Travel Through Time Chapter 11

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  "I don't suppose you would take this off?" he says pulling at my top I laugh and lie down he pouts.  I turn to face him and undo my top and then open my arms to hug him to me.  He snuggles his face into my breasts and puts his arm around my waist.  I close my eyes and fall asleep with the Prince snuggled into me.  I sleep well for about four hours.  Until I hear a noise to the backside of the tent, I reach under the pillow and take my knife out.  I hear the fabric of the tent being ripped and I move my head and see a knife moving down the tent I cover the Prince's mouth and hold a finger up to my mouth.  I tie my top and wait for the person to come through the now cut fabric of the tent. The Prince has reached down and has his sword in his hand.   I watch as the figure moves through the split, our eyes have adjusted to the dim light but the intruder has to blink.  I throw my knife so he drops his sword and the Prince jumps up and holds his sword to his neck.  He pulls the mask down the intruder's face, "you saved me a trip" I say fixing my undergarments properly.  "I wanted to come and tell you, that I think we have a spy back in the bureau" he says "you're the spy," I watch his face closely and see I have got it right before he can school his face to show no emotion.  I nod and the Prince hits him hard at the back of his neck, "have you ever seen Lord Yoo?" I ask. The Prince shakes his head "I think this is Lord Yoo" I nod towards the body laying on the floor.  I walk up to the body and press my toes hard into his manhood and he cry's out.  "Didn't think he was asleep" I bring my elbow down hard at the base of his neck and hear the crack that I wanted. "What have you done to me?" he demands "I've cracked your spine.  You will not be able to move anything except your mouth and eyes but you can still feel pain.   I push a knife into his shoulder and he cries out but doesn't even flinch. "Good it's worked, let's gag him and get a little more sleep," I say.  The Prince ties a piece of rope to his foot and tie the other end to the bed.  Then gags him and we get back into bed, the Prince kisses me and then unties my top and snuggles into my chest again.  I chuckle "is this going to become a thing?" I ask he nods and smiles at me I hug him to me and I feel him take my breast into his mouth, I groan and run my hands down over his back. "Not really fair" I mutter and he takes his top off without taking his mouth from my breast. "You are like a painting," I run my hands down his back then I feel around his waist to his stomach and groan again as I feel his well defined six pack. "I want to lick every part of you" I tell him.  He chuckles and mumbles "please" I laugh "you seem to be consuming me at the moment" he chuckles again.  He leans away from me, and I moan at the loss of his warm mouth around my breast.  I get a look at his body, and growl at the perfection of it.  He laughs "you're not touching?" he asks.  I take my finger nails and run them down his chest over his nipples and take pleasure at the growl that leaves his mouth. "How many more days till our wedding?" I ask "three" after this sleep two" he answers.  "I don't think we'll be sleeping" I say as I wriggle down the bed so his chest is in front of me.  I stick my tongue out making it hard then run it around his nipple, I then give it a small bite and the Prince groans. I make his nipple very wet then blow on, and his body jerks and I smile to myself.  I blow on his nipple again then quickly take it into my mouth and suck it. "That feels good" he tells me, I suck a little harder and run my tongue around it again. The Prince's hip thrust forward against my legs and I feel his hard on.  I kiss my way down to waistband of his pant's.  I kiss him all around the waistband. Then stop when I'm at the front again, I peek up and see him watching me his eye's full of desire. "Should I stop as we are not alone?" I ask.  He smiles as he pulls the blanket up over his head.  I hook my finger into his waistband and pull downwards, his straining member jerks towards my mouth.  I lick the bead off the top, and it jumps again, I lick from base to top and then swirl my tongue around the top and he groans. "These things must be built into our DNA so we can multiple and prosper" I whisper and see goosebumps forming on his skin, "please" he says and I look up and see his eyes shining.  I smile and wrap my hand around his base and bring the head to my mouth.  I open my mouth wide and take him all the way to the back of my throat and then suck.  Before running my tongue all the way around.  I keep sucking while I pull my head back and stop when I have just the top in my mouth.  I run my tongue over and around the rim, then take my mouth away "I like this bit the most" I tell him while I suck on just the top and run my tongue around it, he puts his hands on either side of my head and gently pulls me up. "I had an accident when I was small and had to have the skin cut from the top. I always thought that I wouldn't get so lucky in finding a partner" I smile and kiss him then make him laugh when I wiggle my eyebrows while I wiggle down the bed again. I waste no time and take him right into my mouth then suck hard then stop relax my throat and take him further in and then groan and move my throat muscles.   