Travel Through Time Chapter 49

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  "The Queens guards are surrounding the palace" Second whispers.  We get up and put our outer clothes on. "Let's head towards the arch and the Princes palace, have the servants follow quietly" I order "they are all outside waiting" Second informs me.  We slip out on the garden side and I see the worried maids standing against the wall.  I take Keon-hi hand I ignore the pain in my foot.  Second takes point and Fifth brings up the rear.  I grab my arrow's.  I have my knives and we move silently to the archway in the wall.  Second takes a quick look around then motions for us to follow him.   We get to the first building and I tell the maids to run to the last building on the right and hide in there.  Keon-hi and I enter the Princes study.  The Prince is not there, "Second, do you know where the Prince is?" I ask he shakes his head "do you know how to whistle?" I ask next he nods "climb the tree in the front courtyard and hide in it's branches sound the warning whistle.  Hopefully Un or the Prince will hear it.  Stay there and if the guards try and enter this palace by the arch way give two short whistles.   Fifth climb the tree in the back yard near the far wall it has thick branches and offers the most coverage.  Shoot to kill if they dare step foot in this garden watch your backs the pair of you in case they have a couple circling around the back" They both nod then head out "Keon-hi find a good place to hide I'm going to guard the door here" I sit and place two of my knives on the floor next to my left hand and the arrow's too.  I have some cover from the book shelf Keon-hi hides beside a cabinet and pulls out her knife.  I smile as she has come along way from that little skinny girl I met.  I hear the warning whistle and try and relax a little while we wait.  I hear a few distance noises, coming from my palace but nothing else for a little while until I hear the two short whistles then hear cries of pain as Fifth shoots the intruders.  I then hear cries from the front courtyard and the clash of swords, I pick a knife up as I hear a door open then footsteps walking along the hall.  They go into the main room and bedroom first.  I hear them enter the hall again and creep to the study door.   I unsheathe my knife but there is a loud cry and blood splatters the door.   The Prince comes through the door and I relax until I see movement from behind him "duck" I shout and throw my knife as he ducks the knife goes through the guard's forehead "Please tell me that isn't one of ours?" The Prince looks "one of the Queens" "thank goodness, I'm not as good with my left hand I meant to get his shoulder" I explain.  A long and then short whistle sounds.  I breathe a sigh of relief "Keon-hi are you alright" she nods and then the garden door is swung open and Un comes in and gathers her in his arms then he holds her at arms length and checks her over and then hugs her to him again.  I smile at the Prince as he gathers me into his arms, "I'm going to need you to dress my foot again I couldn't bring my crutch and walked on it properly so I didn't make a noise" I tell him "I'm just glad your safe, thank goodness you had Second and Fifth with you" the Prince rubs my back reassuring himself as well as me that everything is alright. "My maids are all hiding in the far building" I tell him. "Fifth" the Prince calls"yes, your Majesty" "can you make sure the maids are alright and your sister then take them around to side yard and have someone give them some tea and something sweet to fight off any shock" the Prince orders "yes, your Majesty" Fifth replies.  "What was the Queen thinking? I feel like putting the fear of God into her" I spit.  "Then please do" the King answers I look at the doorway and see the King standing there with his sword at his side.   I try and stand up "stay seated, now tell me how would you put the fear of God into her?" he asks Un and Keon-hi come and sit closer too.  "First I would make all her maids silently disappear.  Then I would have her hear swords clashing, when she called out for someone I'd fire or get someone to fire a couple of arrows into her room" I wave my injured hand before continuing "we'd know from her call where about she was in the room and which room.  I then would wait until she called out again or moved to try and see what was going on.  I'd have guards lay around on either side of her palace so if she looks out the front, she'd see bodies same if she looked out the back.   If she looks out to the side and I think she will.  She wouldn't see bodies there and she'd try and escape through the side gate. This is where I could have some fun as I'd be sitting in my sedan just a little away from her side gate and when she ran towards me and she will.  Asking for help I'd pin her to the wall with my knives.  I'd try and pin her by her clothes but I'm not as good with my left hand" I wave to the body in the hall "I was meant to get his shoulder" I explain. The King claps his hands "I could kiss you" at the Princes scowl he holds up a hand "I said could not would.  You've thought of the fact I gave an order that she was not to step foot outside her palace and when she says there was a fight and no bodies to back her up and no arrows.  Well all the eggs are in our baskets as we do have dead bodies and upturned room's" he rubs his hand together "Pun, have all the elite guards arrived?" he asks "Yes, your Majesty" "have some stay and guard both the Princes palace and the Princess' not a thing or body is to be moved" he orders "the rest are to follow us" he adds.  The Prince helps me stand up, "can your foot wait?" I nod and he carry's me out to the sedan "Keon-hi do you want to stay here or come with us?" I ask she smiles "can I come with you?" the King waves her to come I move in my seat and tap the space beside me and she gets in.  I put my arm around her "can I borrow your knife as one of mine is still in the guard?" She passes me her knife.  When we get close the Prince, Un, Second and two of the elite guards jump over the wall and make the servants silently disappear.  