Chapter 18 - Nessa's Beach

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I woke up early, for once. Tessa was cuddled into me, her face tear stained... Why was she crying. Oh yeah.. That one tweet. I caressed her slowly cradling her in my arms. I looked at her arms and saw faint scars slowly leaving. I traced my fingertips on each and every scar on her arm. 28 scars. What was her life before this?

Tessa soon shook a little, getting rid of my thoughts.

"Morning Babe." I whispered, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Mmm" Tessa mumbled smiling. I kissed her forehead softly before her eyes fluttered open. She stared at me with her chocolate brown eyes. They were beautiful, the way it got drier around the edge, they were like pools, of melted chocolate -

"Niall?" oh I didn't realise Tessa was talking. I nodded towards her.

"Where are we going today?" she asked, her morning voice was soft in a sing song tone.

"The beach, to our special cove." I said winking at her. She smiled back at me before I leaned down and placed my lips on hers. I was about to pull away when her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me in closer. She licked my bottom lip for entrance, I let her in straight away. Our lips were moving in sync as our tongues danced gracefully... We pulled away and noticed the other boys at the door.

"EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING!" I shouted jokingly.

"Hmm you might wanna check twitter mate." Harry said smirking. The boys all piled out before I could say anything.


I watched as Niall grabbed his phone from his bedside table and his eyes widened. Harry had posted a picture of us, kissing. The caption was 'PDA!!' and it had already got over a thousand RT's, favourites and replies!

"I'm gonna kill that boy.." I said leaving the room.

Niall shouted "Be careful!" I smiled at the thought of him. Niall his blonde locks that imitated the waves the way they were casually messed up, his blue eyes, like two pools of glistening water and -

"Tessa what do you want?" I forgot I had knocked on his door.

"Harry you're grounded." I said looking straight in the eyes.

"WHAA- TESSA THAT'S UNFAIR!! BOOOBEAAR!!" Harry screeched. This was funny to watch. Louis was by Harry's side in a nano second.

"Tell your sister that she can't ground me!" Harry said cuddling into his chest, oh no he didn't!

"Ummm... Well... She is our babysitter Haz, and well... She even has some control over me so sorry babe." Louis said winking at me and leaving. Harry frowned.

"Harry, you must stay in your room and only come out for food and drinks, meetings, rehearsals and other major important things but with my permission." I said smiling. Harry frowned then stomped back into his room, paybacks a bitch. I thought smiling and walking back to Niall.

"Oooo what did Tessa dooo!" Niall said trailing on.

"I grounded him" I said smirking. I looked over at my phone with was beeping like mad. It was twitter.

@Harry_Styles I'm grounded, @TessaTomlinson is a meanie!

I laughed before tapping int my phone. MY PHONE! My blackberry bold 9900! I'm in love.

@TessaTomlinson Next time think about updating a picture of my private life before asking me ;) #PaybacksABitch

I was starting to get used to twitter, with all this hash tags and shit. Niall is an amazing teacher and don't forget boyfriend.

Babysitting One Direction (BOOK 1) EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now