Travel Through Time Chapter 23

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  He kisses my forehead and helps me stand then takes my hand and leads me back into his room and helps me into bed I sit up against the end.  "Come" the Prince calls Hun shows my father in, he bows to the Prince and then turns to me.  "How could you have your mother arrested?" he accuses.  "You will pay your respect to the Royal Princess as you do me.  You will watch your words and tone!" the Prince orders I watch as my father blinks then bows again to me, "your mother has been arrested and she told me it's all your fault!" he glances at the Prince. The Prince stands up, "have you even noticed your daughter is in bed?  Your wife's daughter tried to poison her and it's not the first time she is also involved in the arrow attack that was intended for me but was blocked by your daughter.  She has yet to fully recover from that attack, but today was poisoned again" he breathes hard as he finishes and I notice his clenched fists. "So I suggest you leave and come back when you've thought about that and the fact she sent your son away not to a school but had him sold as a slave" the Prince voice has risen in his anger and I lean over and take his clenched fist in between mine trying to reassure him that I'm here and on the mend.  My father falls to the floor, looking between us.  "My son sold" he gasps "Hun escort the Royal Princess' father out" the Prince orders.  Hun comes in and helps my father up and guides him from the room.  The Prince comes and sits beside me and leans his head on my shoulder.  "I'm sorry, I thought if he stayed I'd punch him" he apologizes "I've wanted to punch him ever since he bought that woman into our home" I admit he chuckles "glad its not just me then."  We spend the evening sitting in bed, the Prince tells me a little about how it was to grow up in the palace and that if he hadn't had Un by his side he might have gone a little mad.  I tell him about my mother and how she wanted both of her children to be happy and that's why she let me learn archery, and martial arts as well a climb tree's.  She allowed my brother to catch butterflies and planet flowers.  We have a light supper before turning in for the night.   I lay on my left side and let the Prince snuggle into my breasts, it reassures him and me.  I fall asleep and thankfully don't dream of anything, I wake with the Prince stroking my cheek.  It is still early as the sun has only just started to rise, "Un has had word of your brother" at the mention of my brother, I  wake fully and sit up.  "He was still in the cave and is now in Un's quarters cleaning up. He will join us for breakfast once he has had some sleep" he tells me.  I wrap my arms around him and hug him to me "thank you, thank you" I thank him.   He hugs me back, "I knew you'd want to know as soon as possible" I nod and hug him more.  He climbs back in bed and I lay on my side again facing him.  I stroke his face, and see that he is still tired.  I open my gown "come let's get some more rest" he kisses me and snuggles against my breast again.  I listen to his breathing even out.  I stroke his hair as I to fall asleep.  I wake with the sun higher in the sky and the Prince still holding me close to him.  I stroke his hair and wonder how my brother is, I hope he isn't angry with me.  I had been told by my father that the school was to far away to send regular letters but wonder what happened to the ones I did write. The Prince stirs and blinks up at me "morning beautiful, how are you feeling?" he asks "feeling better, but still feel weaker than I was" I tell him honestly.  "Good, once you've had your medicine and seen your brother you should feel better" I groan at the mention of my medicine.  "Have Hun prepare boiling water and honey too" he nods and kisses me.  He stands and stretches I watch as he washes and then dresses for the day.  He helps me wash and get dress.  Hun brings in my medicine and the honey water, which makes it a little easier to take.  I comb my hair then put it up and put in my hair pin present from the Prince.   I help him with his hair, it is so thick and strong I could comb it all day. "Your Majesty the Royal Princess' brother is here" Hun announces, the Prince takes my hand once his hair piece is in place.  "Give him a little space and time" he cautions I give a small nod and take a big breath.  "Enter" the Prince calls and we walk through the connecting door as we watch Hun lead in my brother.  He looks older, taller and skinny.  I blink away the tears that threaten to fall, Hun exists and closes the doors.  I walk slowly towards my brother "Jin-hyeok, I had no idea of what happened to you.  I would have searched for you sooner if I'd known and skinned the bitch responsible" I wait for his reaction.  He looks at me then jumps into my arms just as he has always done, "I knew you'd find me so I just lived the best I could.  From what I heard you'd had it just as hard, and almost lost your life twice, lets skin the bitch together" he ends I chuckle through my tears.  When we sit to talk, I introduce the Prince "Jin-hyeok, this is the Royal Prince and my husband."  The Prince bows and shakes his hand "I'm so pleased that your back and where you belong, if you would? I know your sister would love for you to be close and stay here?" Jin-hyeok, bows and shakes his hand back.  "It seems unreal that my sister is married, never mind to a Prince.  I never thought she would want to get married, to much of a free spirit and tends to say what she wants.  When Chang-wo came and told me that he knew my sister and that I should come back to the palace with him.  I had to ask him if he was sure it was my sister.  Once he said she throws knives and shoots arrows while hanging from a horse I knew he really did mean my sister" he states.  "They are the very things that I fell for, I love your sister very much and she has been a great help to me already" the Prince tells him.  I take my brothers hand in mine, "I'm really happy, even more so now you're here, we have to deal with the wicked witch of the west and father.  We need each other to get through this, I don't think she will keep her head and the daughter that tried to kill me will lose hers as well.  Father believes I'm being vindictive and I fear that once everything is out.  He will want to hide his head in the sand and blame everything on me" I give his hand a squeeze and he squeezers mine back.  "Sis, you have bought me up since Mother died.  You have stuck up for me and taken my punishment, I've known for a long time that Father has no backbone.  You are all I need" he leans over and kisses my cheek.  "Thank you, will you tell me what happened and how you've survived these last two years?"  He nods, the Prince stands "I will leave you alone to catch up, I have some work to do but I will be back for lunch to check you take your medicine."  I scrunch up my nose at that, he bends down and kisses me "see you later" and he's gone. "He really does seem to care and love you Sis, I'm glad you've found someone that will stand next to you in times of trouble, laugh with you and share the joyful times" Jin-hyeok says.  I nod and smile "I'm happy for the first time in many years.  Now tell me all about what happened to you?"  He does and I feel the anger start to heat my blood, by the time he's finished.  I want to be the one that takes her head.  Tears are silently streaming down my face.  "Your Royal Princess your father is here" Hun calls from the other side of the door. 

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