Travel Through Time Chapter 45

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    I wake up for the first time without my head throbbing and my eyes hurting from the light.  I sit up and stretch I smile when I don't hurt all over.  "Your majesty your awake" Ri-na beams at me. "How are you feeling? Second tell Un her Majesty is awake" she directs. "Oh, your brothers are already here?  I should have greeted them when they arrived.  Wow! I'm starving" I say all in a rush. "Your Majesty, you've been asleep for almost a week" she informs me.  "What? Oh! my poor baby no wonder I'm starving.  Have I only had honey water for a week?" I asked horrified by the thought.  "No, your Majesty we have given you strawberry milk, crushed bananas, mango and crushed passion fruit with some rice porridge" she lets me know.  "Thank goodness, I need some meat and green vegetables please.  I'll be ready for breakfast once I've cleaned up and dressed for the day."   She bows and leaves me to hobble around to the commode room.  I have a good wash and then hobble back to get dressed.  I keep my clothing simple and leave my hair in an easy top knot.  Ri-na brings in my breakfast or at least I think its my breakfast. "The Prince will be joining you for lunch your Majesty." Lunch then I smile and nod, I start to eat and I can't help the little moan leaving my lips with the taste of the soup.  The door snaps open and the Prince strides in.  He pulls me up before I can even put my spoon down and gathers me in his arms. "I've missed you" he says I hug him back "sorry that I caused you to worry again" I apologise.  "I knew you where alright you told me every time, I woke you up and you'd smile before going back to sleep.   I just missed you talking to me, helping me read reports, making me laugh with your funny stories or showing me what a beautiful clever wife you are" his words bring tears to my eyes.  "Thank you, you are very special too and I love you" I tell him.   "So, did I miss much?" I ask I see his eyes twinkle and climb into his lap and give him a piece of meat.  "I'm all ears" I tell him.  He kisses me "the King had the whole Noron fraction investigated.  The four senior ministers have been arrested and waiting sentencing, one of the Kings concubines has been stripped of her title and will be sent to the cold palace.  She was found to be plotting with the Noron fraction to remove the Queen.  Her maid has already been flogged to death she was caught trying to add poison to Queen's tea.  I did boil minister Gum to death in front of his wife, son and the others you mentioned.  I freed the servants and they have taken work either within farming or trading. The daughter asked if she could work in clothing and as her father had a shop and factory.  I gave her them to manage. She will donate 15% of her profit to the local health centre" He taps his lips as he thinks.  "The wife didn't know when to keep her tongue still, the King came to see what was happening and heard her curse and scream at me and had her tongue cut out there and then.  The son fainted and woke just in time to faint again when his manhood was chopped off.  He had raped nearly all the female servants.  His mother covered his crimes up.  He is being shipped to the rock with rapist burned into his cheek.  The King also had his right hand cut off because he had stolen ladies' undergarments from all over the capital.  The wife is being made to scrub the commodes at the brothel before she will be sent for hard labour. She tried to run away so she was hobbled.  She'll never be able to run again.  The guards were beheaded and the head servant has been hung above the capital gate with a list of his crimes and a bucket full of stones left beneath him so the citizens can appease their anger towards him, I think that's all.  No,Ri-na's brothers have been put through their paces to see if they have what it takes to be your guard and Keon-hi's by Un.  He is very impressed by them and he believes they will do well.  He is training them in your martial arts" he kisses me "You were hungry?" he states and I look at the empty dishes.  "Ri-na bring the Prince more food please" I call and hear a little chuckle from behind the door "yes, your Majesty" she replies.  I smile at the Prince "sorry I was very hungry." He kisses me again "you can eat for a week if you'd like?" I kiss him back "thank you for feeding me even when I was asleep and our baby thanks you too" I say. "I had the doctors come and check you out.  If they had said you or our baby wasn't doing well.  I would have shuck you awake and forced you to eat.  I assure you" I put my arms around his neck and kiss him "your Majesty" Ri-na says keeping her head bowed and holding the tray in front of her. "Thank you Ri-na"the Prince says and she keeps her head bowed and as she puts the food on the table and removes the empty dishes. "Sorry Ri-na" I apologise. "You don't need to apologise we haven't seen each other properly for a week" the Prince says "if I had my way, you'd be naked and, on your back" he whispers.  I groan as I let my head fall to his shoulders. "My foot feels better, still a little sore but much better" I tell him as he eats some lunch. "It has been changed three times a day.  The doctors have added your prescription to their books.  Also, the honey beneficial effects for the inside of your body and outside" he tells me.  I watch him eat for a little while then go to get off his lap.  He stops me "where are you going?" he wants to know. "As the sun is shinning, I was going to go and relax out there.  I've been stuck in for a week" I say "I haven't finished eating yet?" he pouts.  I hide my smile and kiss him "do you have more work to do?" I ask wanting to spend more time with him.  "I have some reports to read but I'm going to do that here" he smiles at me.   He finishes his meal and we head outside.  