Travel Through Time Chapter 13

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  I  think of what needs to be done before I can leave. "Right to the prison" I say and grab the paper work I have prepared.  I walk round to the prison and whistle to gather the guards "who is in charge here?" I ask someone points to the guard that I tied up "okay, lets see?" I go through the employment records "Is Ki Do-hu here?" he steps forward you have just been given a promotion, for the next year I want you to write monthly reports and send them to me.  I see a house is given with the promotion and a rise in pay don't let me down" I say he nods and bows to me and I hand him the badge that Un has just given me. "You can promote your own assistant and a night head.  I have written up the working schedule of the prisoners.  Unless someone is near death, they will not be able to get out of doing the work.  I have also outlined how productive everyone should be, I will ask for sample's to be sent of their work.  Do you need me to go over it with you?" he shakes his head and takes the paper work I hand to him.  "Good luck" I say before walking back to the front courtyard.  There is a guard wearing the coloured uniform of the ones in the forest, he see's Un and walks up to him say's something quietly and then passes him a bundle of books.  "Do I need to look at any of that?" I ask Un shakes his head and I nod and go back in the office.  I take the account books of the people we have arrested.  I spend time going through them and writing promissory notes to the surviving family members.  The is a lot of wealth that will fill the palace treasury but I make sure that the relatives have enough to help them out.   

  Once I've finished, I walk out and see Keon-hi asleep leaning against Un sitting on the top step.  "Un, what have you done about those servants?" "They have been detained, the palace is sending someone to fill the chief inspector position" I nod and then wave over a passing guard "I need to have all these letters sent out" he bows and takes the letters from me. "Oh, ask if they can read, then if they can't please read it and tell them they can come in a few days and hand the letters in" he bows again then turns and leaves. "I have given instructions on how to deal with the criminals.   I have also written up a small manual on how to collect evidence around crime scenes and from the bodies of the victims.  Is there anything else I need to do?  I have made a list of all the land and processions that the palace should receive as well as gold and silver amounts.  I have not done Lord Yoo as I have nothing on him" Un looks at me and smiles "want to go back to the palace?" I bounce up and down "can we? Now?" I ask he laughs and nods, he picks up Keon-hi and carry's her towards the stables, "have you talked to Chang-wo?" I suddenly ask. "Yes, while you where busy.  I collected our things and sent them ahead and talked to Chang-wo he will be added to my family register as a younger brother and start to study towards the military exam.  He tells me he has some understanding when it comes to reading and writing" I smile thinking that he can go far. "What will Keon-hi do?" I wonder "I'm having her put on a distant relative register they have died already" he explains "you have been busy too" I see my horse already saddled, and Un's next to it. "Un, you're not thinking that Chang-wo can share my horse, are you?" He looks at me then Chang-wo, "saddle another horse, you'll have to learn as we head out of town." Chang-wo fist pumps the air and runs in to saddle another horse.  When he leads the horse out, I see it is a little smaller than mine.  Un has woken Keon-hi and lifted her onto his horse she looks at little terrified until Un is settled behind her with his arm around her holding the rains then she looks very happy.  I hold the horse for Chang-wo and he uses the stall rails to get on, once he has the reins.  I get on my horse, and we trot out of the lane to the road.  We just trot slowly to the town gates.  I take one last look of the scum hanging there and then past through the gate.  

  Casting them from my mind, "can we try a canter?" I ask Chang-wo and he gives his horse a little nudge and he starts to canter.   I pull up next to him, try and move your body with the horse.  If your body is working against the horse your teeth will rattle and you feel as though your joints are going to break." I trot a little ahead so he can see how I do it.  He learns quickly and soon we are galloping along the road Un in front, Chang-wo in the middle and me following behind them.  We've travelled some way when I see a bow and arrow stick out from the tree line pointing at Un and quickly pull my bow and arrow out and fire, Un notices and nudges his horse to go faster.  Chang-wo does the same I keep my bow in my hand and Un has his sword out.   I turn around as we leave behind the clump of trees and see a figure drawing their bow, I wrap a leg around the top of my saddle and then lean to the side of my horse, draw my bow and fire an arrow, it catches the figure along his cheek.  I right myself on the horse and urge it to go into a full gallop.   We do not let up until we are at the side gate.  There is a guard waiting for our horses, Un jumps down lifts Keon-hi down, then helps Chang-wo and me off. "Eye's open" Un tells the guard and we disappear through the side gate. Un walks quickly to my room and we enter through the garden door, "you need to change quickly into your normal clothes.  I will take Chang-wo to my quarters, ask them to prepare a bath for you and I will find some clothes for Keon-hi" I nod and he disappears with Chang-wo.  I take Keon-hi to my bed and have her lay down behind the folded blankets.  I then go to the other room "is anyone there? Prepare a bath" I hear them answer then close the door between the two rooms I put a lock through the doors that lead to the garden.  I strip and hide the men's clothes then dress in my undergarments only, take my hair down and rub my forehead to get rid of the mark left by the headband. I pull some of my hair over my forehead to help hide the marks.  I hear the door rattle to the garden, "help someone is trying to get into my room I'm undressed" I shout.  I hear a number of running footsteps then the clash of swords.  A maid comes and knocks on the connecting door "are you alright my Lady" I open the door and make my eyes wide "what is going on, I've only just recovered" I say. "Don't worry my Lady, the guards on duty have already caught one and the other will be caught soon" I nod "your bath is being prepared we will call you once it's ready" she bows and leaves.  I walk over to the bed and help Keon-hi sit up "how is your mouth?" I ask she nods strokes my cheek, I smile at her "let me get you some water" I take the bamboo bottle I bought with me and offer it to her. She take's a sip and then passes it back to me, I take a sip and wonder when I will see the Prince.  A knock sounds on the garden door "it's me your Lady" I hear Un say.  I unlock the door and he come's into the room then seeing me in my undergarments turns away, I go and get my robe and put it on. "It's okay now" I tell him he turns and looks for Keon-hi "we have caught the intruders, the Prince will not be here till later he apologises to you, but he has to take care of somethings now." 

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