Travel Through Time Chapter 54

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   "I'm an idiot, if truth be told I wasn't thinking about anything.  It was like I was in this pleasure haze and couldn't get enough of you.  If I could turn back time I would and slap my face to bring me out of that haze.  I don't know what to do to fix this at all?" he admits. "Well that's a start, you're just going to have to give me some time.  I was so angry last night that if you had tried to touch me further.   I would have really hurt you! Which upset me more" I tell him truthfully "and we won't be having sex outside for a good while if ever!" I add he nods and looks like a lost puppy "I couldn't sleep last night so sat out in the hall.   I haven't been able to concentrate on work or anything for that matter.   I nearly stabbed myself in the leg when I tried to take my mind off it by practising my knife throwing" I look at his thigh and see a blood stain.  "How did you manage that?" I demand.   "I forgot that I'd unsheathed it and taped it against my thigh" he dismisses.   I look at him properly and he looks as though he's about to unravel.  "Come here" I say and he crawls around the table on his knees I hug him and then pat my thigh. "Rest your head and sleep." He kisses my forehead and then lays down and puts his head on my lap.   I stroke his head and he fall's asleep, I have to lean away from him to eat.  I keep sewing and at one stage he becomes very unsettled I stroke his head and back, he moves his head so its between my crossed legs and he puts his arms around my hips and holds me tight. "It's alright I'm here, sleep some more I reassure him.   He settles again and I keep sewing, my legs start to feel numb as time moves into the evening.   I manage to uncross my legs and stretch them out in front of me.  I give his shoulder a shake, "you should have something to eat and then go back to sleep" I tell him.  He sits up "your throwing me out again?" he questions I shake my head "no, I just think you should have something to eat and then if your tired you can go to sleep again" I assure him.  "Where?" he wants to know. "I didn't sleep that much either, I'm finding it hard to understand you. Where? What?" I ask. "Do you want me to go sleep in my bed while you sleep here?" he asks. "No, we can sleep together" I tell him "oh, good! Yes, I'm starving" he says. I stand up "call for some food I need to use the little girl's room" I use my crutch to get to the commode room, I massage my numb butt cheeks while I'm at it.   Then wash and go back out, the Prince is crossing his legs when I open the door bouncing near the door. "All done" I tell him and he nods and uses it himself.  I tidy up a little and then the Prince comes back out, "they said food wouldn't be to long" we sit, wait and Hun brings it through and places it in front of us. He bows and we eat.  We are both tired so don't talk much, once we've finished.   I clean my teeth and go to the bedroom and get ready for bed.  The Prince watches me I strip to my pants and climb into bed.  The Prince follows my lead then climbs into bed "thank you for forgiving me" he says "it wouldn't be much of a relationship if we fall at the first hurdle" I state.  He puts his arm around me and gently kisses me.   He then snuggles into my chest, "I feel as though I'm home" he tells me. "We are" I simply say and kiss the top of his head "night" I say but he's already asleep.  I put my injured arm over his shoulders and close my eyes, sleep claims me almost immediately.

   I wake up to find the Prince watching me, "am I drooling?" I ask he smiles "no, I just like looking at you" I shake my head "I need to go and" I wave to the commode room. "You're really not going to say pee, again are you?" I shrug as I sit up and climb over him.  I pick up my crutch "will you ever let me carry you again?" he asks I let my crutch drop and holdout my arms, he leaps from the bed and scoops me up.  He carry's me into the commode room and then lets me use it then clean up and do my thing.  "Finished" I call, he comes back in scoops me up again and carry's me back to the bedroom.  He then goes and washes up.  We eat breakfast and I ask him what his plans are "I have to meet with the King, we think we've found a good place to build the assault course.  We are also discussing options on what to do with the Queen.  No-one else knows she's locked in the dungeon yet they think she's still locked in her palace" he explains.   I nod "I was going to go to the training ground and watch the guards train but every time I think about it, I remember the other night and I don't want to go" I tell him.  "I'm so sorry, really I am I don't know what you want me to do.   I could dress as a woman and come with you?" he offers. "I'll get over it, just need a little more time" he nods sadly.  "You'd better go or you'll be late" I tell him. He kisses me "do think you can draw up the plans on how to make the targets move for the assault course? He asks I nod and he waves goodbye before leaving.

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