Travel Through Time Chapter 56

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   They virtually toss him in front of me.  I sit on the top step and observe him for a couple of beats.   He decides to go with the ignorance track.  "I don't know what this is all about, but" I pull my knife out and look at the blade to shut him up.  "Un, how did you find him?" I ask "we followed the blood trail, your Majesty."  I nod, then give the man in front of me the full force of my look.  I see him swallow "if you didn't know what was going on why did you run?  Most people if someone had thrown a knife at them would step forward and ask what was going on. You decided to high tail it out of there with your tail between your legs" I inform him I stand up and walk down the steps I see the wound from were my knife hit him.  I cut the material away from the wound and take a look. "Not so deep, it would have needed stitches though" I tell him. "It going to need stitches?" he whines I shake my head "no, I said would have!" I tilt my head and wait but at his continued blank expression I say "you see, I've just had to suck more poison from the Royal Prince.  I thought I'd use you to send a message.  So, I coated this blade with poison and not just any poison this is one that you know very little about here in Joseon as it's not readily available" I stop and look at him to see if he's understanding my words now.  "You mean you've put poison on that blade?" He points I nod "but you" I stop him by pushing my blade into his wound. He screams "I know, I didn't cut you with this blade" He watches as I clean the tip that I've just used on his clothes.   I look up at the sun then to the shadow falling from a tree. "If you don't get the antidote before this shadow has reached your knee here, it will be to late" I sit back on the top step and look at him. "You will tell us who is ordering the spies to watch us and why.  If you don't? Well it will appear as though you ran away and disappeared" I inform him.  I see him swallow and look towards the gate "please try running!  You'll be dead before you reach it.  You see the left arm feeds away from the heart and your right feeds into it.   I point my knife to the wound in his right arm.  I look down at the shadow "the seniors of the Westerners fraction don't like you arresting the ministers and nobles like they are commoners" he says quickly.  "All seniors or just the top two?" I ask he glances as the shadow moves closer to his knee, "no the top five" he answers quickly.   "You are just one of their hunting dogs then?" I question. "Everyone wants to advance in this world, don't they?" he states. "They do, but most do it from honest work, not from stepping and trampling on others, don't they?" I fire back. "You're not going to give me the antidote, are you?" he says "It is a little to late to be smart" I tell him. "Un have the ministers of the Westerners fraction watched" I order.  The minister falls to the ground "and have him kept on ice" I instruct as I get up from the steps.  As I reach the door I stumble as the poison I couldn't help being absorbed into my body reaches my heart.  Second runs and catches me around the waist "your Majesty" he says concerned.  "I'll be alright, after a rest" assure him. "I have a high tolerance to poisons. They must have used a concentrated dose on the Prince" I say before passing out.  I wake to darkness and the Prince wrapped around me.   I check his temperature which feels a little cooler then mine. He stirs and looks at me. "Just how many times have I told you to be careful, you did to much again and wore yourself out.  My heart nearly fell to the floor when I woke to see Second carrying you into the room" he says. "Sorry, I'm glad it was you who undressed me though" I tell him. "They wouldn't dare!" he swears. "No, you're right only my husband would strip his wife nearly naked even when she was exhausted?" I state.  "You had a fever so I was cooling you down" he corrects.  I laugh "thank you, your Majesty, but you seem to have made me hot again wrapping yourself around me" I joke.  He puts his hand up to my forehead and then his. "You are only a little warmer" he says.  I go to get up out of bed but he stops me "where are you going?" I glare at him "to pee" I say and then jump from the bed and get to the commode before I have an accident.  I wash and go back to the bedroom and put my robe on "what are you doing now?" he demands "I'm going to have something to eat" I say exasperated.  "Good idea I feel hungry myself" he gets up and puts his robe on "anyone out there" he calls. "yes, your Majesty" Min-soo calls back. "prepare us a light snack please with honey water" he orders "yes, your Majesty" comes the reply. "I got word that your brother has already met a number of people wishing to give their statements" the Prince reports. "That is good to hear" I say. The next couple of days are quite with out much happening. I have been going to the training grounds and watching the guards train.  