Travel Through Time Chapter 18

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  I wake up a little when I feel the Prince move, "its alright go back to sleep my love" I hear, it soothes me and I fall back to sleep.  I wake with me hugging the blanket, the sun has risen a little and I stretch out the kinks.  I pull my robe together and get out of bed, I walk to the garden door and open it up and breath in the morning air.  I stay there watching the sun lift in the sky, before going back in my room.  "Anyone there?" I call Ri-na comes in and bows "can you prepare the bath and bring me a light breakfast please which is to be made by one of you" she bows "the water is heating for your bath and Eun-ji is preparing your breakfast" she informs me "lovely, thank you" she leaves and I brush out my hair.  I take the time to rub in oil all over my body, then wait for my breakfast, it arrives and is just right nothing to heavy as the butterfly's are rolling around in my stomach.  I eat what I can, "Ri-na" she comes in and closes the door, "before I go to the bathing room can I get you to rub some of this oil into my back" she bows and kneels behind me I allow the gown to fall from my back but keep it over my front.  Ri-na rubs the oil in all over my back, "are the scars still standing out?" I ask her "no my Lady not really" I nod and then pull my gown back up once she has finished. "I will ask you every morning to rub this into my back it will help take the scarring away" she bows "your bath will be ready soon" she says as she leaves the room.  I do some stretchers to warm up my body so it takes in the oil, once I'm nice and warm.  Ri-na tells me my bath is ready.  When I walk into the room, holding the large heated tub the smell of roses hit's me.  I go to the shelves holding the oils and pick out an orange oil and add it to the water. "In future please don't use as many rose petals, I like cherry blossom and plum with a citrus oil like orange, lemon or lime" "yes my Lady they say and I walk up the steps and drop my robe as I walk down the steps into the tub.  I lean against the side and soak in the scented water, Eun-ji washes my hair and combs it with scented oil water.  I take a cloth and rub all over my body, "can you pass me my knife please?" Ri-na passes me my knife I wash under my arm pits and then scrap my knife over them taking away the hair that grows there.  I hold up my leg but the hair is very fine there so I leave it, I leave my knife on the edge of the tub.  I wash my face and then soak a cloth in warm water and leave it over my face.  "You may leave" "yes my lady" I hear the door close and footsteps move around.  I soak for a while and then stand up and wrap a towel around my body before putting my robe on.  I walk back to my room and find Cam and her assistant with all the trays holding my wedding attire. "Hi Gungnyeo Cam, what's first?" "We have to dry your hair" she bows.  I sit by the fire and they use fans to fan the hot air to my hair I comb it and it dries soon enough.  Cam takes the comb and puts my hair up, "you will wear your hair like this from now on, your Majesty" I nod her assistant brings a tray with makeup pots on. "I don't want lots of make up on my skin is healthy enough" I get a nod and she, applies a fine dusting of power then lip colour and uses a pencil on my eyebrows.  I take it from her and draw a thin line across my eyelids as it showcases my long lashes.  Her assistant brings the first clothes tray.   I take the top and put it on Cam ties it and straightens it till she is happy. I pickup the pants and look inside and see the satin "thank you" I say before I stepping into them and pull them up.  I wait for the assistant to bring the next tray and put the skirt on the proper way and I see Cam's lip twitch at my wrinkled nose.  She fusses until she is happy with it then helps me put the top part on.  She ties it checks the arm lengths and stands back and looks over me.   I look down and see the beautiful red phoenix over my breast, "thank you it is beautiful" I place my hand over it and breath.  She nods and the next tray comes forward it takes both of them to help me on with the over coat. My eye catches the colour red and I look down and see two phoenix's they are facing each their beaks touching.  I wrap my arms around Cam, "thank you" I quickly release her as she has turned to stone.  I mouth sorry and stand with my arms out again, she fusses with it, while I stand there and wait for her to finish.  She brings my arms down and checks they look okay, "can I have this hung in my room after today?" I ask she nods and I grin, I cringe at the head wear "is it nearly time to go, because that thing is heavy and that's before that other thing gets attached?" I wonder "yes my Lady it is nearly time" hearing this news I bend my knees and let her fix the head dress on my head.  