Chapter 4 - Mingling

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Niall and I sat there on the bench, an awkward tension sweeping over us. I was thinking of what type of swimming costume the other boys were picking... Harry kept smirking every so often and was patting his jacket pocket.. There is definitely something in there. I will investigate later. I wonder why they left me with Niall, but to be quite honest I think he is kinda cute the way his crystal blue eyes gaze around when he is confused and his soft blonde and brown locks with his muscular arms and that I needed to snap out of this! I mentally slapped myself, gazing over at him. Niall is not interested in you he has probably millions of models falling for him so why would he pick his babysitter, who looked like I came off of the street!


I stared at Tessa, she was deep in thought and I didn't want to get into her bad books! I had a mental conflict on whether or not I should talk to her, I finally grew a pair, sitting up a little straighter. I gulped before finally speaking.

"So, erm, Tess, can I call you not? Shit... Tessa, what happened back at Victoria's Secret?" I mentally punch myself in the face, I'm so stupid.

Then I mentally punched myself because I'm stupid to ask that, I sounded like a perv, but she looked back nonchalantly.

"Well, I'm just self conscious.. My body isn't the best." she didn't even look at me, she looked around nervously and was fumbling with her fingers. We continued to talk about anything really and got to know each other a little better through twenty questions.


"This one! This one!" Harry shouted pointing to a flashy bikini.

"NOO!" I shouted. Seriously trusting Harry with a swimming costume or even lingerie.

Every so often he patted his jacket pocket but I shrugged it off, must be his phone. Zayn and Louis came back with four different swimming suits, they picked a bikini, a tankini, a wetsuit and a full piece swimming costume. To be honest the wetsuit was the best and I did promise something that didn't flash too much, also because of how insecure she sounded back at Victoria's Secret. But the bikini was also very nice but not so slut-like so we bought them both, she can wear the bikini underneath the wet suit. We went over and paid with a sulking Harry complaining about everything. We started making our way to Tessa and Niall, hopefully they would be very friendly with each other.


Niall was so nice! I think I can trust him with everything! But I didn't.. Just in case. Mid conversation my phone rang so I quickly got my phone from my bra. No one usually called me so I was surprised. Niall looked at me weird as my bra was still showing a bit.

"Hello?" I say in confusion.

"Hey babe." I could almost see the sadistic grin on the face of his. I visibly shivered, catching Niall's attention.

"G-Greg?" I stutter slightly, I was in shock.

"Yeah, miss me?" I wanted to throw up.

"Leave me alone!" Niall looked over alarmed, I tried to smile but it came out wrong, causing him to look even more worried, concern filling his crystal eyes.

"I can see you, on a bench. Who are you sat by babe, this better not be that famous dick."

"Leave me alone! I left for a reason! Please." My voice whimpered at the end.

"I'm leaving for now, but I'm warning you babe, your daddy is missing you!" He snickered before the phone call ended.

I sigh, putting my phone away as Niall stared on.

"Who was that? What happened, are you okay?"

"Can I trust you?" I ask, tears threatening to spill.


"Looks like we ruined a romantic moment eyy" Harry said winking.

I smirked at them before saying "We got the most amazing wetsuit!"

I then heard Niall whisper into Tessa's ear "We'll continue this later" and Tessa nodded, I smirked at them not saying anything.

"So shall we go home or do you need to buy anymore things Tessa" Liam looked at Tessa and she shook her head. We were about to leave when:

"Tessa what about shoes, socks and accessories!" I said smiling. 

"These are fine.. Thank you" Tessa said looking at her feet. She wore black converse which were now muddy and worn out.

"Girls need more than one pair of shoes!" Harry shouted.

"Erm why?" Tessa questioned...

"Because you need heels for that dress you got, and sandals for those shorts, and.."

"Okay. Let's go get them shoes." Tessa muttered interrupting Louis.

Tessa dragged us into a random shoe shop, she was confused on what shoe size she was, telling us she didn't mind. We all shook our heads, getting a worker there to properly measure out her feet and find the perfect shoes for her. We soon leave with three bags. We then went into another shop, filled with accessories! Everything Tessa took a second glance at was bought, causing her to slap us. She told us she didn't want anything but we didn't have any of that.


Sorry my stories are mixed up, some things don't make sense but don't blame me, blame my iPad and my short term brain :P

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Love you all! Xox

~ Chamrock Jack 🍀

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