Travel Through Time Chapter 3

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  I stop when someone walks in carrying a bowl on a tray and the Prince takes it off of her, "leave" he says and the girl bows, turns and leaves the room. He picks the bowl from the tray and looks at the spoon in it then me. "If we use the drinking aid it will leave the bitter taste of the medicine behind, I know can you turn your head again towards the eves?" I close my eyes as I move my head and breath through the pain. I hear the spoon lifting from the bowl. I slowly open my eyes to see the Prince leaning towards me, I'm a little shocked by how close he is so open my mouth and draw in a breath, he catches my jaw with his hand keeping my mouth open and places his mouth over mine and I feel the medicine running into my mouth and swallow. "Good girl" he says I blink as I watch him sip more medicine into his mouth and lean towards me. I open my mouth a little and allow him to dribble the water into my mouth. "One more should do it" he tells me, as he spoons in more medicine into his mouth and leans towards me, his lips close over mine and he dribbles the water in again. I swallow and feel his lips move against mine. My heart starts to beat faster as he kisses me. He leans into me more and the pain courses me to wince and he leans up taking his lips from mine, "the medicine was very bitter I needed something sweet" he smiles down at me. "I'm sure you could have asked for some taffy" I answer 'taffy' I question my mind but stop that train of thought when my head throbs. "Thank you" I murmur before closing my eyes. I hear foot steps and then hushed voices, just as I'm slipping into the dark depths of sleep I hear, "no, I'll be staying here, you can leave."

   I have strange dreams, but each time I become irritated with them or frightened I feel warm lips on mine feeding me medicine,which helps me fall into a deep sleep. "The king wants to see you" "alright I will go in a minute wait outside"I feel warm lips on mine and medicine filling my mouth. I feel a hand stroke my cheek "be back before you need more medicine" I hear then footsteps moving away from me. "make sure to watch her, no one is to ask her to leave. If they try and get in here then you have my order to kill them" "yes your majesty." Darkness surrounds me again. I feel warm lips on mine and medicine filling my mouth and my heart lightens and beats faster. I reach my hand out and feel a warm hand take it and hold it. I try and open my eyes but is very hard, "so, she will become your wife?" "yes, the King has already talked to her father, they are going to ask for a date to be set some time next month" darkness takes me again. I wake with pain "shit that hurts" I say "now, now language" an amused voice says from behind me "I need to clean your wounds, just a little more then I can give you some more medicine to take the pain away" I'm told "I don't want any more of the medicine, I need to pee" I hear a chuckle "get the commode ready, I'll let you know when you can come in" he says to someone that I can't see. He helps right my clothes after rubbing medicine into the bruising, then moves from behind, to the bed sitting next to me. He smiles down at me"you should come with a public health warning" I tell him as his smiles seem to stir things inside of me.  I can breathe a little easier thankfully, "how long have I slept for?" I ask "three day's" I blink at his answer "no wonder I need to pee" I say he laughs then says "you can come in now" a number of people come in carrying things and once they have set it up they stand to one side of the room "you can leave" the Prince tells them. One of them goes to object but shuts their mouth again after one look from the Prince. He helps me sit up and then helps by putting my legs over the side of the bed. I'm trying not to take a deep breath as he puts his arm around me and takes my weight by my arms. I stand and feel better I take small steps to the screen and once we are around it look at the chair with a hole in its seat, bloody hell I think I close my eyes for a moment and breathe. "I can take it from here" I say "I'll just be on the other of this screen then. "Hum to yourself with your fingers in your ears then" I instruct embarrassed beyond belief I pull down my undergarment pants they are like PJ's really and sit on the chair making sure the right parts are over the hole. 'PJ's' I think but my head throbs so I shut the door on that thought.  Once I've finished, I look round for some toilet roll all I can see is folded cloth next to a basin of water. Really? Right okay I wet the cloth and wash myself and then use the other cloth to dry myself before pulling my pants up and walking slowly round the screen. The Prince jumps up and wraps his arm around me, "could we get some fresh air I hate being stuck in bed?" he nods and grabs a hold of something before wrapping it around my shoulders, it is a cape with a fur collar. I try and ignore the fact that it is real fur, as he guides me to some doors which open on their own. "Can you make it to the steps?" he asks I nod and helps me to the steps I sit on the top one as my legs feel like jelly. The Prince sits behind me which surprise's me.  He pulls me so I'm leaning on him, the slight pressure makes my back feel better and also has a feeling of familiarity about it. "That feels nice thank you" I turn my head to look at him and he bends and kisses the tip of my nose, "I need a shower, I also need to brush my teeth" I tell him "you'll be able to bathe in the next day or two once your stitches are out.  I'll help you wash when we go inside" he offers. "I can wash by myself" he doesn't answer and I feel his head drop onto mine, I stay still as he naps thinking he must be really tired looking after me all the time.  