I can't keep the grin from my face, my head gear fits a little better because when she attaches the long rod and places the side pieces over my shoulders it doesn't pull my head back.  Cam fusses a bit more then the assistant brings the last tray with the socks and shoes on, Cam helps me put them on.  The shoes fit better and aren't so tight, "will you help me take this off?  If you leave it to me I'm just going to shake it off and leave it were it falls" at her shocked expression I add "which is way I'm asking if you'll help me off with it" she smiles "yes, your Majesty, I'll help you take off the top coat" I breath a sigh of relieve.  "How do I look?" the doors open and Eun-ji and Ri-na walk in holding a big mirror.  I look and can hardly see myself I'm that covered up, "you look beautiful my Lady" Ri-na tells me. I smile and then ask "is it time now?" They nod and Ri-na and Eun-ji take an arm each and guide me out.   We go through the gate that connects the Princes quarters with mine walk to another gate and walk along a stoned path, up some steps along another path. Through another gate and walk along a walled path then we turn and walk through a gate into a huge square, the butterflies take flight again in my stomach and I concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other and breathing.  There are lots of people lined up on either side of the path, my breathing hitches and I sway a little "the Prince, your Majesty" Ri-na whispers I look up and see the Prince walking towards me and I can breathe again. He does a quick scan and then winks at me.  He looks very regal in his wedding attire and head dress.  We walk up the isle together but with my maids still holding my arms.  We get to the bottom of the steps and Ri-na and Eun-ji leave my side and walk a little way then follow our progress as we climb the stairs.   We finally get to the top where we bow to the King and Queen.  A eunuch says bow to the heavens, now bow to your parents, now bow to each other, the Royal Prince Successor Brother has wed lady Leigh So-yeon who will be now addressed as Royal Princess.  We turn to the square and all the people below bow and they cheer.  I see my brother and smile while he rolls his eyes at all the splendour.  I don't look at my father and his wife as I'd want to leap over and punch her lights out.   We take our seats and have some wine and food while watching dancers below and jugglers, there is even musicians playing.  After many cups of wine raised and drank, I feel as though my neck is disappearing into my body.  I don't show it though and the Prince keeps his hand on my knee I have my hand over his. Finally, the King stands up, "it is time for the wedded couple to leave us" I nearly jump up but remember at the last moment and stand and bow to the King and Queen.  The Prince takes my hand and leads me down the steps, thankfully the way back seems shorter than coming and we get to the Princes palace quickly.  There Cam and her assistant help me out of the head wear and top coat.  My shoes are outside the door "thank you" I say rolling my shoulders they leave and two maids come in carrying a table with wine and bowls on.  I sit and the Prince sits on the other side while the maid starts to pour the wine into the cups, she waits till she see's us drink then goes to help the Prince out of his clothes. "Touch him and you'll lose that hand" I hiss she snatches her hand back, "leave, the Royal Princess will help me" she goes to say something but the Prince sends her a deadly look.  She bows and leaves the room with the other maid.  The Prince looks at the phoenix over my breast. "Is that for me?" I nod "there is also two facing each other with their beaks touching on my outer coat also over my heart" he smiles "thank you." I pull the hair pin holding my hair in place and let the braid fall down my back.  I stand "I'll help you shed some weight" the Prince stands "yes, please" he kisses me and then nibbles my neck. "If you keep that up, I'll take my knife and cut you out your clothes" I hear a noise at the door. "I told you all to move to the outer doors" yells the Prince and we hear feet shuffling. "You are not needed until morning and then only if I call Hun" the Prince adds.  I help him take off his top coat and head gear, "my shoes are outside the door" he turns and picks up my everyday shoes and I grin as I put them on, he puts his boots on and we exist via the side door. "We need to jump over the wall again" he tells me I tuck the back of my skirt into the front then follow the Prince over the wall.  We enter my quarters via the garden, I listen hear no-one by the main door but put the lock through it anyway. 

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