing his sword on Zephania's shoulder. Zephania blocked the sword with his wooden stick, which now had another cut, but the cut was slightly deeper than the other Blaise had given the other time.

    Zephania took this chance to kick on Zephania's hands, noticing how the sword had cut into the wooden stick. Kicking Zephania's finger, Zephania endured it, holding onto the wooden stick tighter.

    The two began falling in the air. Blaise panicked as he tried kicking Zephania's fingers with much more force. Zephania continued enduring the pain, watching Blaise continue kicking his fingers off with frustration in a panicked state.

    Unable to get Zephania to release his fingers onto the wooden stick, the two fell onto the sand. Blaise immediately stood up with his sword in both of his hands and in front of him. Zephania casually stood up, dusting off the sand on him.

    While Zephania dusted off the sand on him, Blaise took notice of Zephania's wooden stick; it was gone. Smirking, Blaise took this chance to take down Zephania and began running up to Zephania.

    Zephania scanned the area to search for his wooden stick. Sadly, by the time they both fell, Zephania had released his grip onto the wooden stick. Unable to find the wooden stick in time, Blaise had won the round once Blaise had his sword right up against Zephania's neck.

    "You're doing quite well today, Blaise," Nix said.

    Blaise grinned and proudly said, "All because of that training from those nights and your words."

    "My words?" Nix asked, tilting her head.

    "Yeah. Remember yesterday when we began training like this? Well, I decided to listen to your words and this is the result, so thank you, Nix." Blaise said.

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