My foot is getting better and I've been able to take the splint from my wrist and it just wrapped for support. I've started using it a little.  The work on the new assault course has been going well.  It's been built on the site of some older part of the palace buildings that have long been unused. The walls around it are high with no other buildings over looking it.  The only way you can reach it is by an old dirt track with a large gate blocking the way into the assault course.  I have made miniature models of the targets, and Keon-hi helped me make them and paint them.  I gave them to her as she liked them so much once I had shown the King and blacksmith had seen them.  I've had 5 punching bags made from strong leather and filled with sand.   They hang from the support beams of the buildings within the training ground. Today I'm here to teach them how to move and shoot or throw knives at the same time.  I can't use my wrist fully yet without putting the splint back on, so I'm wrapping my wrist splint back on.  Un and the Prince are with the King.  I hear a commotion at the entrance and walk down to investigate it.  I walk up to the two guards that are keeping a number of ministers out. "It's alright Lee" I tell the senior of the two guards "yes, your Majesty" he bows and steps back and the eldest minister tries to walk in.  I block his path, "how dare you?" he blusters and I bonk him on the head with my splint. "Have you forgotten, who you are addressing?" I warn him.  He glares at me and I bonk him on his head again. "Who is in charge of this senile old minister?" I ask.  He goes to say something again "Grandpa, I'm not talking to you. Well?" I demand looking at the shocked ministers faces.  "Are you all lost? Senile? Looking to be shot at?" I ask.  The old minister in front lifts his hand to strike me, and I catch it and spin him round so his arm is bent behind his back.  "Grandpa, you can't go around hitting people" I shout very loudly in his ear.  I push on his back so he has to bend down as I don't want him to see the King and Prince approaching.  "Will one of you please tell me what you are doing here?" I ask.  I see one of the minister's nod at a guard and he pulls a small knife out and throws it.   I lift the minister up that I have in an arm lock and the knife sinks into his shoulder.  I bend him down again and swap hands so I hold the minister with my splinted hand.  I pull a knife out but keep it hidden.   I give a little shake of my head and the Prince halts the King from rushing forward.  "What was that for, are you unable to answer the question?" I ask the minister being held groans the guard moves his hand slightly and I throw the knife right into his head.  He drops to the ground and the ministers now look a little uneasy.   I give a whistle and the archers all appear over the wall with the bows drawn. "Now if I'm not mistaken this Grandpa was hit with a poisoned knife.  You have little time to give him the antidote, but before I release him.  I want an answer to why you thought you could all barge into the training grounds of the Kings personal guards?" I demand.  One minister step's forward "let me" I raise me hand.  "Not one of you have shown me the proper respect yet.  Guards arrest them!" I order.  I look at the Prince and move my eyes to the side.  He gets my message and moves himself and the King out of view.  "Lock them all up here, no-one is allowed to go in without my say so" I add the guards start marching them forward as they pass me, I let the minister I have hold of straighten up.  "Sorry Grandpa, it looks like its your time to die" I shout in his ear again.  I catch the bottle thrown at me "that is the antidote" the minister that came forward calls.  "Sorry I don't hear to well, when people have not shown me respect" I call back.  I wait till they are all out of sight before giving the minister half of the antidote "I'm not giving it to you all as I think you should suffer a little of what all your victims have had to go through" I let him fall to his knees before saying "take him away and tie him to a pole.   I might want to practise my knife throwing later" once he's dragged away.  The King and Prince walk up to me "what were they doing here?" the King asks. "As you heard, they wouldn't answer, they didn't even acknowledge me as the Royal Princes.  I suddenly thought that they'd just handed me a gift, we can keep them locked up while we finish our investigation" I say.  The King grins at me "I like the way you think, I'll let morning court know that they've been locked up because they ventured somewhere, they never should have been.  