Travel Through Time Chapter 27

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  I get a kiss before he says "I will tell Un and he can help Keon-hi pack, we will tell your brother when we meet for dinner.  I will have his teacher give him a number of books he can study.  Now I also have these to give you" he brings three knives from behind his back for me to see.  I look at the knives and feel their weight, they are similar to mine but a little slimmer.   "They feel good and would fly throw the air quicker than the ones I have now.  I've asked for knives for my close servants because I think that will help them protect themselves and me.  These are fine knives thank you" I give him a kiss and hug him.  "Good I'm glad you like them I've bought a number of them.  Then you can hide around our rooms or wherever you would like them for you to feel safe" he kisses me,  "I need you to listen to another few reports and help me figure out the punishment to set."  I get off his lap and listen to the reports.  One if about a man who stole a bun from a baker, but it was found that the baker had not paid him for the weeks he had worked repairing and servicing his ovens.   "I think the unpaid employee should receive no punishment. I would ask if he or his wife could bake and if either one of them can, let them take over the bakery.   Give the baker 30 paddles and tell him he has to do 100 hours of community service sweeping the streets and keeping them clean.  He also should lose his bakery as you can bet it isn't the first time, he hasn't paid for work done."  The Prince writes a note then we talk about the next case.  A noble has been reported by one of his concubine's family that he has been mistreating her and his wife makes her clean the commodes and is often told to sleep outside. "The noble man and his wife should be publicly beaten.  All his concubines should be asked if they have complaints about how they have been treated and give them the option to go back to their families.  The noble man should do 100 hours community service by washing dishes at the local brothel.  His wife should be made to clean the commodes at the local brothel for a month.   I hope this would make them realise what it is like to be belittled and abused" he nods and gives me the next.  I read it and take a deep breath that does nothing to ease my anger.  The son of a noble has raped a number of young girls some of which are now pregnant.  "Cut his manhood off, brand his cheek with the word rapist, strip him of his title and sale him as a slave.  Paddle the parents as they haven't taught their son properly and have ignored his wrong doings.  Make them pay for the up keep of the children he's sired.  Make them read over the teaching of proper conduct and get them to write a letter each to you, of the reasons why they were punished and how they will improve their attitude" I say.  "I like the idea of community service.  I think if it is nobles involved in wrong doings then they should give a percentage of their wealth to the community health program too.  This will benefit the people in need of help" the Prince adds. We look at a few more and I give my ideas on punishments. Once we have finished the Prince writes out his orders and Hun take's them away before bringing in dinner.  My brother joins us and we tell him about our plans and he agrees to come with us.  I walk back to his quarters with him and see if he needs anything.   I kiss his cheek goodnight and leave him to settle for the night.   I walk back to our room and walk out to the garden where the Prince is talking to Un.   I walk to his side and put my arm around his waist he puts his around my shoulders, "we should be ready by sun raise the day after tomorrow, have them make us breakfast to eat on the way" Un bows and leaves. "Is this how our life will be? Investigating people, then arresting them and either punishing them or waiting for the King to hand down punishments?" I ask. The Prince moves so he is standing in front of me.  "The King and I hope that when the ministers realize that they will be punished for their crimes, they will change their ways.  Maybe just a couple more and they will get the hint" he kisses me "and we get to leave the palace" he adds.  I hug him as I think about leaving the palace and what might wait for us.  "We should have guards follow some way behind us in case we are being followed, after Gangwon the ministers that are doing wrong might have people keeping a watch" I suggest. "Un arrange it" the Prince says "yes" Un replies, I have my medicine and some honey water before washing and getting ready for bed.  "I've slept a lot but I feel tired again" I tell the Prince, "you have been through a lot, now get into bed" he orders.  I get into bed and the Prince lays next to me.  "As your sick at the moment you don't have to sleep naked but when you've fully recovered, naked for bed" I giggle "demanding much?" He unties my top and pulls it open so he can see my breasts.  We kiss and hug each other before he snuggles into my breasts and we both fall asleep.  I wake with the call of nature.   I try and move out of the Princes arms but he pulls me back.  "I need to pee" I whisper he kisses my breast and then lets me go.  I climb over him and go pee.  I peek out the garden door and see that the sun will be raising soon.  I get a wash and put on my clothes, I walk over to the bed and shake the Prince awake.  "The sun will be out soon, and I want to make sure my brother is prepared to see the witch pulled apart."   He wakes slowly and pushes himself up so he's sitting. "I didn't get to kiss your breasts good morning" he pouts "sshh" I say putting a finger to my lips. A gleam comes into the Prince's eyes.  I swallow wondering what he has just thought of.  "I'm going to shout for all to hear next time I don't get my morning snuggle" he says.   I look at him and put my hands on my hips to argue, but he opens his mouth wide to shout.  I quickly untie my tops and open them.  The Prince picks me up and sits me on his lap and snuggles into my breasts.  "What are you going to do when we have a child and they swell from milk and a child demanding to be fed?" The Prince kisses one breast and then the other, "good job you have two then." My mouth fall's open and I can't think of anything to say. The Prince sucks on a nipple and I groan, "you have to get ready for court, don't forget to look a little ill?" I tell him.  He groans and gives me a little nip before releasing my breast.  