Chapter 23 - Waking Up

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I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. 9:30am way too early for my likings. I decided to let Tessa rest for a bit, she is the deepest sleeper I know, she is worse then Zayn! I got ready and dressed into my onesie and woke Tessa up. It too a while until she finally got up, she got ready and wore my other onsie, onesies are comfy. And they zip up to your face so you can sleep.

We went down to eat breakfast, we brung our suitcases downstairs then just chilled in the living room.

@NiallOfficial: Going to America! With @TessaTomlinson waking for the other boys to wake up :)

I tweeted, then wrapped my arms around Tessa. I laid my head on her shoulder and felt my eyes get heavier as I breathed in her scent.


I watched as Niall fell asleep on my shoulder, he is so cute! I got out my phone and tweeted.

@TessaTomlinson: sat alone, I feel lonely.. Niall is asleep on my shoulder and the boys are upstairs sleeping Ohmygod wake up @Harry_Styles @Louis_Tomlinson @Zaynmalik1D @Real_Liam_Payne -.-

I sat there watching my mentions blow up. I retweeted a few and checked on my profile. My picture was of Niall and me on the first day I got twitter, I had 1,185,038 followers and I was following 126 wow. I got a reply from Eleanor.

@EleanorJCalder: @TessaTomlinson Tell your brother to wake up, I'm coming over now! Xxxx

I laughed then replied,

@TessaTomlinson: @EleanorJCalder okay ;) xxx

I carefully laid Niall down on the sofa then ran upstairs to Louis' room, he was still sleeping. I poked his cheek, nothing, I poked it harder, nothing I started randomly poking him on the cheek until he finally woke up.

"WHAA-" he said sitting up, I laughed at him.

"Tessa!" he shouted grabbing me by the waist and pulling me onto bed he started tickling me until I screamed to tell him to stop. He laughed.

"Eleanor is on her way by the way." I laughed.

"Oh no.. I'm not even ready!" he cried running into the bathroom, I decided to wake the others up while I was upstairs.

I ran over to Liam's room to see he was already in the bathroom, great, now Harry. I ran into his room and he was still asleep. I poked him on the cheek, "Harry?" I said poking him more. He started mumbling and hit me! Right that's it. I jumped onto the bed and jumped around.

"HARRRYYY WAKEEE UPP!!!" I shouted/screamed.

"WHAAAAT!!" finally. I smiled at him laughing.

"wake up, you're late." I said walking out. Job done. Next was Zayn, the hardest.

"Zayn?!" I said walking into the room. I attempted many ways to wake him up, poking him, jumping on the bed, screaming, but no he does not wake up.

I decided that there was one thing left to do... I ran into the bathroom and got a cup of water. I half filled it because I'm not that mean. 1....2....3 SPLASH!

Zayn screamed. "Tessa you're gonna pay." he said sitting up and grabbing me, I screamed. He hugged me tightly making the water on his body spill over me.

"Zaaynn!! Stop it!!" I shouted trying to squirm my way out.

"Don't like it when it's happening to you huh?" he laughed then let me go. I stood up and frowned.

"I hate you." I said walking out, I heard him shout "I love you too" but I didn't bother to respond.

I went downstairs to see Niall still asleep, awh. The door rang. I ran to it opening the door as fast as I could, there was Eleanor, wearing one of Louis' beanies and wearing pyjamas. She still looks pretty without makeup on! We hugged as I invited her in.

"Tessa why on earth are your clothes damp?" she said giggling.

"Never wake Zayn up with water." I said, she laughed as I lead her up to Louis' room, "have fun!" I said opening the door for her. She giggled and walked in, such a nice girl. I went downstairs and moved her suitcase with mine, all the work was done so I went and sat back on the sofa and rested Niall's head on my lap. I started running my fingers through his hair. I lay back closing my eyes letting my tiredness take over me....

"TESSA?!?!! TESSSAAA?!?!" echoed through my head, I opened my eyes to see a handsome leprechaun, Niall. I smiled at him and looked around, everyone was in the living room. Including Danielle and Perrie, wow how long did I sleep?

"Oh sorry!" I gushed, everyone laughed and talked till the car came to pick us up, the boys got all the luggage into the boot while the girls got in. I noticed that Danielle and Perrie were getting very close and so were me and Eleanor. Yay!

Soon the boys got into the car, me in between Niall and Zayn. The car drove off as we said goodbye to the house.. For almost half a year....


Quite a short chapter.

Ahh well... I'm really confused on this ...

Well Thankyou for the views I'm very happy :)

School tomorrow.. 3 projects and 2 tests ARRRGHH -.-

Loveyou all!

~ Chamrock Jack 🍀 xox

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