Travel Through Time Chapter 65

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    We wake in time to get ready and go to see the King.  Consort Bin is there she is beginning to show a little.  We have dinner with talk about general things. The food is cleared and the King dismisses the attendants. "We asked you to come because we have something to discuss with you both" the King states.  The Prince and I look at him waiting for him to continue "as you know my health, isn't that good.  I will be stepping down from the throne to spend time with Consort Bin and our child.  I ask that you be a good King and Queen that look after this Kingdom and its people" he asks us. "Your Majesty, are you sure?" the Prince asks.  The King nods "yes, I don't want the worry of the throne to make my health worse.  I think you both will help make this Kingdom great" he states.  "I will be announcing it at tomorrows court and then stepping down in two weeks time" he explains. "I wish you well brother" the Prince offers they hug and I bow to them both before we leave them.  "Wasn't that we didn't see this coming" the Prince says as we go down the steps to the sedan.  Once back at our palace we are both in our thoughts as we get ready for bed.  "I'm going to take over as Queen while I'm the size of a small nation" I say the Prince chuckles and then stops when he see's I'm not joking.  "You look lovely, and the people will be given hope that their new Queen is full of fertile land" he jokes.  I poke him in his sides as I wash up and then walk to the garden door letting Banjeom out.  Once he's completed his nightly duties, we go in.   The Prince is getting out of his clothes I strip and climb into bed. Banjeom jumps on chuff's to my tummy and settles down.  The Prince kisses my bump "night little bean be good and don't wake your Mum up moving about to much" he kisses me and then snuggles into me.  I close my eyes and sleep.  I see the Prince walking up to the great steps in the main square he has the King's robes and hat on, all the ministers are there to welcome him as King. I'm watching from my seat at the top of the steps, I see something from the corner of my eye and see Un move and say something to Second. The King starts the climb up the steps and just as he reaches the top step soldiers run in through the gates. Un whistles and then more soldiers appear through the gates and on the roof tops. The first soldiers through the gates look shocked and a number of them drop their swords. It's over before it's really begun the minister involved get dragged out and the coronation continues. The scene changes to me giving birth and a servant that I haven't seen before coming in the room with a stack of towels. I nod at Keon-hi and she springs up and grabs the woman forcing her to drop the towels and reveal the knife in her hand. Keon-hi kicks the knife from her hand followed with a kick to the servant's head. "Drag her out and kill her then take her to her masters then behead him for his sins" Keon-hi orders before coming back to my side I give birth to a very healthy boy.  The Prince and I wake at the same time and look into each others eye's "did you see all that too?" he asks "your coronation and the birth of our son?" he nods he kisses me then bends and kisses my stomach "thank you little bean rest now" he murmurs Banjeom licks the top of the Princes head before snuggling back into my back.  "We are very blessed" he tells me as he holds me tight.  We sleep a dreamless sleep until morning, we wake up and the Prince kisses me. I go and wash up and come out to see the Prince talking to Second and Un.  I wrap my robe tighter around me "is everything alright?" I ask "yes, my love" the Prince assures me.  I yawn as he leads me back into our room. "Sleep some more" he instructs and I nod and climb back into bed. The Prince calls Banjeom in from the garden "watch over them" he orders Banjeom barks then jumps on the bed and snuggles into my back.  The Prince bends down and kisses me "I'll see you for lunch" I nod and watch him dress then close my eyes and sleep. "Your Majesty Consort Suk is here to see you" Ri-na calls.  I wake and rub my eyes "tell her to come in" I reply as I swing my legs over the bed and stand up.  Banjeom jumps down and stands a little in front of me as Consort Suk walks into the room.  "I'm sorry were you sleeping?" she says "I've slept enough it's time for me to get up" I assure her.   We sit and have some tea Banjeom has his head on Consort Suk's lap.  She strokes his head as we talk and visit, "sorry I haven't been over I seem to need more sleep as my time gets closer" I apologise. "Nonsense you need to take care of yourself and my grandchild first" she chuckles "he does look like he's going to be a bonnie baby." I laugh with her "I've made bigger baby clothes because I'm not confident my first ones will fit" I tell her. "I hope you can deliver him alright.  I'm very worried about that" she says.  I take her hand "you needn't be, he will be born just fine as will all his brothers and sisters" I assure her.  "You'd think you've seen the future the way you say things with such confidence" she says. I'm saved from answering when I feel the baby kick and I place her hand on my stomach and he kicks against her palm. "The baby is telling you not to worry too" I tell her she chuckles. "I heard the King will step down and pass the throne to the Prince" she says quietly I nod "in two weeks, when the King coronation please have your personal guards at hand all of them" I warn her.   Although she looks as though she has a thousand questions she nods and squeezes my hand.  "My head guard demonstrated the new moves you've taught.  They are very effective" she praises. "Yes, some are only if we think there will be more trouble if they're not stopped immediately" I admit. "I have a very sure method to stop someone for you too" I offer. "Really?" she claps her hands I take out my acupuncture needles. "The Prince told me you where from a medical family and know a little about it" I wait for her to nod before continuing "if your get close enough to your attacker either from in front or if they are at your back.   If you keep some needles threaded in your cloths you can take one out and stab them with it.  Here in the middle of the front thigh" I demonstrate moving my hand behind me then pushing it out in front of me.  "They will be unable to move for about an hour giving you enough time to restrain them.  If you want to stop them calling out then another needle here in the neck will prevent them from making a noise" I teach her.  "Oh, that will come in very handy thank you" she claps her hands again. "I'll leave you now as the Prince will be back for lunch soon" she stands "why don't you wait and see him?" I ask. "No, he doesn't get much time with you already" I bow and then kiss her cheek. She waves as she leaves the room. I wash and dress just before the Prince gets back for lunch. We eat and then have a walk around the garden throwing sticks for Banjeom.

