Travel Through Time Chapter 1

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  I grunt as I hit the floor and roll forward, "cut" the director shouts I stand up and brush the dust off the costume I'm wearing.  I'm the stunt double for the lead actress, the lead actor walks towards me and I do a mental eye roll. "May, sorry did I push you to hard. I don't know my own strength, but I have to keep fit, my fans expect it" he says.  I don't need to answer him as he doesn't expect one. He just likes to talk about himself, I start to walk towards my trailer as they won't need me for an hour. "Hey May, do you want to come to my trailer?" before I can answer him the director calls him and I just keep on walking towards my trailer, I lock the door and take off the dress before laying on the bed. I close my eye's and imagine the next stunt. They need to do this one in one shot as they are going to use the natural eclipse that is going to happen in about an hour. I have to dive from a rock cliff into the lake below, as I imagine diving into the water. I see a man dressed similar to the leading man, he is pleading with me to wake-up, I see other people standing around all dressed in historical clothes. I see another man standing a little away from the main body of people. He looks like he is smiling at the painful cry's the man shaking me is making.  I take an instant dislike to him while I try and open my eyes to reassure the man shaking me, I jump awake when there is a loud knock on my door. They are ready for you Miss Leigh one of the staff call. I getup and put the costume on again it is a historical dress that they use to wear as noble women, it is going to make it difficult to get back to the surface of the water from the dive,  as the dress is going to weigh me down.  I've left the petty coat off as I discussed with the director and Pete. I lock my trailer and head towards the director. "May I really need you to do this in one take" I nod and then head up the cliff, it's hard going wearing this costume, I get to the camera man "you need to run, towards the cliff top and look back about half way and then turn around fully and look around wildly, before you turn and dive into the water just as the eclipse fully covers the sun he instructs, we've set the lighting already and have three drones as well as two camera men in the lake and one with Pete in the boat. Good luck May" he says before patting me on the shoulder I hear the director shout action just as the moon starts to cover the sun. I begin to run holding the skirt of the dress in my hand, "please wake up" I hear the pain in the voice and look about for the person talking, seeing no one I keep running once I'm at the top of the cliff I turn and see a number of people all looking down at me, "please, please wake up" I look around and see the moon is about to cover the sun completely, I turn take a breath before I jump and dive into the lake below, as I hit the water I feel a warm hand cradling my cheek, "open your eye's now please" as I listen to the voice I keep diving further into the depths of the lake. "So-yeon, come on please open your eye's" I hear the pain filled voice say. I'm finding it hard to breath and struggle to reach the surface of the water, I can see the sun shine from behind the moon and try and fight my way towards the light. The warm palm on my cheek brushes my face, I can't breathe. I try and fight my way to the surface of the lake before my brain takes over and I open my mouth to breath only to take in a mouthful of lake water. I can feel my limbs getting heavy I feel so tired. Something pushes on my chest.  I open my mouth and throw up the water stopping me from breathing. Then take in a deep breath of air only to cough, I hear a gasp then a voice saying "thank you" I open my eye's to a face I don't recognise but they look so relived that I've opened my eye's I just stir back into the chocolate brown eye's stirring back at me.  

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