Travel through Time Chapter 31

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   I grab and throw my knife in the direction of the garden door, the Prince jolts up and jumps from the bed, I put my top on as I sit up.  "Sorry your Majesty, there was a few of them" Un apologises.  The Prince lights a candle and I see the body of a man laying on the floor just inside the door.  I put my hand to my stomach and silently thank the little boy in my dream, "did you hear something?" the Prince asks me, I think then say "something" "good job you did" answers the Prince.  A guard comes and helps Un drag the dead man out, "we've caught one alive your Majesty" a guard call's.  "Be there in a minute" the Prince closes the door and starts to get dressed.  "Try and get to sleep, we need to find out who has sent them and then plan the best way to counter" he kisses me and covers me with the blanket.  "So grateful my wife knows how to throw a knife" he adds as he leaves the room.  There's a knock on the door "your Majesty it's me" Keon-hi calls from the door "come in" I tie my top before sitting up in bed.   "I'm a little scared, I heard the clash of swords outside my room and then blood splashed across my door.   I didn't know who had been hurt or anything" Keon-hi explains.  I open my arms and she climbs on the bed and rests in my arms. "Your cold, here" I put the blanket around her.  "Do you want to hear something rather special but strange at the same time?" I lay down and Keon-hi puts her head in the crook of my arm and nods "I was just falling asleep not really dreaming of anything, when a heard a voice of a little boy.  He said 'Mummy be careful, at the garden door, throw your knife now' I grabbed my knife without even thinking and threw it towards the garden door and killed the man trying to kill the Prince and I.   Sounds strange but also special doesn't it?" I ask. There is no answer and I peek down to see Keon-hi sleeping soundly.  I smile and rub my stomach, "I think your going to be very special" I whisper before closing my eyes and falling back to sleep.  "Un" "yes your Majesty" Un replies, I wake up to the whispered voices. "That is my place, take her to her own bed" the Prince whispers.   I hide my smile and watch as Un goes to pull back the covers.  "Wait!" the Prince stops him and pulls him back and then lifts up the covers and breaths a sigh of relief when he see's my tied top.  I keep watching from under my lashes.  The Prince picks up Keon-hi and hands her to Un, he follows him to the door and then closes it.  I untie my top and pull it apart and then close my eyes and wait for the Prince to get into bed.  He growls when he see's my bare breasts, I yelp when his cold hands cup them.  "Your cold" he goes to take his hands away and I catch them and wrap them around me pulling him into me.  He kisses me and then snuggles down and pulls me in tight.  "Just need a couple more hours" he murmurs I stroke his head and listen to his deep even breathing.  I doze on and off until he wakes up again, "morning" he sounds a little gruff.   "You can sleep a little more" I tell him "no I have to get up and see how the guards got on.  I had them go to the next town and arrest one of the minister's women.  I've sent word to the palace and they will send more guards to arrest the rest of them, I hope this will stop the attacks." He rubs his face with his hands then smiles and kisses my breast. "Really is the best way to wake up" he kisses me and then helps me sit and get out of bed.  "Really don't want to be away from the palace any longer than we have too.  We need to know if your pregnant or not and then get the care that you need so you can deliver a healthy child" he explains.  I put my hand to my stomach again and nod my head in agreement. We wash and get dressed after breakfast, Jin-hyeok is told to take care of me and the Prince and Un leave to meet up with the guards.   Keon-hi smiles as the Prince and Un leaves "you look happy" I say.  "I am I fell asleep in your arms and woke up in Un's" her smile grows, I laugh "how did you manage that?" I ask she shakes her head "I don't know, but my hand aches I think I might have taken a phistful of his clothing and wouldn't let go" she giggles and I smile "fistful" I correct.  "How old are you?" Jin-hyeok asks "turning 11 tomorrow" Keon-hi answers.   I clap my hands "it's your birthday tomorrow?  You should have told me sooner, oh my so much to do" I say as I stand and walk from the room.  "You've done it now" I hear Jin-hyeok say as I go and find Ri-na.  I look through the things we have bought with us and pick out the hair ribbon I had made for her.  "Ri-na can you make a cake and some candy's please? It's Keon-hi's birthday tomorrow.  