Chapter 10 - The Plan

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I woke up with something sharp digging into my cheek. I opened my eyes and Harry was there poking my cheek with a huge smile on his face.

"Harry what do you want?" I said looking around, wondering how I got into the living room.

I looked over at the clock and it was 2:30pm, Wow I am a deep sleeper.. Then I remembered everything, Liam's story, Niall, the hangover. I smiled a bit at the thought of Niall then looked around. Louis, Harry, Zayn and Liam were standing in front of me smirking, but where is Niall?

"Where's Niall?" I said looking around.

"Ahh, she is already looking for him, there is definitely something," Harry said smiling.

"Harry what are you talking about? And what are we doing today?" I asked happily.

"We're talking about you liking our little leprechaun and were having a movie night today!" Zayn smiled happily.

"What?!?!" I asked confused.

"We said we're having a movie night!"

"No! What you said before!"

"Oh that you fancy Nialler!"

"Shut up!"

"Oh so you agree!?!?!"



"Leave me alone.."




This conversation trailed on between me and the boys before Niall walked in. Thank God.

"What's going on?" Niall asked confused.

"Nothing!" I said almost shouting then walked upstairs.

I heard talking downstairs but I couldn't be bothered eaves dropping. Today was a lazy day in, so I wore my joggings, a black tank top and a hollister cardi which matched the joggings. I scooped my hair up into a messy bun and went downstairs, without even checking the mirror.

"So what movie we watching." I asked walking into the room, suddenly Harry ran out threw me over his shoulder and ran upstairs.

"Harry get off!"

"No can do missy,I have to do this sorry babe!" Harry said laughing bringing me to my room.

He sat me on the bed before saying "Stay." I replied putting my arms in front of me pretending they were paws and said "Woof."

He ruffled my hair then walked into my walk in wardrobe. What the hell is he doing. He came out holding the lacy bra and panties he bought me and a white summer dress with pink and purple floral patterns. It stopped mid thigh and hugged my curves perfectly

"Go shower and put these on." Harry smirked.

"No." I say looking at him sternly.

"Do it, or else." Harry glances towards the bathroom door.

"Or else what." I challenged staring into his green eyes.

"Or else this." Harry chuckled scooping me up and placing me into the bathroom along with the clothes he had just got out the wardrobe.

Sadly there was a lock on the outside because of the weird design on the place.

He locked the door and shouted in, "If you don't shower and change into those clothes your staying in there."

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