Travel Through Time Chapter 51

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   "Ri-na do you hear talk from the other maids and servants?" I ask. "I don't personally they tend to shut up when I walk by.  I do have a good friend though and she tells me all the gossip flying around the palace" she says. "Really? Great have you heard any talk about certain people talking bad about the Prince and I?" I ask.  She glances at me "no, sensor please your free to talk here" she nods at my words.  "All the talk is about you and the Prince.  The maids talk about how you could have bewitched the Prince so much.  Other's talk about how it isn't right that the Prince and you have caught so many ministers, there is a senior minister in the Westerners fraction who seem really angry.  I've heard that he is trying to find something for him to go to the King with" she reports.  "I wonder if that's minister Gip or minister Bak?" I ponder "I've heard of minister Bak, he's, mean and often has maids and servants paddled for nothing?" Keon-hi see's the twinkle in my eye "what are you thinking?" she asks. "I think it's about time the Prince and I hold a banquet.  This one though will have a bit of a twist to it.  Ri-na can you ask trusted servants to pass the word on that we need to find all of minister Bak's dirty washing?  Any illegal activities need to be reported or anything were he has missed treated people and that includes servants. My brother will be travelling around with the doctors and he will collect all the reports.  Tell them his name and show them what it looks like so they can see it on the free clinic lists, they can then wait to see him with a small ailment or wound.  While he sees them, they can tell him their story he will write it down and get their thumb print.  We need to move fast as he leaves tomorrow" I tell them.  Ri-na jumps up picks her shoes and socks up bows and the shouts while she runs towards the room "on it" Keon-hi and I chuckle as we watch her dash across the grass. "We should call Chang-wo he has worked in a number of places and still knows people" Keon-hi suggests "good idea" I respond.  I give a whistle which I used to call my family dog from the future I wait and Fifth calls "he's coming" Keon-hi shakes her head.  I watch as she pushes her lips out and blows, I chuckle and say "you have to use your tongue as well or you can use your fingers.  You can also use a blade of grass." I pick a blade and put it between my thumbs and blow a high-pitched whistle sound's.  I put my hands down again as Chang-wo vaults over the wall.  He starts to run towards my room, when he spots us by the pond and changes direction and runs up to us. "Your Majesty" he pants "hi Chang-wo, how are you?" I ask he leans his hands down onto his knees to catch his breath.  "You whistled to ask me how I'm doing?" he says in disbelief.  I chuckle and pat the grass beside me "take the load off, and I'll tell you what you can do for me. You are going to love it" I assure him.  He falls on his butt and looks at me "your up to something again?" he smiles. "Keon-hi tells me you've worked in a few places and still know a lot of people outside the palace?" I question. "I do and I am" he says "brilliant can you spread the word that my brother, show them as well as tell them his name.  Is taking statements about all the wrong doings that minister Bak has done or is doing.  They can look out for him on the list of travelling doctors visiting the free clinics.  They can go and report to him what they know or have witnessed he will write it down and get their thumb print.  Tell them only to pass it on to trusted friends, I don't want my brother having to worry about trouble finding him." He nods "will do, the Prince will have some guards stay by his side disguised as servants.  When does he leave?" he asks "tomorrow" he jumps up like Ri-na did "jeeper's, I'll have to get going" he bows as he runs "bye" he shouts. "I think they are all showing off because they can run and I can't at the moment" I pout Keon-hi pats my hand "yes they are" she laughs.  I join in and then I lift my feet out the water and inspect them. "Great job" I say to the carps.  Keon-hi lifts her feet out "wow, you all worked very hard" she tells them and we laugh again.  "What's so funny?" The Prince asks as he walks and sits next to me. "We where thanking the carps for working hard" I tell him.  He looks at the carps in the pond and back at me "they did?" he asks I lift up my injured foot and show him the sole of my foot. "They did, this is wonderful. Thank you for the hard work" he says to the carps and Keon-hi and I laugh again. "I love to hear that sound" he says and takes my face in his hands and kisses me.  I'm a little breathless when he lets me go.  "Un" he calls Un walks over to us, the Prince helps me stand up and Keon-hi stands up too. "The King has given me a written decree" "do I have to kneel?" I ask wondering why he pulled me up. "No, this is for Un and Keon-hi" he smiles Keon-hi stands by Un and they kneel. The Prince takes out the decree from his sleeve and opens it "I hereby announce the engagement and future marriage of Choi Un and Jeong Keon-hi.  Granted by King Gyeongjong in the tenth month, in year of 1723" he reads.  Un and Keon-hi bow "we accept the order, long live the King" they say together.  The Prince hands over the decree to Un "be true to one another and support each other always" he adds as he pats Un on the back as he stands then nods to Keon-hi.  I hug her and congratulate her.  I then surprise Un by hugging him "you be good to her or you'll deal with me" I whisper in his ear.   As I let him go and step back, he looks into my eyes and nods, I smile at him. "Now I have another decree, but this is a verbal one for all of us" the Prince says "do I have to kneel?" I ask again "no sit on the chair" he tells me I hop to the chair and sit down Un, Keon-hi kneel. Second, Fifth, this is for you too.  Un you can pass it on too Chang-wo and I'll pass it on to the Princess' brother" he waits while Second and Fifth jump down from the tree branches.  They kneel behind Un and Keon-hi "I hereby verbally order that you find and help catch the trouble makers and criminals within the Westerners fraction" "No way! We've already started that" I state.  The Prince looks at me and cuts his eyes to those kneeling.  "Sorry" I apologise for interrupting.  "I hope you find away to cut off these rotting roots and bring peace to Joseon.   By Order of King Gyeongjong in the tenth month, in year of 1723, end of verbal order." "We accept the order.  May his Majesty live long and healthy" the ones kneeling says. I  nod my head and the Prince smiles at me as the rest stand up.   "Now what is all this about you've started that already?"  The Prince sits down on the grass besides the chair.  Keon-hi sits on my other side. "Un join us" the Prince orders.  Un walks and stands a little behind the Prince, who shakes his head pulls on Un's hand and nod towards Keon-hi. Un sits down near Keon-hi "Second shot a slinking spy on the roof" "we know" the Prince interrupts.   I tilt my head and look at him "sorry" he apologises and waves for me to carry on. "It got me thinking about how we could catch or find out about those sending the spies and trying to make trouble.  I remembered Keon-hi and Chang-wo helping me in my first case.  I asked Ri-na if she'd heard any talk.  She told me that the seniors of the Westerners fraction were very unhappy with you and me" I smile at the Prince. "So, I asked Ri-na and Chang-wo to spread the word that citizens could safely report any incidents, wrong doings and grievances to my brother who will be travelling around the free clinics other the next two weeks.  We will hold a banquet of a different kind in just under three weeks.  Instead of fancy dishes we will serve the minister with their wrong doings.  The King will close the banquet by arresting said ministers" I finish.  The Prince kisses me again, "I'm already being called a seductress amongst the maids" I whisper. "You are, a very sex" I shove my hand over his mouth to stop him finishing that sentence.  Keon-hi giggles "what can I do to stop him saying whatever pops into his head?" I ask her she leans in and whisper "its cute." I show the shock on my face, my hand still pressed to the Princes mouth. "Cute!" I shout then snatch my hand away from the Princes mouth.  "Stop Lickin.." I close my mouth with a snap as I realise what I was about to say.  The Prince bursts out laughing and I hear chuckles from above and beside me.  I sit back in the chair and cross my arms over my chest. "How am I meant to be taken seriously, as a force to be reckoned with? If my husband keeps kissing, hugging and then telling all that I'm.. That?" I mutter.  "They do take you seriously anybody that has seen you shoot an arrow, throw a knife and kick butt knows you're a force to be reckoned with and what's wrong with them knowing you're a force within the bedr" I clamp my hand over his mouth again to stop his words. "Finish that sentence and you can sleep on your own from now on!" I spit.  I hear the chuckles from above and to my side.  I throw my hands up in the air, "Second, Fifth, I'd like to go back to my room" I say.  The Prince jumps up and scoops me from the chair. "Un, go and get to know your fiancé.  Second, Fifth, please keep watch.  My wife needs a nap" he says as he strides towards my room.  I don't say anything I keep my arms crossed over my chest.  He puts me down gently on the side of the freshly made bed.  "Your Majesty" Ri-na calls from the hall.  "Come" I reply and the Prince walks back out to the garden to talk to someone. "I've spread the word and the servants that are leaving for the day off later will spread the word outside the place.  Your brother is here to see you too" she reports.  "Thank you Ri-na" I hop to the connecting room and sit on the day cushion.  My brother comes in and kisses me on the cheek, "I wanted to see you before I leave" he tells me. "I'm glad you did as I have a request of you, I'm spreading the word that people can come and report to you at the free clinics any wrong doings that the ministers have done mainly minister Bak and Minister Gip.  If you could listen to them write their statements and take their thumbprints and any evidence they may have.  We will deliver a banquet they will never forget when you get back" I finish.  He nods "I'm not as good at defending myself as you" he worries. "The Prince is sending some guards disguised as servants to protect you" I assure him. "Thank you, this should be interesting, it's only a pity that the people they've cheated and hurt won't get to see it?" he answers I snap my fingers. "I'll have people write a play, stories and jingles about what happens at the banquet.  Then the people will see it or hear about it.  I pat my brother's shoulder "what a good idea" I praise. "You know you were the one to think of it!" he grins.  "You gave me the idea, so it's yours" I state.  I have something for you I pull a parcel from a shelf and hand it to him, he open's it and inside is an apron with his name sewn on the top left side with a butterfly sewn on to the main skirt of it but in the same white as the apron.  So, you only see it when you get up close.  I also bought this pouch while we were away from the palace but wanted to put your initials on it" "Sister it is beautiful, thank you" he murmurs.  "Please be safe on your travels, do you have your knives?" I ask "yes I always strap them on when I get dressed and have the knives in my bed when I sleep" he assures me.   I nod and hug him.  The Prince comes in and sits down, my brother bows his head, "I've sent word there will be guards watching over you always" the Prince reassures him. "Thank you, your Majesty. Please take care of my sister she has been hurt enough lately" my brother states. "I'm sorry she has been hurt while under my care.  I have set certain safe guards in place to protect her in the future" the Prince bows his head to my brother in an apology.  My brother bows back, "I have to get going for my lesson.  I'll see you both in a couple of weeks" he gives me a hug and bows again to the Prince before walking out the room.  I set my worries aside for the time being.  "I need to redress my foot" I say.   "I have the medicine here" the Prince offers.  I hold my foot out and he spoons and spreads the medicine around my foot and then re-wrap's it up.  "I had them add the clove, I'll also do your wrist" I hold that out to him as he's unwrapping it, I call Ri-na "yes, your Majesty?" she replies. "Strawberry milk and some honeyed bread please" I ask.  She goes to tell them in the kitchen of my request.  I yawn and rub my stomach with my good hand.  "The bruising is getting better and the swelling has reduced so it looks nearly better" the Prince tells me.  He rubs some lavender over the bruising and then puts a clean wrap on it.  I yawn again and nod.  When he has finished, he pulls me into his lap Ri-na brings the honey bread and milk and I eat the bread and drink most of the milk.  I get lifted by the Prince and he takes me to the commode room and leaves me to do what I need.  Once finished I call to him and he carry's me to the bed.  "I'm really tired again" I mumble as the Prince helps me out of my outer clothes.   He leaves my pants on but takes off my top.  I lay down on my side and feel the Prince climb in beside me.  He has stripped to his pants, and pulls me to him. "Sleep my Princess" he soothes and strokes my back I'm asleep in no time.  I wake a couple of hours later feeling better now I've slept.  The Prince is snuggled into my chest his ear pressed between my breasts.  I smile, trying to hear our little baby boy again, I think as I stroke his head. "Show him everything baby boy" I mutter and keep stroking his head.  I fall back to sleep and wake with the Prince murmuring to my stomach.  "What are you telling him?" I ask the Prince looks up to at me and smiles. "I was telling him he is a very bright boy and that I'm looking forward to meeting him" he answers.  I stroke his head with my good hand and smile "yes, I think he is going to do great things" I agree.  "Time to get up?" I ask the Prince pouts "depends if you mean up out of bed or up in another way?" he wiggles his eyebrows at me.  

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