I'm going to find a place to hide and sew a butterfly on this hair ribbon.   Wait just a minute" I ask as I write a quick note to Jin-hyeok "can you pass this to my brother without Keon-hi seeing.  Tell them I've gone for a nap." Ri-na nods and walks from the room.  I look around and wonder where I could hide just for an hour.  I snap my fingers as a hiding place comes to mind, I grab my small sewing kit and the hair ribbon.  I wish they had cell phones this would make things so, much easier, I think.  I stop walking "what is a cell phone?" my head starts to ache and I give it a little shake and then start walking again.   I see a guard and walk up to him "if anyone asks except the Prince you haven't seen me, could you get word to Un and let him know it's Keon-hi's birthday thank you." I skip up to the big tree in the back yard.  I tuck the back of my skirt into the front and climb up to the big branch just above the roof of the house.   I lean my back against the tree trunk and place my legs either side of the thick branch.  I start sewing a blue butterfly once the butterfly is finished.  I decide to sew a flower that it can be sitting on.  As I'm finishing, I feel the hairs on the back on my neck rise.  I look round and see a dark figure climbing over the corner wall.  Looking around I see that no-one is aware that someone is getting over the wall.  I wait till he is fully over the wall and as he slinks towards the large earth ware pots in the yard.  I pull out my knife and throw, it sinks deep into his thigh.  He cries out and is surrounded by guards.  I pack my things away and climb back down the tree, "one of you must always be in that tree, it gives you a clear line of site all the way around the boundary wall.  Take him away and tie him up, I'll come and dress his wound" I instruct.   I put my sewing kit away and hide the finished hair ribbon, "I need to treat an intruder" I tell my brother and Keon-hi.   I stick my head into the kitchen "how's it going?" I ask Ri-na "I have the cake cooking and have already made some candy's.  I'm cooking beef rice which is one of her favourites dishes." "Good job" I tell her and then head to one of the out houses with the first aid kit.  I go in and they have the intruder tied to a metal ring secured to the wall, my knife is still in his leg.  "You're not touching me" he yells "alright then but I need my knife" I say as I pull the knife from his leg.  He cries out as blood starts to pour from his wound. "Opps' sorry I seem to have nicked a major vein, if you don't have it looked at soon, you'll bleed out.  I'd say you'll start to feel light headed very soon.  Your hands will start to feel numb and your vision will become blurry, once that happens it really doesn't take long before you close your eyes and you never wake up again" I tell him.  I watch as my words sink in.  "The way the blood is pumping out of you I might have done more than nick it" I add. "You dress it" the intruder nods at one of the guards "I don't know what to do" the guard replies.   I turn and start to walk away "alright you do it" he spits.  I turn back "get me a small stove" I order, the guards bring me the one they have been using to make tea.  I push my knife into the coals and let it heat up as I cut his pants over the wound.   I clean it and push a cloth into it to help stem the bleeding.  I then take my knife out of the coals "this is going to hurt" I place a wooded stick into his mouth for him to bite down on.  I then push the hot blade into the wound, sealing the vein the knife cut.   I take the blade out and then take my needle and thread and sew the wound shut and then dress it.  "It will have to stay dry and you will need the wound cleaned and changed every day" I explain.  I throw the bloody cloths into the stove and then clear away, before standing and walking away.  The guards all bow as I pass, "your Majesty" one of the guard's call "yes" "I apologise that we didn't see the intruder first" he bows. "That's alright I didn't spot the blind spots until I was up the tree, if the Prince doesn't ask there is no need to mention how he was caught" I say.  I see the guard trying to fight a smile, he nods and I continue on to the main house.  I go and sit in the main room with Jin-hyeok and Keon-hi.  As I sit my brother stands gives me a wink and leaves the room, Keon-hi is fighting her heavy eyes.  I sit closer to her and she leans on me, we are sitting on a big day cushion.  I put my arm around her and lean back slowly until we are laying down on the day cushion.  I reach over and pull the blanket over the both of us. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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