Chapter 7.0: The Temple of Fire

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Chapter 7: Obtaining the Sword of Fire


A week had passed with Blaise training. Blaise was slowly improving his Fire Blast, making it slowly grow bigger. Zephania, of course, helped Blaise with his Fire Blast and trained with Blaise. Autumn would relax on the rock, watching the two out of boredom.

"Ready to go?" asked Zephania.

    "Give me a few more seconds," replied Blaise.

    Blaise placed his yellow scarf around his neck and wrapped it around him. Closing his eyes and smelling it, he smiles in delight.

    "Now?" asked Autumn, slithering onto Zephania's shoulder.


    Blaise then walked over to Zephania as Zephania began leading the way.

    The trio had their week of training over. Now, they were heading to the Temple of Fire which was said to have the Sword of Fire. Zephania led the way and stated it would take at least a few days there.

    "What am I going to do after I get this Sword of Fire?" Blaise asked.

    "We're going to go obtain the Red Orb of Fire and you'll go search the other orbs with other companions," Zephania replied.

    Blaise tilted his head and asked, "With other companions? What's that supposed to mean?"

    "I'm giving you a task, a journey to fulfill for me and for you to understand yourself. At your age, you must be curious about who you truly are, and this journey will help define who you truly are, Blaise."

    Blaise had his doubts for Zephania and this was one of the times he held little doubt for the old man. Sure, the two completely trusted each other, but he didn't exactly have faith in Zephania completely. Zephania seemed lazy when he watched him run the entire island; the thought of it annoyed Blaise.

    "Whatever you say."

Thirty Minutes Later...

"We're finally here," Zephania said.

    Blaise panted quietly as he had an expression that was written -- I hate this -- all over his face. Autumn laughed quietly to himself at Blaise since he simply rested on Zephania the entire way.

    "Why did we have to take that path?" Blaise asked.

    "It was shorter and faster than the way to here," Zephania replied.

    "But it took thirty minutes to get here." Blaise deadpanned.

    "Which is a good exercise for you," Zephania said.

    "Anywayssss, how do we enter thissss, ZZZZ?" Autumn asked.

    "Normally, we'll have to enter by placing our hands on the entrance since the Temple of Fire scans one's hands to determine your strength. But with me here, it'll be simple considering that Blaise isn't on that type of level yet." Zephania explained.

    "I ran for a week, punched a tree a few days, mastered the Fire Blast Technique and yet, I'm still not strong enough," Blaise squatted down, hanging his head down, "I see how it is..."

    Both Zephania and Autumn ignored Blaise's moping as Zephania placed his hand onto the entrance of the Temple of Fire. Zephania began chanting inaudible words as a glow appeared beneath his palm.

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