Chapter 5.0: Journey in the Reef Sea

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Chapter 5: To the Island of True Fire!


"Guardian Hayessss," said Autumn.

    Blaise groaned and turned his head away from the voice.

    "Guardian Hayessss. Wake up." Autumn said.

    "Five more minutes..." Blaise mumbled.

    "You leave me no choice." Autumn sighed.

    Blaise felt his body being wrapped by a slippery figure around his torso. When the slippery figure had stopped wrapping around itself around his torso, there was only silence. Blaise slowly opened his eyes lazily in curiosity. What he saw terrified him. Autumn's mouth was wide open in front of his face with saliva from his teeth dripping to his tongue.

    Blaise's ruby-red eyes widened.


"Get away from me!" Blaise shouted.

    Blaise hid behind Zephania as Autumn tried approaching Blaise.

    "What happened?" Zephania asked.

    "He tried eating my face off!" Blaise exclaimed.

    "I wasss only trying to wake you up sssince you wouldn't get up!" Autumn shouted.

    "Well, that's not how you wake people up!" Blaise yelled.

    Autumn clicked his tongue in annoyance and left the cave. Zephania turned to Blaise who was upset.

    "At least you're still in one piece," Zephania said.

    Blaise nodded with a pout expression.

"Anyways, let's get going. We have a long trip ahead of us."

    Blaise tilted his head curiously and asked, "To where?"

    "I'll tell you when we get there."

    A few hours had passed and the trio walked in the North Fire Desert. The walk to wherever Zephania was leading them was quite the trip.

    Autumn would slither onto either Zephania or Blaise to rest on their heads or shoulders. Blaise would complain every ten minutes if they were their yet. Zephania remained quiet as Autumn would have a small fight with Blaise about his complaints.

"We're here," Zephania said.

    A small gust of wind blew Zephania's long gray hair. Blaise's hair slightly moved from the wind as well as his orange jacket and yellow scarf.

    The trio stood on a cliff that wasn't too high but wasn't too low. In front of them was a vast blue sea and only sand. The sounds of the calming waves rising to the sand and returning into the water was soothing.

    Blaise's eyes widened at the sight as a smile formed on his lips. It has been such a long time ever since he had ever seen a blue, calming ocean with his own eyes.

    "A beach!" Blaise exclaimed.

    "Beach?" Autumn asked.

    "According to Earth beings, a beach is simply the view in front of us, Autumn. A beach is also filled with people who wear revealing clothing and spend their time here for fun." Zephania explained.

    "Oh... that'sss odd." Autumn deadpanned.

    "It's not!" Blaise said.

    "What makesss you sssay that, Guardian Hayessss?" Autumn asked.

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