They will think I have them locked up in my dungeon" he responds.  I look at the guard that I killed "he was reaching for another knife" I explain. "One less poison throwing low life" the Prince spits. "What are you doing here?" I ask"I told the King you were going to teach how you can move and shoot" he answers.  I nod and we start to walk back to the platform in the training ground.  I see the minister has been tied up to a pole off to the side of the target area.  I see a woven sac and pick it up and try and look through it.  It is woven tightly so you can't see through it, I walk to the minister and pull it over his head.  Then walk to the raised platform pick-up my bow and place, my arrows around my shoulder.  Un whistles and everyone falls in. "To the side" Un commands and they all spread out to the side.  I stand in front of them and then hold my arms out in front of me and motion for the guards to move away from in front of the minister.  I hold a thumb up when they've moved enough. "It is important to watch the movements and the feet" Un instructs.  I stand and take a deep breath and then draw my bow I plant my feet and twist my upper body and shoot.  The arrow lands just above the minister's head, I slow my movements at first so they can see my foot work.  I shoot two more arrows and hit the targets, I then jump and spin shooting an arrow while my spin slows and I start my descent.   I land lightly and run towards the wall I jump and push away from the wall with my good foot turn and shoot.  When I come down again, I slide across the grass on my knees and shoot two arrows.  I push against the ground and jump to me feet.  I turn and skid across the grass with my feet and shoot again. My slipper trips me and I do a forward roll and shoot again.       As I get to my feet, I pull my bow over my head and pull out two of my knives from my back and spring up and somersault.   I throw one knife as I go over and the second as I come back down.  I stop and walk back to the platform, "has anyone got any questions?" Un enquires.  A guard holds up his hand "where did you learn to do that?" he asks. "Does anyone have any relevant questions?"  A guard steps forward "what foundation do we need to practise to be able to learn that?" I step back down and walk to the grass.   I stand and do a forward roll and then a backwards roll.  I indicate he should try it.  He rolls alright but fails to get back on his feet, "try it again?" I tell him I follow him and as he comes out of the roll, I push his legs down so his feet are planted on the ground and push against his back and he stands.  "Pair up and start practising, it is important that you follow each other as its just been demonstrated.   Do not try anything else until you have mastered that" Un commands. They all bow and then pair up I see Second and Fifth practising.  They seem to be really fit and get the hang of it quickly.  I go over and watch them practice the backwards roll which is harder for a man to do.  They manage that "well done" I encourage "do you want to try doing it with a run you can decide if you do a front or back one?" I ask.  Fifth tries first and just over shoots the landing but still stays on his feet.  Then Second tries it and does a high kick forward roll and lands but very heavily.  I demonstrate it for them with a softer landing, "you have to remember your knees are the shock absorber's.  When you land, bend them it keeps you from being jolted and also helps the next move because you're on the balls of your feet.  It gives you options to move anyway" I advice. "Yes, your Majesty" they answer.  I start to walk around and give some points to some and correct others.  I spot the guard that had asked the stupid question. Not watching or supporting his partner but watching me.  I duck my head and glance at Un.  He looks at me and I cut my eyes back to the guard stirring at me.  Un gives a little nod and I walk towards the guard.  "Why are you not supporting your partner?" I ask.  He glances back at his partner who is practising very hard and dismisses him.  "Who taught you all this?" he demands.  I walk right up to him, and cock my brow at him "what?" I ask "who taught oph!" all the air explodes through his mouth when I punch him in his stomach.  "What"? I ask again he tries to straighten. "I wonder which minister has got to you? I think they've given you a money incentive?" I watch him closely and see his eyes glance left and he swallows.  He manages to straighten a little with his arm still around his stomach.  "Minister Gip?" I see the slight widening of his eyes and think, got you. I whistle and they all fall in Un grabs the guard around the back of his neck and drags him up onto the platform.  "This fellow guard has decided to sell you all out.  