I have my sewing and book we settle outside under the shade of an umbrella.  Un walks over with two tall strong looking men "Your Majesty, this is Second and Fifth" they bow. "Ri-na was right you're are tall and handsome" I say and see the Prince sit up straight "not as tall and handsome as my Prince here, but she has the right to feel proud of you" I say patting the Princes knee.  "Un why don't you show what you've been teaching them?"  He nods and they bow before moving to the side. The lighter of the two brother's charges at the other who moves to the side slightly and grabs his arm and brings him down flat on his back.   They stand up and I wait for Un to say something. When he doesn't, I say "you moved to early, if your brother had wanted, he could have changed his direction and attack because you gave him warning of your move.  Sorry who is who?" I enquire. "Second your Majesty" the darker one says "Fifth your Majesty" the lighter one says.  I nod "try it again and don't move until he is two steps from you." They do it and it is far better and smoother.  They practise the other moves and I give them some tips. "What training have you set up for them Un?" I ask. He looks at me "they run, train at swords and archery" he finishes. "They need to start training at jumping over obstacles of different shapes and heights. They also need to do chin lifts, sit ups, and push ups. This will make sure they keep their core strength that supports the rest of the body" I instruct.  Un looks at me and then the Prince who shrugs "what?" I ask. "We don't know what chin lifts and the other things you mentioned are" the Prince answers.  I stand up and hobble over to the steps.  I drop my crutch and jump up and grab the support beam over the deck. "This is a chin lift, if you get really good you can do it with either hand.  You would start off with both hands but I can't use my right at the moment" I tell them while the Prince jumps up and runs towards me. "Catch" I call and fall into the Princes arms.  He glares at me and I give him a quick kiss.  He puts me down and I sit on the wooden deck "this is a sit up, once you can do 3 sets of 50 easily you can then add the waist twist like this to alternating knees" I demonstrate. "This is a push up" I say turning onto my stomach "I can only use my one hand but you'd start with both and then once you can do them easily you can place a hand behind your back like I'm showing you.  Once you get to be even better you can push up on just your fingers" I stop and sit back on the deck.  If I wasn't recovering, I would demonstrate the handstand push ups but I think you get it" I state.  I wave them up to the deck "let me see you all do it and I will let you know if you're doing them properly.  Which is very important as it's your core muscle's?" I lean back against the handrail. "Start with the sit ups as they are the easiest to do.  Second you go first, Fifth, you sit on his feet and place your hand on his stomach and you should feel his muscles bunch as they work to pull him up. The muscles that should not be working is your neck muscles and thigh muscles" I watch as Second does a couple, "take your hands from behind your head and just hold them beside your ears" I advise.  I see the Prince get down and wave Un over as he tries.  He does really well and I smile as I think that's my man "Fifth you try now."  He starts with his hands beside his head "Good you're all doing well, another slight variation is that as you sit up you pause for the count of 5 and then when you can do that to the count of 10 and so on.  I can hold for 20 and then stay there while I move my legs out and then back again" I demonstrate so they understand.  If you feel my stomach muscle it is well defined, just as my shoulder muscles and lower back muscles. These are your core muscles which need to be in top condition if you want to become good within your field" I inform them.  "Now try the push ups, both hands should be placed under your shoulders so you push straight up, with your toes on the floor.  Keep your back straight at all times engaging your stomach muscles to help your back muscles work properly."  They all practise and do well. "I can't demonstrate but you can also change this up a little by pushing up strongly with your arms and then clapping your hands together before planting them on the floor again and controlling your move down to the floor again" I say.  Un tries it "yes like that, but you have to keep control over all the moves so you don't get hurt or pull a muscle" I encourage.   They each have a go and do well "please work on the basic moves first before moving onto the variations of the excises.  Now do you think you can try the chin ups.  Your arms are going to be feeling tired after the push ups?" I ask.  Un jumps up and does ten before his arms begin to shake and he drops back down again. The Prince tries and also managers 10 before dropping to the floor. Second and Fifth jump up together and manage 8 before they can't pull themselves up again. "It works best if you cross your ankles over each other and keep your lower body from moving to much.  If you find an old thick bamboo you can secure that over a door way or a thick tree branch.  It only needs to be a couple of inches higher than your arm stretch height. Once your knees are bent with your ankles crossed you have plenty of room to work with.  Now it's important that you cool down your muscles once you've done any work out.  Un can show you" I inform them.  I pull myself up to my feet and the Prince hands me my crutch, "thank you, I'll massage your shoulders and arms to reward you" I wink at him.  Then can't help the squeal that leaves my lips as he scoops me up. "In that case lets take this inside" he whispers in my ear.  I wave over his shoulder "nice to meet you both, thank you for agreeing to work for me."  The Prince kicks the door shut as we enter the bedroom.  