The King has the guards from the side gate moved.  Someone throws a small pebble over the wall to say the coast is clear and then guards jump over the front wall and back wall and lay on the ground as instructed by the King.   He hides himself in a doorway which just leaves myself Keon-hi and Fifth.  We hear the clash of swords and then silence.  I hear a faint cry for help and then a little muffled scream as the arrows are fired into the room.  I smile at Keon-hi and she smiles back, we wait and another little pebble gets thrown over the wall.  I turn to Keon-hi and wink, "do you think they'll belong fetching the water?" I ask "I'm not sure your Majesty hopefully not" Keon-hi says acting along with me. "It's such a hot day I should have bought" I don't get to finish as the Queen steps out the side gate and starts to run towards us.  "Help! Please help?" I throw Keon-hi's knife and it sticks into the wall and holds her sleeve in place I then take another knife and throw that one.  "What are you doing? I asked for help?" She cries.  I take another knife and throw that one it pins her leg to the wall. "Stop, you bitch! How dare you harm your Queen!" she spits I take another knife and throw pinning her left bottom leg to the wall.  She cries out as it nicked her shin.  "I'm not as good with my left" I say to Keon-hi "looks good to me" she answers and grins at me. "You two whores" the Queen screams and I let my final knife go, she stops screaming instantly as the knife lands in the wall just beside her head.  The King comes out of his hiding place and Pun jumps from the wall and walks a few steps behind him.  The Queen can't see him yet.  "Princess, what are you doing here?" he calls "your Majesty I was attacked" the Queen sobs.  The King looks at the Queen and then me.  "I did tell you that you weren't allowed to step foot from your palace?" the Kings says to the Queen. "I've been attacked that bitch sent men to kill me! There are dead bodies all over my yard and garden, arrows were even shot into my room" she sobs. "Princess I think you should come with us" the King says.  Pun starts pulling out my knives.  I give a nod and Keon-hi helps me down.  I keep a hold of her arm and she helps me walk through into the Queen's palace.  Pun gives me my knives back and I slot them back into place at my back.  I give Keon-hi hers back and wink before saying "I don't see anybodies?" I state as we go through the side gate. "They are in the front and back" she spits and marches to the front courtyard.  "I still don't see any bodies?" I say "Shut your mouth bitch, you're going to be in big trouble" she walks around to the back garden and is looking around wildly when I get there.  The King looks at me and I nod at him "I still don't see any bodies" he says "shut your mouth, before I shut it for you" she yells.  Keon-hi and I put as much shock as we can on our faces and Pun steps towards the Queen.  The reality of what she's just done hits her and she covers her mouth with her hand. "I.I.I thought.. I didn't know. The arrows, the arrows" she stumbles as she's just stumbled over her words.  I let the King and Pun follow her in.  "NO! there where two arrows in the wall" she shouts. "Where did that knife throwing Bitch go?" she screams.  She runs form the room with the King and Pun close on her heels.  She runs towards me her claw shaped hands held out in front of her.  I take one of my knives out and toss it up in the air and catch it.  She stops and then turns back to the King. "She tried to kill me?" she screams. "I think the Princess remembered my words, that you were not to step foot outside your palace and kept you from making and even bigger mistake" the King says. The Queen looks from him to me.  Then points her finger at me "that whore" she screams as a sword lands a few feet from her and the Prince walks into view.  "Your Majesty, you need to come with me" he says he pulls his sword from the grass "and bring the Queen too" Pun moves to the Queen and we walk back to the walled pathway.  Keon-hi and I get in the sedan "I should be travelling in the sedan" the Queen cries.  I ignore her and so does the King.  We walk back to my palace first and walk through the upturned rooms out to the back garden and the connecting archway and the bodies of her dead guards can be seen.  We walk through the study and see the two dead guards in the hall one from a sword and the other with a knife in his head.  The Queen suddenly screams "You've killed him, you bitch, whore you've killed him" she cries and falls to her knees beside the guard with a knife in his head. "Shit, you were sleeping with more than one of your guards?" I gasp.   The Queen at first doesn't seem to have heard, as she sobs, but then suddenly horror struck looks at the King.  Wipes her tears from her face and stands up "no, no I just, I just" she can't finish the sentence. "Your Majesty" the Prince puts his arm out and the King walks to the front courtyard door and walks out Pun pulls the Queen by her arm and we follow.  There are more bodies in the front courtyard.  The King turns around and slaps the Queen across her face "Pun, have this bitch, whore put in my dungeon the one next to her other lover" the King orders.  "Yes, your Majesty" Pun bows and holds up his hands and two guards walk forward "drag her away" he tells them. "No, I'm your Queen, get your filthy hands off of me.  Your Majesty you can't do this to me" she screams.  My head is beginning to hurt with all her noise, I walk forward and hit the side of her neck and she slumps forward held up by the arms the guards hold. "Drag her away" Pun orders.  I sit down on the top step.  My head is throbbing and my foot feels as though I've walked on glass.  "Are you alright?" the King asks I nod and then bend my leg so I can look at my foot.  Seeing the bloody bandage, I put my foot down quickly but not before a shocked gasp has left Keon-hi.  The Prince marches towards me and lifts up my foot. "How is this alright?" he demands.  I just look at him and let him see the pain and tiredness behind my eyes. 

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