I then pull away while I suck him until he is nearly all the way out my mouth and do it again, he thrusts his hips and I allow him to thrust in and out of my mouth.  I suck as he pulls away then curve my tongue when he thrust in, "I'm going to shoot my seed" he gasps and I suck on him hard "Ahhh!" he cries as the first jet hits the back of my throat.  I keep sucking until the very last drop.  I feel a little dizzy, as I lick him clean.  I wiggle back up the bed and he take's me by surprise when he kisses me deeply and thrusts his tongue into my mouth.  I blink several times when he releases my lips. I yawn and cover my mouth the Prince kisses my forehead and then snuggles into my breasts again I wrap my arm around him and we sleep.  I wake up to hushed whispers and stretch my arms over my head to get rid of the kinks.  I feel my right breast ache and lift up the blanket to see what it is and find it has around bruise on it.  I rub my fingers over it but it doesn't hurt, I peek over the top of the blanket to find both Un and the Prince are watching me.  The Prince has a knowing smile on his face, "did you.." I don't get to finish as he suddenly springs into action pushing Un towards the exist and saying "I'll find you before I go."  He turns to me and walks towards the bed, and I move over thinking he is going to sit on the edge of the bed.  He doesn't though he lifts up the blanket and lays next to me, he smiles then pulls down the blanket.  Which I try and pull back up, he holds it and strokes the mark on my breast. "You were fast asleep this morning so I left you a little reminder of me" I look at him then look at his thumb still stroking over the mark. "How did you make it?" I want to know "with my mouth" he kisses me and then snuggles into my breasts again. "It's time to get up, you have to go to the Palace. Oh! Why is Un back?" I ask "I sent word that we had Lord Yoo and that he could just send guards to search his house.  I wanted Un to be here with you, it makes me feel better about leaving you" I stroke his head and hold him to me. "Still time to get up" I say and he shakes his head and his hair tickles my chest and I giggle.  He looks up then smiles and he bends his head and shakes it so his hair tickles me again, I laugh and try to get away but he holds me in place.  I'm laughing so much that my still tender ribs begin to ache "mercy, mercy" I say between gasps and laughs. He lifts his head and his thumb brushes the side of my waist and I squeal.  I cover my mouth and try to plead with my eyes, but he strokes my side again and my body jolts and I squeal.  I jump from the bed before he can do it again and run to the over side of the tent, I'm to busy watching the Prince to realise my top is completely off until I feel the cold air on my skin.   I look down and then run towards the bed but the Prince catches me and holds me still as he sits down on the bed and just takes his fill of me.  I hear footsteps and before I know it the Prince has thrown the blanket so it is over my shoulder covering both him and me.  As Un steps into the tent, the Prince takes abreast into his mouth. "Ahh..shoo!" I try and make out that I sneezed and didn't just moan.  I turn my head towards Un "is his Majes.." he stops as he looks down and spies the four feet.  His ears turn red and he leaves the tent.  The Prince sucks hard on my breast then nips the nipple with his teeth before releasing me. "I'm going to called all sorts of names if this gets out" I pout, the Prince laughs "you have bewitched me" he says I look around wildly before looking at him "shh, if your mother hears of this" I don't finish my sentence as I know it will hurt him.  Suddenly I remember something "What is the Queen dowagers name?" I pick up my top and put it on while I wait to hear the answer.   "Her actual name" I clarify, the Prince looks at me and then tells me her name "Eun-sook" I grab the book and scan it until I come across what I'm looking for "Lord Yoo having had to much to drink told me that he gave away his illegitimate daughter to Kim U-Myeong as he knew he would have influence over the court if she became a consort to the King" I look up at the Prince and he is stirring at me with a blank look.  I put the book down and then wrap my arms around him and just hug him until he gets it, and he moves. "I have to show the King the book, it's up to him what he does with it.  If he asks you, if you've read it.  Just say it was full of names of people you don't even know" he watch's me nod my head.  "The court is going to be in an up roar over the treatment of the nobles anyway.  The King and I want to reform the courts though and get rid of corrupt officials and the schemes they plan." I kiss his forehead and then wash and put on my male outer garments, after tying my hair up and putting the headband back on.  I turn to the Prince "I'm hungry" he smiles, stands and holds out his hand which I take and we walk outside.   I try and take my hand from his when I see all the guards but he keeps a tight hold of it and pulls me to another tent.  We eat our fill, "I have to go, as I still have a number of things to sort at the bureau.  