The two weeks have flown by the King is passing his throne to the Prince today, we have been very watchful of all palace officials and believe we have all our bases covered.  I'm feeling weighed down by the headdress and official dress and robe.  The Prince looks very handsome in his new robes and will become my King very soon.  He has told the court that I will have my coronation at the same day as to not waste money on another grand ceremony when there is so much poverty and hunger for so many of the citizens.  I've organised for all the soup kitchens to be opened to feed the homeless and hungry for the next three days.  Then offering bags of rice for the following four days. Thankfully some of the other noble families have also said they'd help with offering clothes and medicine.  I'm sat at the top table on the top of the grand steps within the inner courtyard.  All the officials are waiting for the King to come in, I'll not be able to call him Prince after today.  I'm a little sad about it as I know our duties will increase the former King and Consort Bin will be staying in the Western part of the palace.  The retiring King will take on the title of Seonhyn the Great.  I see the Prince soon to be King walk in through the central doors of the main courtyard.  I look around and see Consort Suk's main guard standing close to her.  The former King and Consort Bin have their guards too.  Banjeom is sitting next to the table close to my side.  Un is standing just behind me Second is on the roof Keon-hi is sitting off to my right with Fifth close by Chang-wo is outside the wall waiting for the signal to be given.  I have my own bow and arrows behind my back as well as my knives.  I know the Prince has his stars in his belt and boots as well as the sword at his side.  The officials can't see it as it's under his robe but its there.  Everyone bows as he passes and then he is walking up the steps to me, my eyes sweep the courtyard and I see movement near the side gate.  I turn my head slightly and Un moves ever so slightly from behind my chair. I see Fifth stand straighter and Consort Suk's guard looks around.  The Prince now has reached the top of the steps and turns around just as a number of soldiers run through all gates surrounding the officials. Un gives the signal and the guards within the main building at our back and the gates run out and surround the guard's that have just entered.  I see Second and the other elite guards come into view over the roof tops.  A number of guards drop their swords and fall to their knees.  There are a few clashes of swords but it is soon over as the elite guards subdue the rest.  The Prince whistles and three elite guards drag out three ministers from their places.  The Prince nods and they are all escorted out the eunuch's take away their tables.  I see one minster try and hide behind a eunuch and take out my bow an arrow I take aim at the thigh I can see behind the eunuch and shoot.  A cry goes out and I put my bow and arrows behind my back again.  The minister falls to the floor in pain and the guards drag him away.  The Prince then goes through his coronation and he is crowned King Yeongjo the officials all congratulate him by bowing and wishing him good health and long life. The King then comes and takes my hand I stand with him at the top of the steps while the degree is read making me Queen.  Everyone is told that I will be called Queen Jeongsun.  I accept the order and the officials bow and wish me long life and good health.  The food is brought out and the dancers dance.  The King and I chat with the people closet to us and the evening wares on. The elite guards preform a sword dance showing some of their talent.   An official stands up and raises his glass to us we toast and he sits down.  The King shows off his shooting skills with his bow and arrow hitting the target within the red centre.   I hide a yawn and rub my aching back "are you alright your Majesty" Keon-hi asks.  I nod "you know me all this sitting is not good for my mood" I joke.  The King comes back and sits beside me seeing me rub my back he takes over and his big warm hands seem to help a bit. The evening comes to an end and the officials stand and bow as the King and I leave.  We go into the main building which is now mine and the Kings palace, but we like the palace we already have.  So, we follow the secrete underground passageway back to our palace.  The elite guards make sure all officials leave the palace before the night guards take over. My back is really aching and I find it hard to sit comfortably so walk around the garden in the hopes it will help.  Keon-hi comes and asks if I'm alright, "I feel kind of heavy as though I have a watermelon between my legs" I tell her.  I suddenly double over in pain as a really strong contraction hit's me. "Hell, that hurts" I cry the King comes running over to me as I straighten.  "What's happening?" he asks concerned. "Nothing just a strong contraction" I say using his arm to pull myself fully straight. "Oh, I think my waters just broke?"

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