That includes you your Majesty" I inform them. "Was it, money? Land? Property?" I watch as I say each one. "Money and property, it is then.   Your Majesty what is the punishment for disrespecting a Royal?" I ask "20 Paddles and a cut in pay" he answers. "Really?" I shake my head. "What is the punishment for accepting bribes?" I enquire. "Loss of position, and a flogging" he tells me. "Wow! The Punishment for betrayal to the royal elite guards and yourself your Majesty" I ask. "beheading" he says. "Oh! so if he has already lost his head, we don't have to see what the punishment is for treason?" "He'd by drawn and quartered" he informs me.   I shudder "I've watched one of those.  I didn't know that the Ox some times have a chew on bloody end of the limb" I shudder again.  I see the guard's shoulders slump and his legs wobble.   "I wonder why minister Gip, singled you out?" I wonder watching him closely.   I watch his eyes cut towards the last guard on the right.   I turn my whole body towards him.  He swallows and glances around seeing no escape he pulls a dagger out and charges at the platform.  He has his eyes only on me so, doesn't see Second stick his foot out.  He falls flat on his face hard.  Second picks up the dagger and then hauls him up by the collar and throws him onto the platform.  He looks up and his nose is busted, he puts a hand up to his blooded nose.  "You don't have to worry about that, you're going to either lose your head or all your limbs" I tell him.   I face the guards.  "If anyone else if thinking of doing anything that will put your fellow guards in danger or betray anyone standing within these grounds.  I will deal with you swiftly" I jump and bring my heel down on the guards back that has the broken nose, he cries out and I jump off.  "You will still feel your head or limbs getting pulled off you just won't be able to move them" I inform him.  He makes noises but doesn't move.  I look at the other guard "I won't bother with you as I think your going to have to dodge poison, be it in your food, knives or needles." I look out over the guards "Un, the Prince and the King all know how to do this.  We are trying to help the citizens out from under the tyranny that these ministers and nobles want to keep enjoying.  Let us fight together so our children have a better tomorrow and they can look forward to their future" I spur.  The guards cheer and I look over to the King and Prince and get a thumbs up.  I wave and walk over to Un "some of them really need to work on their core" I tell him and then walk towards the Prince and King "if it's not one thing it's another" I roll my eyes and they smile. "We will keep the guards here until they are sentenced" the Prince informs the King. "No, need they will behead at noon tomorrow outside the Palace main gate" he orders.  The Prince bows "yes, your Majesty" he says.  I take the Princes hand and we start to walk back towards our palace. "How are things with you your Majesty?" I ask. "Well court is a mess, but me personally couldn't be better" he tells us.  "We will all have to get together and have a visit" I suggest.  We wave as we part ways and we carry onto to our palace.  "I'm tired again" I sigh. "Eat then nap" the Prince says and I nod.  We reach his palace and go into the main room.  It isn't long before we have some food, I start yawning before I finish eating.  I rub my tummy "enjoy little bean, then grow well" I murmur I wash my teeth, face and hands.  I walk to the bed with my eyes nearly closed.  "You've still got your clothes on" he chuckles when I hold my arms out to the side.  He helps me take my top clothes off then takes my top off and helps me get into bed. "Night" I manage before falling asleep I dream that I'm in a meadow, I see the Prince and run to him we walk hand in hand. "Mummy, Daddy get up sound the alarm.  The bad man has sent solders, don't go to the side gate" I wake up the same time as the Prince does and we jump out of bed and dress quickly.  "Un sound the alarm, there coming in the side gate.  Hun get the servants out" he orders.  I grab my arrows and bow make sure the knives are at my back.  "Trees or roof?" I ask as we run through the archway towards my palace. "Roof, be careful" he says. "Second tree, they will be coming from the side gate as soon as they appear start taking them out" the Prince orders as he and I leap and use the hand rail to get on the roof.  I take the spot behind the first gable and the Prince takes the second.  I see Ri-na ushering the maids to safety.  She spots me then runs back into the building and comes out with my other quiver full of arrows she ties it into a cloth and then swings it around and lets it go. It lands just a foot away form me. "Thank you now go" I tell her.  

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