Travel through Time Chapter 25

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  I turn my head a little to hide the emotion that I know is showing, my good pure brother who couldn't harm an ant now wants to watch a person being executed.  The Prince puts his hand on my leg and rubs it, "if that is what you want, I will make sure it happens" the Prince assures him. "Thank you, I would normally be horrified to think of someone being quartered, but these evil people need to suffer so they know the pain they have caused others" Jin-hyeok explains.  I feel a little reassured hearing that, "I'll go with you and stand by your side" I tell him.  "Really?" he asks grabbing my hand, I nod "I'll always be there to stand by your side, it would make me feel a little better if you practiced your archery again and learnt a bit more self defense" I say.  "I will, I did practice my archery while I was living in the woods.  It helped to catch food.  I've helped a few people in need of assistants that I came across in the woods.   I even made some very rustic furniture, I learnt to sew so I could make use of the feathers from the birds I caught, and thanks to Mother I was able to plant and grow some vegetables as well.  I found a book on medicine and began studying that, I think I would like to learn more and become a doctor" he finishes.  "I will ask for a teacher to help you and I will ask one of the royal doctors to teach you the practical side of it" the Prince offers.  My brother smiles broadly "thank you, thank you very much.  I feel safe here next to you and my sister.  Have you seen her knife skills? Not only can she throw them with skill she can cut a person so they can know longer walk, or hold chopsticks never mind a sword or whip and can stab them in all their main veins so they will bleed out within a matter of minutes.  That isn't even talking about the fact she can render a person unable to move a finger from one strike or snap of their neck, from one kick or twist.  I use to think her teacher was a little blood thirsty but having seen the world for what it is, I'm in awe of her." I look at my brothers smiling face and then Prince's as his eyes widen at this new information.  "I knew she could throw knives with great skill, and have also witnessed her striking a man at the base of his neck leaving him unable to move but still feel pain.  I will have to keep watching to see if I get to see her other talents" the Prince answers.  "You know she can argue a fish out of water?" my brother adds.  I laugh a little hysterically shaking my head.  "You make is sound as though, I'm some sort of killing machine and speaking guru" I give another hysterical laugh while looking at them both.  They smile at each other then the Prince says "if the shoe fits!"  He and my brother stand up, "let me introduce Un to you formally he is teaching Chang-wo archery and martial arts so he can take the military exam and become a guard" the Prince says leading him out the garden door.  I stand up a little dazed and follow them out, I find my knives, arrows and bow by the door.  "Un" the Prince calls "yes your Majesty" Un replies walking towards him.   "I want to formally introduce you to the Royal Princess' brother Jin-hyeok he would like to improve his archery and other skills that you would be able to teach him" the Prince says.  Un smiles and bows "after watching the Royal Princess this morning I think most people could learn from her too.  I was going to ask if the Princess could teach me some of her martial arts so I could pass it on to the elite guards?" he asks "Why is everyone picking on me, I know how to sew too, read and other things" I say.  They laugh and I walk away looking for Keon-hi.  I find her sitting on a bench that looks over the small lake on the eastern side of the garden.  "Hello, how is your brother?" she asks after bowing to me.  "He's good will be even better once he has a few good meals inside him" I answer.  "How are you?  I haven't seen you for a few days" I ask "your Prince hasn't left your side for very long so I didn't want to intrude.  I'm doing well if a little bored" she tells me.  "What would you like to do?" I wonder "I would love to help people somehow" she says.  "Do you want to learn to read and write that way you could help people by teaching or if you like you could help the sick by nursing them.   Once you learn to read and write you can do anything?" I ask "Un has been teaching me some simple words, but I'm a little bit starry eyed in front of him so I don't remember to much of what he's taught" she says shyly.   "I'll teach you between breakfast and lunch how to read and write and then in the afternoon I will teach you some first aid and basic defensive skills so you can protect yourself" I offer.  "Thank you, but I think I'm a little to small to fight anyone off" she laughs a little.   "No, your size doesn't matter, here stand up" I instruct.  "Now if your attacked and grabbed from behind, you can lift up your foot and stamp your heel hard onto the top of their foot, it is very painful for them and they either let go or loosen their hold so you can use your elbow to hit them in their side.  This is also very painful and makes them double over, giving you the time to run away.  If they grab you from the front you can bring your knee up between their legs and knee them there, for men it is really painful for women also just not as much.  You can also take the heel of your hand, like this and thrust it upwards and hit their nose depending how hard you strike them it can even kill them, but they instinctively let go and put their hands up to their face giving you the chance to run away.  If your being tied up with a rope take a big breath and puff out your chest as much as possible, then when you let it out the rope is not as tight giving you the opportunity to get free. You can also straighten your two fingers like this and poke their eyes, they again hold up their hands to their face and can't see so, you can run away.  Anything you can hold can become a weapon, the best attack area is their throat and neck depending on what you hold" I instruct. Keon-hi listens and copies my movements, "you already have the good core muscles it takes to build on, if you'd like once I'm fully recovered, I could let you excises with me too.   I tend to do that before breakfast, but I think I'm going to have to find another time as the Prince likes to snuggle" I blush a little as I realise what I've just said and Keon-hi blushes and smiles.  "Thank you, for being my friend" she says and tears spring into my eyes I hug her and we sit again "thank you for staying here with me too" I answer we sit and watch the birds on the lake.   I wake when I feel myself being lifted.   I open my eyes to the Prince carrying me back towards our room.   "I'm awake you can put me down" I tell him he tightens his arms and smile's.  I look around there is no one about "your brother is settling into his new room" he nods to the other end of the building holding our rooms.  He will have his own quarters there and is welcome to stay for as long as he wants.  I've asked Hun to find him a teacher to help him further his medical learning so he will have lessons in the mornings spend lunch with us and then on alternative days will go learn from Un or one of the Royal doctors.  I've told Un that you will teach him your material arts once your recovered" he informs me.  "Thank you, I've told Keon-hi that I will teach her how to read and write so she can help people in whichever way she wants.  I'm also going to teach her self defence, so she can protect herself, I know she's only young yet but I feel safer knowing that she has the means to escape" the Prince puts me down next to the bed.  "Only once you've fully recovered" he states I reach up and kiss him "of course."  I go to move away from the bed, but the Prince holds out his arm stopping me.  As I look up to him, he picks me up and lays me on the bed.  "I'm going to take a nap" he tells me "you need me for that?" I ask.   "Yes, you're my pillow, warmth, and the air I need to breath" he says I chuckle as he lays next to me, he kisses me and then wiggles down a little and snuggles into my covered breasts.  He lifts his head and looks at my clothes.  I sit up and take off my outer top, lay back down and he snuggles in again only to lean away and to look at the under top.   I shake my head slightly before I undo the ties of my top.  He pushes it all the way open and puts his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him as he snuggles into my naked breasts.  He then rolls both of us over so I'm facing away from the door I wince a little as my shoulder aches. "Sorry, are you alright?" I nod and stroke his head as he settles back and closes his eyes.  I continue stroking his head "you make me feel so secure and safe wrapped in your arms, but I still keep a knife near so I can help protect you too, in my own way.  I love you my Prince and I will do anything to protect what we have" I say in a soft low voice.  I feel his breathing even out and I fall asleep stroking his head.  

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