Travel Through Time Chapter 7

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  Take this, it is the Royal Secret Investigators badge it gives you authority over all local official and noble men. Please try and get back within three days, I can stall them for that long" he kisses me passionately and then releases me. "I'm going to miss that and you, fighting. Can you tell Shu that I'll be back soon?" I say and leave the room via the garden Un is waiting outside to lead me to a side gate that leads to outside of the palace.  Un helps me on to the horse and it is really quite high.  Un jumps onto the back of the other horse "your coming with me, but what about the Prince? I don't like to think of him without someone watching his back" I glance back at the Palace wall "he has people watching his back don't worry" and with that he gives his horse a nudge and he gallops away.  I close my eyes and try and make my mind blank then nudge my horse.  He builds up into a full gallop and I feel the wind brushing against my skin, I allow my body to move with the horse so to not jar my bruised back to much. I ride alongside Un and smile at him.  We keep going until we reach Gangwon. 

   We rent a couple of rooms and even though I'm tired from our ride I know time is of the essence. "Un can you look into his family? Where do you think he would be at this time?" I inquire Un clears his throat and say's "brothel" I nod "alright point me in the right direction and I will meet you back here."  Un looks a little reluctant but points his finger in the direction of the brothel.  I nod my thanks then go to my room and wash my face apply makeup and then using my hat to hide the fact I'm wearing makeup walk in the direction Un pointed.  The brothel is easy to find and thankfully there are no girls waiting out front.  I head in just passing the one body guard and then hide in the shadows while I search for what I need.  I find the clothes I'm looking for and quickly change, stowing my clothes safely. I walk back around to the main part of the brothel and wait till I see a youngish servant. I stop him right in the middle of the front courtyard "could you help me, please?" I ask while not looking at him directly and playing shy. "yes" he replies all smiles, "I'm looking for my Master's first son.  I was told he maybe with Chief investigator Hoo." The smile slips a bit he looks up to a room and I have my answer "you want to stay away from him he's trouble" he warns I play my part well as I see an ugly man look out from the room he looked at. I swing my hands in front of me clutching my skirt, and bat my eyelashes at the poor young man.  He blushes and I say "really?  What should I do? My Master wants him home quickly" I wait a beat before saying and smiling at him "don't worry I will wait just down the road, I can tell my Master they wouldn't let me in" I turn up the wattage of my smile before turning away from him and skipping away with a smile on my face the whole time I can feel the scum watching me.  I turn the corner then run to where I've hidden my clothes I change quickly I see a bowl of clean water it's cold but will do and I wash the makeup off my face then after drying it I dab some dirt on my chin, wash my hands put the clothes I was wearing in the hiding place I used for my clothes.  I then walk out to the main courtyard, I glance at the room and see ugly scum looking around.  I smile and leave the way I came.

   Un is waiting for me a little further down the road and I tell him my trap has been set. "He will not be happy by tomorrow afternoon.  I will let him get a glimpse of me in the servant's clothes. Then I will walk up to the investigation bureau wearing slightly higher ranked women's clothes.  I will walk in and smile, that's all it will take.  You will have to appear just in time for me to reveal my hidden investigators clothes and I'll whip out the Royal badge and I will them shame him of all his wrong doing" Un nods and we come to our rented rooms "Un, do you know if we are close to the planned new road?" I ask he nods and I motion for him to follow me into my room he only hesitates briefly before following me inside.  I hold me finger to my mouth when he enters and closes the door he moves to the other side of the door and listens with me. I hear footsteps approaching the door, and then whispered voices "do you think, they will have much on them?" "They looked wealthy?" another voice says "I think they've both gone to sleep it's so quiet."  We see the handle on the door move and Un goes to stop them but I hold up my hand and smile, then make a small snoring noise "I told you they where asleep "one voice whispers they open the door and enter the room thankfully this room is L shaped so they enter and tiptoe to the corner of the room so they can search through our things.  I wait till they have started looking through our stuff before tapping one on the shoulder then knocking him out cold with my elbow to the side of his head.  Un has his sword to the other guys neck, then knocks him unconscious, "go check if anyone is waiting for them outside?" I tell Un. He uses the window and disappears into the night, I get busy tying these guys up, there's always people that want to steal instead of doing honest work and they where part of my plan to gain me entrance into the investigation bureau tomorrow.  Un comes back through the window "no others, just them." 

  I think for a minute "I think the woman who rented the rooms to us will be waiting for them, you will have to follow my lead" I take off their straw shoes and place them on my feet.    Un does the same, I take off the outer layers of clothing until I'm just in my undergarments the things that look like the clothes the thieves are wearing. Un looks the other way, "you have to take off your outer garment just in case she looks out the window" I instruct.  Un takes off his out garment "right here, jiggle this in your hands" I instruct as I throw him a string of coins I pickup two silver pieces and jiggle them in my hand then open the window a crack again "we have to laugh gruffly when we get outside and then run out and to the left I believe that's the way to the gambling house.  We then have to run around to this window get in and then I will stop the woman from following them" he nods at me and I go to the door and take a deep breath before opening the door and walking out, once Un is out we jiggle the silver and coins then laugh gruffly and sprint to the exit and turn left.  We hear a woman curse and I smile we run as fast as we can around to the back window, I use the momentum to jump and do a forward somersault through the window.  I land with a small thud on my feet, I waste no time taking off the straw shoes and opening the door clutching my stomach, I feel rather than hear Un in the room behind me. "Hey, my stomach is upset I'm going to need you to bring warm water to my room every hour. I will also need some ginger tea every half hour" I don't wait for her answer before closing the door.  I hear her mutter but she goes to the stove to put more wood in so she can heat the water. "Un I'm sorry but for us to get some sleep we will have to take turns getting the water from her, so you will have to sleep in here.  We can take turns sleeping around the corner" I say to reassure him. He looks a little mortified but nods his head "I'll move these men so they are hidden and I've tied them up so they won't be able to move or make a sound.  You get some sleep first" he tells me.  I bow my head in thanks to him and climb under the cover, I'm asleep before she brings the first bowl of water.  I dream of the Prince and the naughty things he has done to me. 

   Then wake with a start a couple of hours later feel hot, I nudge Un from his sleeping place against the wall just under the window. "Go get some real sleep" I tell him he nods but avoids meeting my eyes. I shrug and get the spare blanket so I can hug it around myself and lay on my side near the door.  I wake hearing the woman moving about and then when she brings the ginger tea open the door, she looks at me "are you feeling better, you where moaning and groaning so much.  I thought I should call the doctor but your companion told me you where fine." I'm glad it's dark so she can't see my flaming cheeks "a little" I say taking the tea from her and closing the door.   I sink to the floor and take a sip of the ginger tea to calm my racing heart.  I put my head on my bent knees and close my eyes and groan then feel even more embarrassed.  How do I face Un after that? I wonder.  I wrap the blanket around me and wait for her to bring the hot water bowl, I take it from her and close the door. I nap between times and let Un sleep for three hours straight, I nudge him awake and he grabs my arm and twists so I'm under him. I stir up at him and grunt as my back hits the floor. Un jumps up "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall into such a deep sleep" I sit up "it's alright my back is getting better, it just aches. Do we have some of the medicine that I can rub on it to take the ache away?" I ask Un nods and disappears around the corner, he comes back with a small pot and hands it to me. "Thank you" I bow my head as I say it, Un nods then moves around the corner after bowing back to me.  Well at least we're both embarrassed now, I think.

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