I will finish with sentencing today, but I also want to make sure that they understand the work that the prisoners will carry out.  Which is the furthest place a person can be exiled and the harshest?" I ask "it's known as the rock. It is a small island in the middle of the sea, with very few planets able to grow there, If the sea is to choppy, they throw the prisoners over board and tell them to swim to shore.  As boats can't get in because of the rocks under the surface will smash them to pieces."  I nod and then before I think about where we are, I give him a kiss. It's not until a hear a cough that my face turns red and I hurry out of the tent. The Prices catches my hand and stops me, "sorry, I forgot, I could only see you" he smiles "I like that." I smile back and we walk to the horses, "I will be finished by tonight and then I will head back to you" I tell him. "Only two more sleeps, until we're married" he winks I blush again. "What is the ministers name with the gruff voice" I ask "Hoon Joon-hyuk" I smile "look in the book page 7, 19 and 26 if I remember rightly.  That will get one of the schemers" I tell him.  The Prince kisses me and then helps me up onto the horse, Un is looking away.  "Bye" I wave then nudge me horse and Un follows, it doesn't take us long to get to the bureau. "Un don't let it be known we have caught Lord Yoo, as we walk into the courtyard say that you have men looking for him.  You don't have to say his name. Then find a spot and observe the coming and goings" I ask of him.  He nods and helps me dismount the guards lead our horses to the stables and I see the young boy sitting to the side of the entrance.  He stands and walks towards me "do you really mean I can study and if I pass the exam become a guard?" I smile "been cheated all your life? Yes, I mean it, I have to look into someone adopting you for now but I think the laws will slowly change in the next couple of years anyone who wants to take the exam can.  Do you want to earn a little money today?" He nods and waits for me to tell him what I need, I bend down and whisper in his ear, then I straighten up again "easy" he tells me "have you had anything to eat?" I ask him.  He shakes his head so I give him the bamboo bottle of water I was given with the two rice balls and bread.  Then I walk up the steps with Un and pass through into the inner courtyard "I have men searching for him" Un says "good, is his house being properly searched?" Un nods and I pat him on the back before heading to the office.  I notice that all the blood has been washed away, "Un" I shout he is beside me before I can blink "why is there no bodies hanging outside or hanging from the town wall?" Un grabs a passing guard "where are the criminals?" "we were told to take them down and put them in the cells" he tells us "who told you?" The guard has to think "guard Yoo." I see a guard trying to slink away.  I reach behind me then throw my knife getting him in the leg. He howls in pain and I see another guard coming from behind the side of the building and see the fallen guard shake his head at him.  So, I sprint and before he has disappeared behind the building again, I lift up my knee hitting the middle of his back I keep it there until he's hit the floor.  I feel the wind being forced out of his body.  Un comes and helps me drag them to the cells, I see all the criminals that should be hanging up in the cells.  After searching the guard's, we throw them in a cell, I put my fingers in my mouth and whistle loudly.  I want all these criminals hung up where they should be in the time it takes to boil a pot of water.  Do you understand?" I hear a chorus of "yes my Lord" so I walk back to the office.  There I make up work schedules for the prisoners and write out the sentencing for all the criminals involved with the Scum case.  Once I have finished that I open up the main office doors and whistle again "fall in" I shout.   When everyone has lined up, I ask "why did you all listen to guard Yoo yesterday?" I wait and when no one answers.  I reach behind me and take out one of my knives and toss it and catch it.   I do this a few times, then turn and throw it into a post.  I walk slowly to it and take it out.  Then walk slowly back tossing the knife, "you have to the count of three?" I look at everyone of them so they can see the resolve in my eyes "1, 2" "we have been told to always listen to him when the Chief Inspector isn't around" I pin the one who has spoken with my gaze, "why did you think that still applied?" He looks at me then Un "why" I shout he jumps and looks back at me. "We didn't think you'd be back" he says "we" I shout again and the guard's closest to him move away from him a little.   He glances at the back of the head of a guard before looking at me again.  "Who is the other guard that you fear?" I watch closely and see a number of the guard's glance at the head of a guard that the other one just looked at.  I walk down the steps and walk between the guards "I see you don't want to say.  So, are you going to live in fear all your life?" I stand in front of the guard standing in front of the one I'm now interested in. "Well" he shakes his head then cuts his eyes over my right shoulder to the head of the guy behind me.  I move and stand next to the next guard "well" I say again he also shakes his head and glances at the head of the guard.  "If you don't want to be scared for the rest of your lives, then stand up and be counted and start to live your live free from fear" I stop in front of the guard I now want. "What do you say?" I ask he keep's his eyes forward showing no emotion. "If your worried about Lord Yoo he is unable to harm any of you anymore" I see his eye twitch a little "last night I broke his spine so he will never be able to move again, I made sure he would still have feeling in his useless limbs though.  I see his jaw tighten, and hide a smile.  The only things that, that useless scum can do now is move his mouth and eye balls, I see his shoulders tighten as he screws his hands into fists.  One more little push, I think to myself I relax my posture so he believes that I am not ready for his attack. "I used his mouth as I pissing pot last night" he roars as he moves his arm's I'm quicker I thrust my knife through the bottom of his chin up through his mouth and at the same time bring my knee up hard in between his legs.  The howl turns into a gargle as blood floods his mouth.  The other guards have moved away and watch wide eyed as they see a small petite man take out the bear sized man.   I smile and think if they only knew I was a woman.  I leave the bear laying on his side with the knife still stuck through his mouth.  I indicate with my arm that they should fall in on the left side of the courtyard.  I look for Un but don't see him "you tie him up" I command he seems a little taken back by the order and I watch the ones closet to him.  "To slow, you do it" I point to another guard he swallows but runs to get the rope.  I stand still, so he has to pass the first guy I asked and notice the, tell tale sign.   When he walks a little closer to me than him.  I wait till the other guy is tied up before walking over and checking the ropes.  I straighten and walk back to where I was in front of the man that now has my interest.  "Well done there good and tight" I praise the guard who glances at the man standing in front of me before nodding at me. "Now is there anyone else that should be taken care of?  It would be good if we could take care of all Yoo's hunting dogs.  I see a few of them glance at the man in front of me, "what about you?" I ask.  He gives himself away by glaring at me before he schools his face into an emotionless mask. "All turn to your left" I shout, they turn and I walk up to the bear of a man laying on the floor, I bend my head as though to look at him but keep my eyes on the man I want to watch.  I kick the bear "how are you doing?" I see the man fist his hands.  I glance at the other guards to see if anyone else is reacting.  I lift my head and see the man flex his fingers and trying to relax.  So, I lift my foot up and rest it on the bear's legs.  I see the mans jaw tighten, I bend quickly and yank the knife out of the bears mouth and he screams.   The man rushes forward but I spin and kick him in the side of the head, he hits the ground hard. "You're a devil" he screams, "now let's get the facts straight here.  I am here because you and your fellow scum, thought you all could kill, maim, rape, steal and do even more hideous crimes to and against your fellow human beings, but you think I'm a devil.  I already told you I'm the devils hell hound, I have been tasked with giving out your punishment, and preparing you to meet the real devil who is waiting for you in the deepest depth of hell to torture you for the rest of your lives until you disappear as dust never to walk this earth again" I explain I see his eyes widen as my words sink in. He lays on his side and starts to sob, I'm a little surprised but don't let down my guard down against him.  "Tie him up!" I instruct and he goes to his knee's and starts to rub his hands together in front of me "pleases spare me, have mercy" he begs "did you ever show mercy to your victims?" I ask.  I watch as the emotions race across his features, then see anger rest on his features. "They never learn" I say more to myself than anyone else I gesture with my hands that he should come at me. He takes a knife from his boot and charges at me, I throw my knife into his thigh.  The anger helps him keep going so I wait and then jump onto his shoulders and swing my weight forward, with the forward motion I bring him down and over onto his back and bring my foot down hard onto his chest.  I get up and see Un standing with his bow drawn on the roof, I smile at him to let him know I'm okay.  "Who has the rope?" A rope is placed in my outstretched hand and I make quick work of tying him up.  I have tied his hands behind his back and bent his knees so I can also tie his feet so his arms and legs are securely tied behind him. "This is the best way to secure prisoners that you feel might be a problem.  If they try and bite you while tied like this take some rope, fold it in half and then place the rope against the top of his neck and the bottom then thread the end of the rope into the loop and pull, and then tie it to his hands" I demonstrate on the tied up guard. "Now I have them contained, tell me what they've done?" I have someone write down all the crimes they have committed.  "Do they have family?" I watch the men on the ground and see the bear turn his eyes wildly my way. "I see you do" I say "does his family know of the crimes he has committed?" I ask one guard holds up his hand "I don't think so they don't live around here, he just sends money to them" I nod "send them his last pay check with a letter explaining his crimes.   He will be paddled 20 times and then sent to Chungcheong for hard labour.  The same will apply for the other one" I dismiss them and the two guards are dragged away, I walk out to the front of the bureau and see the criminals tied up.  "I want a sign posted here and around the district saying "the criminals and then a list of their names.  Are hanging outside the bureau and the town wall, please throw anything at them that will ease your anger. They will be there for three days until they will be moved to just outside the town gates. There they will be tied to pointed poles, and left there till they are impaled and their dead.  For their sins they will not be buried but their bodies burnt and their ashes scattered.  In this way destroying any possibility that they maybe reborn" I finish. "You're in-human the woman scum cries out.  "Here we go again, list of her crimes please" I wait till the list is placed in my hand.  I read out her crimes "boiling a new born baby of a servant, because you thought it might be your husbands even though the married servant pleaded with you and told you that all it would take was the blood test, and your calling me in human.  You beat a servant to death because you dropped a vase, and you say I'm in human.  You cut the tendons of a servant, because he was unable to find your husband at the brothel and you say I'm in human.   You forced a servant to lay with you but beat him when he couldn't get it up, we can all see that you'd have to be in-human to get it up, looking at you. I think I've made may point, if you would like me to do each and everything you have done, to you. Then that can be arranged" I go to walk away when a hear a small stone fall to the ground.   I turn around and see a small girl standing there, "hello there, what's your name?" I ask crouching down in front of her, she shakes her head and opens her mouth and I see that her tongue has been slit. "Was it this, who did that?" I ask pointing my finger at the woman scum she nods her head. "you're a little small to hit her with anything" I put my finger up to my lip and tap it. Then snaps my finger, I take my knife from the sheath at my back and hand it to the girl. "I'm going to lift you onto my shoulders and then jump, if you want to hurt that" I say pointing to the woman scum "then you can use the knife, best to grip it like this" I show her "you can then thrust your little fist out at that" again I point to the woman scum. "If you want me to jump again, tap the top of my head" she nods and lifts her arms for me to lift her.  I settle her on my shoulders "do you feel alright up there" she taps my head and I walk near to where the woman scum is hanging.  "Here we go" I say and jump I hear the woman cry out as my feet hit the ground again.  I get another tap and I move just slightly and jump again, and hear a cry again.  I do this, four times before I don't get a tap on my head so I lift her from my shoulders and she gives me back the bloody knife. "Come and get a drink" I hold her hand and take her into the bureau, I wash her hands and face and wipe the blood that's fallen on her legs.  I then use the bamboo bottle that has been left for me on the office desk and lift the bundle next to it and sniff.  I take them out and sit on the top step facing the courtyard and the little girl sits next too me.  I give her a cup of water and give her one of the biscuits. "You shouldn't use cruelty on people, but the people hanging outside are evil beings, and I want to help the town heal and get rid of their anger.   I hope then that people will be good to each other" I look to see if she understood and she pats my knee. "Are you a brave girl?" I ask she nods her head "would you like me to fix your tongue, it will be painful at first but then your tongue will be all mended and you'd can talk again" she nods again" I should ask your parents?" she shakes her head and then puts her hands around her neck and sticks her tongue out before letting her head fall to the side. "Their dead, sorry.   Do you have anyone that looks out for you she nods and takes my hand and I follow her to the stables where I find the young boy.   He jumps up seeing me then looks at the young girl holding my hand. "Keon-hi what are you doing here, I told you to stay put" I bend down so I'm crouching next to the little girl holding my hand. "I've seen what has been done to her tongue, and I can fix it but it's going to be painful not as painful as when it was first done. I will have to make something first and get a few other things ready, but it can be done later today" I explain to them "is that what you want Keon-hi?" the boy asks, she nods and puffs out her chest. "Yes, you're a big girl now" he smiles at her. "Alright then do you want to stay here or come with me?" I ask she tightens the hand in mine and I nod "it's only because I have biscuits isn't it?" she nods and I laugh. 'See you later" I wave to the young boy. 

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