Travel Through Time Chapter 2

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  I am really shocked though when I get engulfed by the arms of the chocolate brown eyed man, "I'm alright, sorry for worrying you" I tell him and push against his hard chest. My mind takes note of the hard-muscled chest I'm pushing against though. He lets me move a little away but still has a hold of my shoulder's. "how do you feel, injured anywhere?" he asks I'm about to say fine when I take a breath and realise it is really painful to breath. I touch the back of my ribs "awe, I think I may have bruised my ribs but I don't think they are broken" I tell him as I feel around my ribs making sure none of them are broken. I feel the pain in my wrist as I push gently on my ribs, I look at the bruise forming around my wrist and then look at the man still holding me. Sorry I had to pull you quickly from the water when you fell, I nod and go to stand up. "What are you doing?" he ask's "trying to stand up" I tell him it really is painful to breath so I try taking shallow breaths. "So-yeon, they have gone to get a stretcher, so I can get you to the carriage then you will be able to lay down until we get to the palace" I go to nod, then think over what he has just said "what? Who are you?" I ask he looks at me a little confused "I'm Prince Yeoning, you do know where you are?" he asks concerned. I look around at all the people looking at me, I see one woman glaring at me and I get a strong feeling of dislike and then an image of her pushing me off the cliff comes in my mind. "Why did you push me?" I ask her, everyone looks at her and she becomes flustered and stutters "what, what are you saying I didn't push you" I move my shoulders and feel the pain from my bruised ribs but also form my shoulders where she suddenly pushed me. I move my dress to show my shoulder and the bruised hand print forming. I hear gasps and a number of people look away. The Prince looks at the hand print though and then pulls my dress back in place. He nods his head at someone and they take a hold of the woman who pushed me. Hang on! I think I wasn't pushed I.. my head starts to hurt and I gasp at the pain and then the world goes black.

  I can feel movement.  I seem to be gently swaying held by strong arms. What strong arms! my mind cry's. I open my eyes and gasp as I feel the pain from taking a deeper breath. "Good your awake again, we will get the royal doctor to look at you once we reach the palace," Prince what's it's face says. "Sorry, for the trouble, who did you say you were again?" I'm beginning to panic but don't really know why. Pull yourself together you're a strong modern woman! I look down at my clothes, where are my jeans? Jeans! What are jeans?'An image flashes in my mind but it's to quick for me to grab onto.  I put a hand to my head as it begins to throb again. "It's okay just lean on me, try and let your mind go blank and it was Prince Yeoning" Right Prince Yawning I think, "where is the palace?" I ask then say "Hanyang" answering my own question.  I look up at the Prince and find him smiling at me. "please don't smile at me like that! I'm finding it hard to breath as it is." I say and he chuckles, I blink and try to focus on my shallow breathing. I look around and realise for the first time we are in a carriage. Would have been so much quicker in a car I think, then blink 'a what?' my head starts to hurt more so, I try and relax, think of nothing I order myself. Which is hard when held by strong arms I realise. "I could probably sit on my own" I say "your back must be very bruised, the bleeding stopped but if I don't hold you like this then your wound my open again," he replies. "Bleeding? Do you think I'll need stitches?" I ask "we'll know more once the doctor has taken a look, it'snot much further now" he tells me. I close me eye's and sleep washes over me.

  "How is she doctor?" I hear as I begin to wake up, I'm laying on my side with my back to the voices "she is very lucky, the biggest wound was a clean cut so will heal well. There are a few minor cuts that I've had to stitch the best I could as they weren't so straight. I will leave some pain relief that she will need to take every two hours.  I will be back later to clean the wounds and check on her" I hear footsteps leaving. I open my eyes and find that I'm laying on a bed my clothes have been changed and I'm now in white gown of some sort, 'undergarment' 'thank you' I thank the voice in my head. "I must have really hit the water with some force and my head got bashed really good" I say to myself. "you're awake, how do you feel?" I go to turn around and groan loudly at the pain, my whole body feels as though it has been crushed. I felt the stitches pulling as I moved, "hang on I'll help you" the Prince helps me turn around slowly so I am now facing him on my right side. "medicine has been rubbed into your back to help with the bruising" I nod and rub my shoulder and then my wrist. The prince picks up a small round dish and lifts the lid "can I? It will help the pain and the bruising" I nod and pull the top down over my shoulder so he can put the medicine on. He rubs it in all the while looking at my face, so I try and not let it show that even his gentle touch hurts. "It's a wonder I didn't wake up while the doctor stitched my wounds or while I was being moved" I say to distract me. "The doctor held some medicine to your nose to help you sleep, he had to do it a few times during his care of you. He has the nurse making medicine for you to ease the pain" he tells me. He has a strong smooth voice which reassures me, when he finishes rubbing the medicine in, he helps put my clothes back in order. Do you want it on your other shoulder?" he asks "yes please, both are aching. I don't know what I did to that woman for her to push me with such force, I could have died" I say then a thought hits me and makes my body ache more "she wanted to kill me?" I squeak.  I'm finding it hard to breath again and grip onto the arm in front of me. "It's alright, I'm here and your alive. Just listen to the sound of my voice and try and breath normally" he instructs normally what the hell is normal, I've travelled back in time to a place that doesn't even have cars, I scream in my head then grimace as pain shots through my head. 'it's alright, you'll do fine' a hear the voice in my head say "thank you" I answer. "It's my fault really, everyone wants to be married to the prince" says the Prince.  I try and laugh then gasp as pain rocks through my ribs, "please don't make me laugh, it hurts" I plead. The Prince has finished rubbing the medicine into my other shoulder and I let go of his arm so he can move, he moves from squatting in front of me to sitting on the bed next to me and takes my hand and pulls back the arm of the undergarment so he can rub some in the bruise there. There you go, you said undergarment, the voice in my head says trying to reassure me. When in fact, I think I'm going a little mad. "Am I allowed a sip of water, please" I ask to distract me from my thoughts. The Prince finishes what he is doing before lifting my wrist to his mouth and kissing it. "I'm sorry I used such force, but my heart nearly stopped when I saw you hit the water. Thankfully I was already in the boat and was able to get to you quickly, as I pulled you into the boat and saw your clothing turning red. I panicked even more. I rowed back with you sitting between my legs leaning back on me and I think the pressure helped stop the bleeding" he kisses my bruised wrist again before putting it down and standing to get me some water. I go to sit up but groan in pain, "no stay still, can you move your head a little?" I turn my head a little to the side and he tries to spoon some water into my mouth but most of it dribbles down the side of my face, he dabs is dry and then try's again. "This isn't really working is it?" he asks "do you have any straws?" I ask back "Straws?" he questions. I think then say "is there any young bamboo about or a pond with reeds in it?" I inquire "There is a pot of bamboo in the next room" he answers "if you cut about a finger length off then wash it.  Cutting the small branches from it, should make a good straw" I finish. My head throbs as the Prince goes into the next room and then comes back with a small cutting of bamboo. He strips is of the few small shots coming from it, then pours water over it and through it. he holds the small bowl of water and the bamboo up to my mouth and I take a sip of water. I swallow and take another small sip, "thank you" the Prince moves the bowl and bamboo back to the table. "what a good drinking aid, when one is ill in bed" he says I smile and feel my eyes closing "no, you can't go to sleep yet. You need to take your medicine to help with the pain" I open my heavy eye's and give a small nod I start to sing to keep myself awake.

Like a small boat on the ocean

Sending big waves into motion

Like how a single word

Can make a heart open

I might only have one match

But I can make an explosion.

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