Travel Through Time Chapter 61

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   I  hurry back to my palace, have something to eat and honey water. "Ri-na can you wake me up before the monkey gong please" "yes, your Majesty" she replies.  I lay on top of the bed and close my eyes. I doze but not deeply and I'm already awake when Ri-na comes to wake me up. "Your dress is here your Majesty and the tub has been heated and checked" she tells me.  I make it a quick bath and comb out my hair before putting it up and getting dressed.  I strap my knives on before putting my outer top on, I check that I can get to them easily and then put a little make-up on and then put the head piece on. The Prince walks in all dressed and ready. "The two guards are here that will be wiping the lions heads" I nod and we go out and help the guards coat their hands.  This stops them absorbing anything, "place this on the underside of the cloth you'll be using to wipe the lions head.  Make sure everyone led in touches the lions head" I instruct.  I check to see if their hands are dry.  They leave to get set and the we make sure that the guards are in place around the palace as we walk to the Queen's quarters.   I check on things inside and the Prince checks on things outside.  The first visitors arrive and we do as we planned.  We carry on until the last visitor who happens to be the nasty bitch living in my best friend's house.  She walk's in like she's the Queen, I wait for her to show her respect.  When she just looks at me, I walk up to her "do you know who I am" I ask "she bats her eyelids and nods. I'm quick with a knee to her stomach.  She bends over clutching her stomach.  I'm done with the niceties and grab the back of her neck and pull her out the back.  Where the Prince is waiting to read out her crimes and her sentencing.  Once he's finished reading, she's dragged to a large bloody cover placed to protect the ground and the executor chops off her head.  The Prince takes my hand "ready" he asks I nod and we leave for the main palace we are followed by 10 eunuchs all holding boxes.  We go in a side gate while the eunuchs walk around to the main gate. They wait for the signal and we all enter at the same time.  Everyone is expecting us to arrive by the main gate so they watch as the eunuchs all march in and stand just off to the side of the ministers  seats.  The King is seated at the head table with the Queen she is sitting back against the seat.  She glares at me and I wink, the Prince and I take our seats I squeeze Keon-hi's hand and nod to my brother and Consort Bin.  The ministers and nobles seem to realise we've entered and try and stand up.  The ministers that have not touched the lions head can stand up and they do and bow then look around at the ministers still sitting.  Before any of them can say anything, the Prince stands up and slams his sword against the gong.  "I take it this is your last bit of rebellion.  I am here to tell you. It really is your last action of rebellion! I will start with the list of crimes against Lord Kim's and we all know he isn't the real Lord Kim, so we'll call him scum. This is the list of crimes scum's mistress has committed."  He reads them out and the sentence.  The eunuch standing next to him places the box he's holding on the table in front of him and open's it.  The ministers can only see his eyes go wide and wild, they can't see what's in the box. "Now for the list of crimes against scum" the Prince reads the long list of crimes. He then goes through all the nobles and ministers that have committed crimes and boxes get placed and opened in front all of them.  Once he has finished, he picks up another scroll "for all crimes committed I hereby order that they be beheaded immediately.  As ordered by the King on this 12 month, in the year 1723. 10 executioners walk into the courtyard. They stand behind the wide, shock eyed ministers and cut their heads off.  

The King stands up and comes forward to stand beside the Prince, "if one more court official as much as sneezes out of turn.  I will abolish the court and the noble class if we stand any chance of making this country great.  We must stop abusing power and the common people.  Do you understand me?" he demands they all jump to their feet and bow "yes, your Majesty" they all say. "Good I have just one more person to sentence. The Queen has been found guilty of plotting treason, having affairs with two or more of her guards and most recently sent her private guards to kill the Royal Prince and the Royal Princess.  Do you plead guilty to all charges against you?" he turns and looks back at the Queen.  Her head nods twice and the ministers gasp in shock.  I'm a little surprised myself until I see Pun take a step back.  The Queen glares at me as guards drag her up.  She will be executed at noon tomorrow, drawn and quartered outside the palace gates. Guards drag her away. The scums head will be put on top of a pole and left there as I reminder of what becomes of those who go against the people or me" the King waves his hands and the rest of the ministers are ushered out.  They will soon see that each house was emptied and family members arrested.  All servants will be given a part of the estate that they worked for.  The family members that weren't involved in anyway will be asked what they would like to do and given enough money to live on. 

 The King takes Consort Bins hand "thank you Jin-hyeok" he says my brother bows his head and he turns to us "thank you for all you've done" we bow and they retire.  The Prince comes and takes my hand and I stand we walk back with Keon-hi and my brother.  We wave goodbye to Keon-hi and Un and work towards our palaces "which palace are you staying in?" my brother asks "we'll be sleeping at mine" the Prince answers my brother nods then says "I'll be in my sisters then." I scowl at him. "I like my beauty sleep" he says.  He waves and heads to my palace.  We walk to the Princes and walk through the courtyard and up into the main building where Hun is waiting.  He bows and takes a look at me "Honey bread and some strawberry milk" and bows.  The first thing I do is take off the head piece.  I sit and lean on the Prince when he sits next to me.  I yawn as I wait for the snack, Hun brings it through bows and leaves.  I only manage a bit of the honey bread but I drink up all the strawberry milk.  Wash and strip then get into bed, I'm asleep before the Prince is out the commode room.  I sleep well and wake well into the day.  I stretch "good morning sleepy head" the Prince says.  He is sitting near the bed reading reports.  "Morning" I reply.  I feel light and the worry has nearly all but gone.  

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