Chapter 4.2: Merciless

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Chapter 4: Coyote Attack


Blaise continued crying in pain as he tried pushing Oliver off. Oliver had a sadistic look plastered all over his face. The taste of Blaise's blood was one of the best he had ever tasted. The meat Blaise had in his leg was delicious. Blaise... was the perfect food.

"Blaise... don't give up."

Hearing the voice, Blaise's body moved on his own. Digging his nails, Oliver winced and only bit deeper into Blaise. Blaise gritted his teeth as a bead of sweat rolled down from his head.

"Go... away!!" Blaise shouted.

When Blaise used his full strength into digging his nails deep into Oliver, Oliver released his mouth from Blaise. Oliver stumbled backward as he winced in pain of the wound Blaise had created.

Blaise panted softly as he tried gaining his balance. His leg hurt like hell, but he had to continue to live. Luckily, he was wearing black jeans and though there were two holes, the wound was at least covered, or so he thought.

Regaining his vision, Blaise looked at his hands. His ruby red eyes widened as he looked at his hands in shock. His fingers were bloody... Looking at Oliver's wound, he saw Oliver's back with at least ten holes that had bloodstains.

"I... did it..." Blaise muttered.

"Yeah, yeah! Damn it hurts like hell. Tch, if you're willing to go this far for wounds like this, I'll be glad to make it further than this!" Oliver yelled.

Running at Blaise at full speed, Blaise could only stand there. He was wounded and now defenseless, also traumatized.

"What do you want from Guardians Hayesss then?" asked Autumn.

Kayetta sighed and replied, "Still as stubborn, aren't you? Again, for eternity, we simply need Handsome over there as food supply."

"Asss much asss you need Guardian Hayesss for food, he isss important to the world," Autumn said.

"What do you mean by that, Dear Autumn?" Kayetta asked.

"He'sss obviousssly one of them," Autumn replied.

Finn's hazel eyes widened in realization and asked, "Them?!"

Autumn looked up at Finn and replied, "Yessss, and what you four are doing isss terrible. To eat a Guardian isss a sssin. I thought you four knew better than thissss."

"I'll go ask Brother Shiriki. He knows best." Kayetta said.

Kayetta then walked to Shiriki who was surprisingly very quiet. His presence seemed to have been erased since their 'small' arguments.

"Hey fatty, get off of me," Autumn demanded.

"No," Finn replied.

"Then you shall be punished by Guardian Hayessss," Autumn said.

"Tch. That stupid boy over there is weak. It doesn't matter if he kicked me. What matters is that he's still weak, plus, he's injured which makes him even weaker now." Finn said.

Autumn closed his eyes, praying for Z's presence to arrive anytime now.

"Ah, what do you need me for?" asked a voice.

Autumn opened his eyes, and to his surprise, Zephania was here in an instant. "Z!"

"Hello, Autumn. What did you need me for?" Zephania asked.

"We've been attacked by coyotessss," Autumn replied.

"I can see that. Are they hungry?" Zephania asked.

"Yessss, and it ssseemsss they desssire for Guardian Hayessss," Autumn replied.

"Hey! Who are you old man!?" Finn asked.

"The name's Zephania. What is your name, young coyote?" Zephania asked.

"Finn," Finn replied.

Zephania turned to see Blaise staring at his hands. Zephania sighed to himself knowing Blaise may be traumatized and very confused about the situation.

"Autumn, take care of Finn. I'll take care of Blaise." Zephania ordered.

"Yessss, Z," Autumn replied.

Zephania nodded in acknowledgment and walked over to Blaise. Finn attempted to follow Zephania to stop him but was stopped by a small pain. Looking behind him, Autumn had bitten him from his left leg.

"I'm not going to let you go until we sssubmit."

"Nature Technique: Wall."

A green circle appeared in front of Zephania's palms with earth-like designs. The ground below the green circle rose above as Oliver ran into it.

"Are you okay, Blaise?" Zephania asked.

Blaise looked at Zephania as his ruby-red eyes glimmered at the sight of Zephania. Unable to speak, Blaise nodded and looked past the wall to see Oliver unconscious on the ground.

Zephania walked behind the wall and to Oliver. Looking at Blaise, he said, "Please stay behind the wall for a moment."

Blaise obeyed Zephania and stayed on the opposite side of the wall. He looked at Shiriki who was now conversing with Kayetta. Shiriki noticed and looked directly at Blaise. Blaise flinched and ran behind the wall.

Oh dear...

Blaise's ruby red eyes widened in horror of the sight he saw in front of him. In front of him, there was Zephania and Oliver. Zephania had decapitated Oliver's head as blood slowly gushed out of Oliver's now torn body.

"G-gramps... what is..." Blaise stammered.

Stepping back, Zephania stood up. "Blaise, I couldn't find any meals to eat and this little coyote happens to be perfect for it. Sadly, he had to pass, but we had to. After all, he did injure you."

Blaise looked away as he vomited from the sight. Zephania rubbed Blaise's back as the wall broke into pieces.

"What is this world...?"

"Let go of me!" yelled Finn.

Autumn sank his fangs deeper into Finn, causing Finn to collapse. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!!"

Autumn released his now bloody fangs from Finn's left leg and bit into Finn's neck. Finn cried in even more pain as he tried removing Autumn with his paws. Autumn refused to be released off of Finn's neck and wrapped his entire body around Finn's neck.

As Finn slowly stopped moving due to suffocation, Autumn released his fangs off of Finn. Squeezing the life out of Finn, his yellow eyes were dull and were hidden with the pleasure of taking Finn's life away. Suddenly, he was pushed off of Finn and onto the ground.

"Brother Finn!" cried Kayetta.

Autumn lifelessly stared at Finn who was now unconscious with blood dripping from his sharp fangs. Kayetta cried onto Finn's unconscious body before glaring at Autumn angrily.

"How dare you!" Kayetta yelled.

Autumn chuckled to himself before letting out an evil-like laugh. "Me? Hahaha! How funny of you Kayetta."

Kayetta continued glaring at Autumn. Autumn's yellow eyes grew lifeless as a sadistic expression was written all over his face.

"Itsss all of your guysssss' faultsss for approaching usss in the firssst placcce."


Date of Publish: 07 / 15 / 19

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