Travel Through Time Chapter 5

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  I wake to calls of "your majesty" and tap his back to wake him up.  He groans and then is fully awake "what?" he barks "Lady Leigh's father has just entered the palace" someone says from behind the close door.  The Prince sits up dislodging my head from his chest with a thud "sorry, get up and dressed" he says all in one breathe.  I laugh a little then get to work getting dressed I look at the clothes I'm meant to put on over the under garments. "Which ones am I meant to put on?" I ask "all of them" the Prince answers.  Seeing my wide eyed look, he helps me put them on, "this is the first time I've had to dress a lady" this makes me smile "I'm honoured I'm your first" he smacks my butt before he finishes tying the last ribbon, "I need to comb my hair" the Prince runs his hands over his which has stayed in place mostly because of this top knot and head band thing he's got on. "I would love to see your hair down one day" I tell him, as I quickly put my hair in a braid and tie the ribbon in place just as there is a knock on the door.  We both walk out of the bedroom and close the door on the unmade bed. "Enter" the Prince calls I stay standing while the doors are opened and my father walks in, he seems a little surprised the Prince is here. "Your Majesty" my father says then bows"rise" the Prince says I bow to my father and then wait for the Prince and my father to sit before I sit.  I moan a little at the pain, but hide my smile behind my hand.  As I think that I've over done it a little.   "Are you still in pain?" My father asks I incline my head "it is not as bad as it was though" I tell him just as the Prince takes my hand and pulls me towards him I go easily because the cushion I'm sitting on slides over the floor with ease.   He lets me lean on him as he keeps an arm around me.  My father seems very surprised by this act but I don't move as I like being where I am.  My father and the Prince start talking about people I have no interest in, so I let me mind wonder I must of dozed off because next thing the Prince is rubbing my arm "wake up your Father is leaving." 

  I open my eyes and then stand up while I check that I haven't drooled from the corner of my mouth. "Sorry, I still seem to fall asleep a lot, thank you for visiting" "I was just telling the Prince that the date of the wedding has been set for next week" my Father tells me. "You should let your Mother know if you want anything bringing to the palace?" he adds I feel around my neck for my Mum's locket and hold it while I say "Shu knows what to bring, I'm surprised she has stayed away this long.  She has been my servant since we were both little" I tell the Prince but notice my Father flinch "if that shrew has touched a hair on her head, I will have hers on a stick. Send Shu to me tonight?" I demand my Father goes to say something until he see's the look in my eyes and nods.  I keep my Fathers eye so he knows I will get her myself if she is not here by sunset.   "I will send someone with you, so they can help her bring what is needed," the Prince says and before my Father can say anything the Prince calls for Hun, "Hun have someone go with Lord Leigh to pickup the Lady's servant, they should be back here by sunset at the latest." Hun nods and then bows and leaves the room, my Father bows and leaves the room.  I turn to the Prince "thank you I know she has beaten her, because I wasn't there. I should have had her brought her straight away" I say wrapping my arms around him and laying my head against his chest. "Hun" the Prince calls again "have Un pick a guard to go to, if the servant seems ill or injured in anyway tell Lord Leigh that they need to wait for my order to come of punishment" "yes your Majesty" Hun bows and leaves again. "Thank you, do you want to walk around the garden now?" I ask he shakes his head "I have some work to see too, I will be back to eat supper with you though" I nod and give him a kiss.   

  I wait till he leaves before looking around this room, I see more books and remember the book of poems I was reading earlier.  I will walk around the garden and then if it's warm enough I will sit outside and read some more poems.   I walk out to the garden check there is no one about and then walk down the steps to the garden.  As I walk around the garden, I do lunges and high knee raises, thankful that the skirt I have on allows for big leg movements.  I test my bruised ribs by doing push ups from a standing position against the wall, as they feel alright, I do some against the steps. Once my back starts to feel sore, I stop and walk around the garden again.  I wonder if they have a pond around that you can swim in as that would help my back a lot.  I hear the doctor call my name, "I just thought I would check on you?" he says as I walk towards him.  He bows in greeting then goes on "I will check your wounds while I'm here" "no need the Prince has done an excellent job at taking care of me and seeing to my needs" I tell him "I need to check on them myself" he goes to grab my arm but I move out of his way "I will insist that you leave now" I raise my voice in the hopes that someone will hear me and thankfully Un makes his presence known "Problem my Lady" I cock an eyebrow at the doctor and he coughs before saying "no I was just saying I should check on Lady Leigh's wounds" he goes to grab my arm again "if you don't want to loose that hand I suggest you leave now" Un says in such a deadly manner that it sends shivers down my spine. The doctor turns around to argue with him but the look in Un's eyes has him back tracking "I will let the Prince know how rude you've been." "Please do! I think Un will receive a reward for today" I say.

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