He gets washed, dressed and to pay him back for earlier I sit on the bed with my tops open and leaning back on my hands. The Prince starts to walk towards me and I start to pull the under top closed, he dives and stops me.  Pushing me back on the bed, "tease" he tells me before taking my breasts into his hands and squeezing them.   He growls lifts up my hips and pushes my skirt up and then pulling my pants down and off in one motion. "What are you doing?" I gasp, he pulls his pants down and pulls his top up.  I watch as he pulls me to the edge of the bed and plunge's into me.   I cry out and grip his shoulders, he pulls out and pushes in again.  I still feel a little tender from yesterday, I see the peppermint oil and uncap it then drip some on his member as he pulls out, I rub it quickly in before he slams back into me. The peppermint feels as though it is heating up, not in a bad way though. The Prince keeps thrusting in and out which has been made a little easier from the oil.  I groan and cry out as sensations over whelm me.   I take his nipples between my fingers and tweak them, his member throbs inside of me.  I pinch his nipples between my fingers and hold them like that for a couple of thrusts then pull my fingers away.  The Prince groans and slams into me hard, he pulls my legs so my ankles are resting on his shoulders.  The angle change helps him hit all my sensitive areas.  I cry out as he thrusts in, he quickens ups and then uses his thumb to rub my sex.  I cry out as I spill my hot cum all over him, he slams in again and I feel his orgasm hitting my walls.  The Prince thrusts in and out until all his seed has been spilled and I'm finished.  He falls on top of me, "now I'm going to be late.  I don't want you to wash my smell off of you, it will be your punishment.  I'm not going to wash your scent off of me, so all the ministers know that I made love to my wife before coming to court" the Princes words cause the walls of my sex to contract around him.  He laughs and pulls out.  He helps pull up my pants and then rights his own clothes.  He helps me up, "time for a quick breakfast, I will send someone to fetch you and your brother so they can bring you to the square in time for the execution" he informs me.  My stomach rolls at the thought, I sit and wait for breakfast to be brought in.  I don't have much of an appetite but I have a little so the Prince won't worry.   He leaves just as Jin-hyeok comes in, he sits and starts to eat.  I keep the talk to our trip the next day until he's finished and the food has been removed. "What would you like to do this morning?" I ask "Can I watch you shoot your arrows and throw your knives?" he requests "sure, let me put on the over coat it's easier to move around than a skirt" I go and change then we walk out to the garden I place the targets I've had made around the courtyard of the garden and then stretch out. Jin-hyeok joins in and copies my moves.  Once I'm warm enough I pick up my bow and arrows. I take a deep breath then twist, run and turn as I fire the arrows one after the other.  When I'm all out of arrows.  I take my knives and throw them.  I hear clapping and turn to find not just my brother but Keon-hi, Chang-wo and Un.  I do a little bow and then start to collect my arrows and knives Un comes and helps me "you shoot with such a fluid shot that you make it look very easy" he tells me.  "I've seen you shoot.  I'm no were near as good as you" I protest. "I'm standing still, I can't hit the target with the same accuracy when I'm moving" he informs me.   "My teacher had me firing arrows at trees while I did forward rolls in the forest, which I did for months" I chuckle at the memory of my aching and bruised muscles.  "I couldn't tumble and vault as I would normally.  I will be very happy when I'm feeling a 100% again" I add.  Before I walk back to my brother, "I'm going to change back and then it will be nearly time to head out" he nods at me and I walk to the bedroom and change back into my skirt, I use the commode and wash my face and hands. When I walk back out to the garden there is only Keon-hi sitting in a chair. "Your brother is just making use of the commode" she informs me. "We shouldn't belong, but it will be best if your inside if Un and Chang-wo are not about" I warn her.  "I was just waiting to say bye" she stands and waves as she walks over the garden in the direction of her own quarters.   Jin-hyeok waves from the doorway of our sitting room and I go and wait with him there. "Your Majesty the guards are here" Hun calls from beyond the door.  We walk to the doors, and put our shoes on and I feel for my knives at my back and then take Jin-hyeok's hand in mine.  We follow the guards to the square the Prince walks over and takes my hand, leading us to seats just to the side of the official presiding over the executions.   I'm relived when the witch is the first to be led out.  Her hair is in a tangle of knots, she has bloody clothes on, she pulls at her arms trying to stop the guards moving her forward.  She screams out that they can't do this, they tie the ropes around her wrists, ankles and one around her neck. I wasn't prepared for the one around her neck.  I swallow the bile that comes up my throat, I take my brothers hand.  I glance at my brother, I see the witch recognise him then me, she starts to cry and rub her hands in front of her crying sorry.  The guards lay her out and give the signal for the oxen to pull the ropes tight.   I swallow but keep watching, my brother grips my hand painfully.  The signal is given, she screams and then all is quite as she is torn limb from limb.  I have to swallow the bile back down again and I see my brother swallow.  I lean over "lets leave now, we've watched her end" I speak into his ear he nods and the Prince guides us back into the palace.  My brother lets go of my hand and runs to the wall and throws up, I leave him so he can gather himself again.  He walks back over looking a little pale but smiles for me I return the smile and we all walk back to our quarters.  "I'm going to lay down for a bit" my brother says.  I rub his back and watch as he disappears through his door, I turn and walk quickly to our quarters and as soon as I'm in the room, I grab a bowl and throw up in it. "I'm sorry" I say to the Prince he rubs my back as I clean my face.  I sit down and lean against him, "do you want to talk about it?" He offers, I shake my head. "I think I need to lay down too" I state, he stands and helps me into bed and stays with me till I've fallen asleep.

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