He sits me down on the edge of the bed and makes my giggle at the speed he starts undressing.  "Why are you getting completely naked I only need your shoulders?" I question.  He turns around and I see his straining manhood "Oh!" is all I can say.   I grab the peppermint oil "I'm still going to give you a massage, call it foreplay" I laugh.   He grins at me and strokes my cheek "I've really missed you" he says and then lays on the bed on his back.  "You need to lay on your front if you want me to give you a massage" I tell him.  "You said you only needed my shoulders and arms" he wiggles his shoulders. "I'll make it worth your while" I wiggle my eyebrows and he chuckle's. "You'd better" he warns as he turns over.  I dribble some oil onto my palm and then rub my hands together and then start with his arms and move to his shoulders.  I keep going down his back and then move to his foot I put more oil on my hands again and work my fingers into the muscles of his feet then move up his leg slowly and then do the other foot and leg.  I move his legs slightly apart and rub my hand into the top of his leg and around to the inside, the Prince groans. "You're killing me here" he groans.   I smack his butt and then move to the top of his other leg and massage the top of it moving to inside I push my thumbs in between his butt and his ball sacks.  He groans again then I take his balls and run my fingers over them, I give his butt another smack.  "Finished" I say.  He turns over as I drip just one drop of oil into my palm and take his manhood into my hand and stroke him up and down.   He groans and watches my hand I can feel the oil heating his sensitive skin. "You have far too many clothes on" he pouts he sits up and starts untying my clothes.  "I will only be able to lay on my back" I state.   "We can do a lot with you on your back!" he wiggles his eyebrows as he finishes.   I chuckle and stand up as he pushes my tops down my arms everything pools at my feet.  I step out of the pooled clothes and climb on to the bed and lay down I move my bandaged wrist to the side as well as my burnt foot.   The Prince kneels and reaches for the oil.  He uncaps it and then holds it above my chest and dribbles a little across my breasts.  My nipples harden in anticipation of what's to come.  He recaps the oil and places it back on the table, he rubs the oil all over my chest and stomach. Then runs his hands up my stomach to my breasts and palms them, then runs his hands in circles around and over them. He stops and moves a little further down my legs then dips his head and runs his tongue through my sex.  I moan and my hips lift he picks my good leg up and rests it on his shoulder.   He then runs his manhood through my sex and stops at my entrance.  Our eyes lock and he push's in slowly, he keeps pushing slowly in with our eyes still locked on each other.   I grip the bed in my good hand, he pulls out just as slowly and then just rocks his hips slightly so he moves in and out my entrance.  He grips my hip and wraps one hand around the top of my leg resting on his shoulder and thrusts forward.  We both cry out and then moan as he pulls out slowly again.  He thrusts in and gently pulls out over and over again we are both damp with sweat when he increases his pace.  I can't help but wrap my other leg around his waist but the Prince takes my thigh and pushes it towards me and supports my burnt foot on his arm.  He keeps up the quick pace until I feel the pleasure build to its tipping point.  I contract around him and feel his member throbbing deep within me.  I cry out again when I fall over the tip of pleasure.  I feel my climax coating the Prince's throbbing manhood.  He thrusts in hard and cry's out as the first seed fires out hitting a very sensitive spot and I feel the sensation of free falling again.  The Prince groans as my wet hot channel grips him tightly "you're so tight, milking me of everything" he grunts.  We both empty ourselves before the Prince puts my legs down and lays on top of me.      We cuddle while we try and calm our panting breaths.   When we have calmed down the Prince leans up on his elbows and kisses me. "I'm not going to ever get enough of this" he tells me and then kisses me. He pulls out and rolls off of me, "what are we going to do when you begin to round with our child, we obviously have the same sexual appetite?" he wonders. "We can make love through out the pregnancy it's just near the end you won't me able to thrust to hard, but it helps soften the muscle there.  For the birth which is something I'm trying not to think about to much" I explain.  "Why it will be a joyous occasion when you give birth?" I look at him like he has two heads, "I will be happy that I get to greet our baby.  I will however, have to push that baby out of a channel that you have difficulty pushing into?" He hugs me "I'm sorry I wasn't thinking of that part, just the part with the baby wrapped in a blanket and shown to me" he admits.  I look into his eyes before saying "I haven't decided if I want you to hold my hand yet?" He blinks then pales a little "you don't mean in the same room while you give birth?   We don't do that?" he states. "Really? Well I might decide this is the only child we are having then.  I will get some pig intestines and make jackets for you to ware down there so I don't get pregnant again" I try and move from his arms and he tightens them around me "I'll be there to hold your hand if you need me there" he promises.  I pat his cheek "thank you" I say and try to move out of his arms again. "Why are you still trying to get out of my arms?" he demands "because I need to pee, your Royal Majesty!" He chuckles "sorry, can you manage by yourself?" I nod and sit up and put my feet over the side of the bed and take my robe, then look for my crutch. 

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