I take this opportunity to take in my surrounding there is a beautiful garden with plum trees just budding. There are also a number of other building around the garden. I see movement from the corner of my eye and watch as a man walks forward holding a sword to his side.   I try not to think about that and watch him, he smiles at me and then moves a little more so he can see the Prince. He smiles before looking back at me again "I'm Un the Princes personal guard" I smile back "he must be tired looking after me all the time" he nods then looks back to the Prince "his mother wishes to see him" he explains "just let him have a bit more of a nap" he nods "what are all those building's" I say gesturing across the garden. "This is your palace, all the buildings here are yours" he states.  I blink then check to see if he is laughing, he's not so I look at the building's again they don't look familiar to me. "I can't remember them" he just smiles and I decide to just enjoy the fresh air for a bit longer so I close me eye's and take in the clean air.  After a little while the Prince wakes "thank you for letting me sleep.  Un what do you need?" he asks "your mother wishes to see you" he explains.  I hear the Prince sigh as he moves and stands up.   He stands in front of me and helps me to stand but my legs are like Jelly.  He goes to pick me up but then stops "I'll pull your stitches if I lift you that way, lets try this" he says as he bends his legs a little then wraps his arms just below my bum and lefts me straight up.  I grab his shoulders for support and he walks with me back to the bed he puts me down and I sit on the edge of the bed. If I have some water and cloths I can wash while you go and visit your Mother" I say I see him glance at the open door where Un is waiting for him and then back to me. "I'll have someone bring in warm water then.  I won't be long with my mother" he walks to the door says something then turns and nods at me before disappearing with Un.  It isn't long before a bowl a warm water is bought for me and cloths for me to wash, they even bring clean clothes on a tray.  One girl tries to help me take my clothes off "I can do it thank you, you may leave" I order as I've heard the Prince say.  They bow and leave the room.  I take my top off and wash the best I can.  I use a cloth to rub at my teeth as well and then put on the clean top or try too, my arms can't go back as it hurts to much and I can't lift them to much as that pulls on my stitches.  I have one arm in and have myself covered just in case someone walks in without knocking.  When the Prince does just that, before I can say anything, he has me wrapped in his arms being careful not to squeeze me.  He seems to need a hug so I pat his back and wait, "sorry I really needed that, politics has no place in a marriage" he says as he takes my shoulders in his hands and leans a little away from me. "No politics don't.  Do you feel a little better now?" I ask.  I look up to see him swallow and then look down at my cleavage I pull the top over me more. "Sorry I can't get my other arm in, it hurts" he nods and runs a finger down my cheek before helping me put my other arm in.  I tie the top in place. "Have you finished?" he asks "I just need to change my bottoms and then I'm done.  I can feel my eyelids getting heavy" I tell him "yes its time for more medicine" he helps me stand up and then turns his back so I can rest a hand on his shoulder to steady myself as I change the bottoms. "Done thank you" I sit back on the edge of the bed again I can feel my eyelids closing. The Prince helps me to lay down on my side again and then I feel his warm lips on mine as he gives me the medicine.  I open my eyes and see him smile "I was hoping you'd kiss me again" I smile at this and say "I don't think I'll be able to take medicine any other way" I cover my mouth as I yawn and close my eyes as I hear the Prince chuckle "I'll feed you next time you wake" he tells me as I feel a warm body spoon me from behind but I'm asleep before I can think further of it.   I jolt awake when images flash through my head at lightening speed, my head hurts and I'm finding it hard to breathe again. "It's alright, try and relax" the Prince whispers behind me I take the hand that is wrapped around me and hold on, while I try and relax.  I fall into sleep again and wake feeling very hot.  I realise that the Prince is sleeping behind me with his arm holding me firmly against him.   I also realise that the Prince might not be awake but something is and its pressing into my butt.

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