Travel Through Time Chapter 36

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  I gasp when he lifts me to my feet "lean over and hold on to the side of the tub" I do what he's instructed.  He runs his hands down my back, then smacks me on the butt.  I look over my shoulder "have I been bad master?" the Prince narrows his eyes and then smiles "very bad" and smacks my butt again.   He spreads my legs with his foot and then I feel him push into me from behind.  I gasp and tighten my hold on the tub, "your so tight, your pussy is sucking me in and then pushing me out again.  It feels wonderful" he pushes all the way in and then stops.   I feel the sting of another slap and my muscle clamp down on his manhood.  He groans and rotates his hip's.  I circle mine but it is not enough.  I look over my shoulder "more" I breath, I get another slap and gasp. He pulls all the way out then pumps his hips forwards spearing me with his manhood.  I cry out and he stills, I take one of his hands and pull it round to the front of my sex.  With my hand on top of his I push his fingers through my sex then I find the nub and circle it before pushing down hard on it.  I keep our fingers there, as he pulls out and thrust back in.  I cry out again and he groans as our finger tips brush along the length of his member.   I circle my sex, then take his middle finger and rub it over the base of his member.  I take my hand away and let him play with me.  I stand up with my back arched and wrap an arm around his neck to keep me up, the other I use to play with my breasts.   He pulls nearly all the way out and then thrusts back in.   I turn my head and capture his mouth I thrust my tongue into his mouth, then suck his tongue into mine.  I move forward a little with each forward thrust, until I'm close enough to put a foot up on the second step of the tub.  I kiss him again and then lean forward holding the edge of the tub.  The Prince can now go deeper with each thrust, I cry out and moan.  He has a hand gripping my hip the other he pinches my nub between his finger and thumb, "ready to fly?" he whispers I nod and he sucks my ear lobe into his mouth while he rubs my sex and thrust into me.  He growls into my ear and I come apart, crying out.  The Prince smacks my butt and I come apart again, I feel the Prince thrust in and his hot seed spurt out mingling with my own orgasm.  We are both panting, the Prince takes me leg down from the step and then turns us slightly and sits down on the step with me on his lap and him still inside me.  "I love how your muscles still spasm and grip me, even when you're organism has stopped" he tells me.  I lean against him and concentrate on my breathing. "I think we are working hard to give our child the best beginning" he adds I nod.  I stand up and feel the Prince slip from inside of me.  I sit back down in the tub and close my eyes.  The Prince sits down next to me, and kisses my cheek, "tired?" he asks I shake me head. "No, I wanted to have a good soak, I'm happy and contented" I tell him and smile up at him. He strokes my cheek, "sit back and relax" he takes a cloth puts some soap on it and starts to wash me.   Once he's done that, he takes some oil and rubs that's in. Then lets me soak while he washes himself, "do you want your hair washing there's clean water here?" "Yes please" I answer feeling very loved.  Once we have finished, he wraps me in a cloth and then helps me put my robe on.  I do the same for him and then he lifts me up.   "I can walk" he smiles down at me.  The doors open and he carry's me out to the hall and as he walks around the corner.  He stops, turning my head I see my brother, Keon-hi, and Un standing there.  I bury my head in the Prince's shoulder.  "What?" he asks "I wanted a bath" my brother says, "I heard crying or screaming" Keon-hi says "I was coming to check out the room before you entered" Un states. "The water needs changing" is all the Prince says before walking to our room and then through the connecting door to our bedroom.  He puts me down next to the bed and I sit, "Do you think they all heard?" I mutter, the Prince smiles down at me "we are newly wed" he stops when he see's me put my head in my hands "I'm never going to be able to look them in the eyes again" I mumble into my hands. "Do you think we are the first husband and wife to be heard getting to know one another?" he asks I lift my head "really?" he nods and crouches down in front of me.  "We will hear all about Un and your brother when they marry.   I have heard stories of when my father and mother first got to know one another.  They were the talk of the palace" he reassures me.  "At least we're not in the palace" I try and console myself.  The Prince tries to hide a smile before nodding and rubbing my back. "I feel tired again" I tell him leaning on his shoulder.  He takes the damp cloth away and pulls my robe off before drying me and pushing me down onto the bed.  "I'll be back in a minute I just want to check Un has the doors guarded" he walks from the room and I turn on my side move my damp hair off my back and neck then close my eyes.  I keep them close until I hear the Prince walk in.  I watch from under my eyelashes while he takes his robe off and climbs into the bed lays down facing me. "Go to sleep beautiful, all is good" he kisses me and then snuggles down so his head is at my breasts again with his arm pulling me too him.  I fall into a deep sleep. "Mummy, you have to watch out for the bread seller, remember the bread seller her hair has red in it" "thank you sweet boy Mummy loves you." I wake feeling warm and loved, I look down at the sleeping Prince.  I stroke his hair and lean down and kiss his head.   He cracks open an eye and smiles, kisses my breasts then moves up and kisses me. "Morning Wife" "morning Husband" I smile back at him. "We have to be careful of a bread seller she will have red in her hair" I tell him.   He raises a questioning eyebrow and I pat my tummy.  "I get the feeling she is one of the left secretaries' women" I add.  "I'll have the men keep their eyes open for her and have someone send a message to the town gates also" the Prince reassures me.   We get up, wash and get dressed for the day "I think I'll put up some targets up and practice today.  I need to move a little more" I say as we walk down to the main room for breakfast.  Everyone is there and we talk about the things we want to do today.  "I need to go and buy some books and more paper" Jin-hyeok says "Why don't Keon-hi and I come with you and we can have a little look around town?" I suggest "Take Un and some other guards with you then.  I have to read and write some reports" the Prince tells us.  "Un can you ask for some targets to be made and hung around the inner courtyard I want to practice this afternoon.   I could also give you your first lesson?" I say, he nods and stands up "I'll meet everyone outside.  Her Majesty and Keon-hi can ride in the carriage.  Jin-hyeok can ride" he says as he walks from the room.  Keon-hi and I go and prepare to leave.  I pass her a small purse with coins in it "just in case you see something you'd like to buy.  Don't buy anything from a bread seller with red in her hair" I warn.  "Thank you, your Majesty" she says "call me cousin while we're out" she nods and we walkout to the waiting carriage Ri-na helps me up into the carriage and then Keon-hi follows.  Ri-na sits on the front with the guard "Ri-na" I call she pokes her head around the curtain covering the door "yes your Majesty" "you best call me Lady while we are out and here just in case you see something you like" I tell her passing her some coins. "Thank you, your Ma' I mean my Lady" I nod and she straightens up again. It doesn't take to long before the carriage pulls up and we get out. The town is not too busy and we enjoy walking around looking at the stores and what they are selling. "I'm going to pop into this book store and have a look around" my brother calls.  There is a very nice store selling jewellery and hair ornaments.  Keon-hi and I look over them, "look at this pretty blue stone ring Keon-hi?" I try it on her middle finger "it fits perfectly" I tell her.  I also see a silver ring with gold inlay that I think will look good on the Prince.  I go to fish my money out when Un reaches over "I'll buy the ring for you" he says giving the vendor some money.  "Look..Cousin" Keon-hi holds up a blue butterfly on a hair ornament.  I smile and hold it to her hair "it looks very pretty against your dark hair" Un gives some more money to the vendor and Keon-hi bows her head to him in thanks.  I smile and I see a beautiful plum blossom hair ornament that will go well with the hair pin the Prince gave me. "I'll take these two please" I then spot a white onyx ring with a butterfly carved in it bringing back good memories of my brother and mother. "This one too" I hand over the money and the seller wraps them up for me.  My brother comes out of the book shop and laughs "you didn't get very far" he says.  We walk a little further when we hear a seller shout "fresh hot buns" I look towards the voice and see a woman with red in her hair holding a basket of buns and bread. "Un" I whisper he nods and we move off down the other side of the road.  As the woman tries to push through towards us, two guards grab her and pull her between two stalls.  We spend the rest of the morning shopping, before heading back to our carriage.  I found some pretty thin ribbon for Ri-na and the other servants back in the palace. They can only wear certain styles but they will be the only ones wearing this colour.   I even bought my brother and Un a leather pouch to carry their money in. I will stamp Un's initials on his and a butterfly on my brothers with his initials.  I bought some new thread to sew the Prince a new belt, and some silk to make some baby clothes from.  When we get home, Un tells us he has to talk to the Prince and walks off towards the study while Jin-hyeok helps unload the parcels.  I take mine into my room and then take the ring I bought for my brother to his room and knock on the door before entering.  "I bought this as it reminded me of happy times" I tell him handing over the small bag. He takes it from me and opens it up as he looks at the ring and what has been carved on it a smile grows on his face.  "Thank you, Sister" he pushes it onto his thumb and admires it and then shows me.  "Glad it fits alright" he kisses my cheek "we will have more happy memories to make" he promises me.  I take his hand and squeeze it, "we will hear on father's punishment soon.  He might try and talk to either of us when we get back as he's on his own now.  I will be cutting my ties as I can't have him harming the Prince any more than he has already.  Please don't think you have to though" I explain.  My brother gives me a sad smile "he didn't hear anything from me in two years, then didn't ask about me when I did get back.  No, I will be cutting my ties too.  Thankfully you and I still have the money and properties that Mother left us" he answers.  I nod and we hug each other "So glad you're back brother, I will make sure everyone that mistreated you pays for what they've done" I vow.  "I know you will.   Love you sister" he pats my back and hugs me harder. "I'll leave you to it" I say walking to the door "thank you for my ring" I walk from the room and go to find the Prince.   I find him in the inner courtyard with Un "you have to make sure she doesn't over do it?  She is with child now" he says to Un.   I wrap my arms around him from behind and hug him.  "I know what I can do and what I can't, don't worry I've told you I won't do anything to harm myself or the baby" I say.  He turns and hugs me back "I know I'm just worrying. I have to go and question the woman we caught in town" I nod and he and Un walk from the courtyard.  I look around and see a number of guards around the courtyard. I wave at one guard who is standing near one of the hung targets, to move away.  He moves and I walk into my room to change, once I've changed.  I take my bow, arrows and knives out to the courtyard.  After placing some of my knives around the courtyard and placing three behind my back.  I stretch and warm up then look around and take a steadying breath.  I will use the lower roof, I think to myself before firing the first arrow.  I keep on going until I've no arrows.  Then throw and tumble forward on the grass to pick up the knives I've left around the courtyard.  I run use the speed and handrail to jump and land on the roof before spinning and throwing my last knife at a target.  I use a support post to climb down and look around at the targets.  I think through my shots and mentally correct the ones that could have been shot better.  I start to pull out the arrows and my knives when Un walks into the courtyard. "Ready?" I ask he nods. 

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