Chapter 8 - Night Clubbing

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"Please Tessa! Pleeaaaasseeee!" Louis screamed. They were begging to go clubbing. "no." I said. I din't want to go to the club because there would be suts everywhere flirting with the boys and even Niall, I'm not his girlfriend, but every time I see a girl talk to him anger boils inside of me, I think I'm falling for him. "Come on Tessa you know you want just one little pint of beer! And if we get drunk Liam can take care of us!" Niall said, I tried not to give him eye contact or else I would get hypnotised and agree with everything he says. "TESSAA PLEASSEE!" Harry screeched. "come on Tessa one tiny drink?" Zayn says not Sally shouting. "no." I said, I wasn't in the mood for partying sluts and drunks.


Tessa is so stubborn! She could be Little Miss Stubborn! I grinned as a tiny idea slipped into mind. I ran up to her and threw her over my shoulder, she is really light! "Come on boys! To the car!" I shouted running out the room ignoring Tessa's cries, slaps and kicks. I threw her into the car and strapped her in. The boys all came piling in as we went to the club, we were all dressed 'clubby' enough. All us boys wore chinos in different colours and shirts that go tight around our abs. Tessa was wearing high waisted denim shirts with a see through kind of shirt showing her bra, hehehe. She again pouted. Stubborn and cute, what a package, but sadly she ain't my type, she suits Niall but I'll always be her shoulder to cry on- If she ever does cry.


We we're all sitting in the car looking out of the tinted window. Tessa was sulking while Liam and Louis were on their phones tapping away on the small blackberry keypads. I sat there making small talk to Niall while Harry was watching Tessa, is he in love? Nahh, he knows Tessa is for Niall and little Hazza is better of with a model of some kind, I have my beautiful Perrie, her blonde hair with her cute smile, her beautiful blue eyes and ..... "ZAAAYNN!!" Niall shouted at me, snapping me out of my trance. The club was loud, inside it smelt of sweat and alcohol. "You guys go ahead, I'm gonna chill out here for a bit," I said smiling weakly. They smiled and went in. I dug around in my pocket and finally found what I was looking for, my pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I got out a cigarette and put it in between my lips, I slowly lit it and felt the goodness of smoking once again, I keep trying to quit but it's so hard! It get's be stressed and I can't get angry at nothing, I have now reduced to 2 a day. "Zayn?" I looked over behind me.


" Zayn?! " I said he turned round to look at me. I didn't know he smoked. "Yeah," he kind of grumbled, taking another puff and the stubbing his cigarette and throwing it on the ground using his shoe to flatten it. The pavements outside the night club was already paved with squished ciggies. "What are you doing?" I said in a slight whisper. "What does it look like I'm doing, I'm smoking," Zayn said sighing. "Zayn it's bad for your health and ... " I got interupted with Zayn saying "I know, I've been trying to quit, I only smoke when I'm stressed but don't tell the boys!" He said sternly. "I won't, and why you stressed now?" I asked, curious. "I don't know, Perrie's been on tour for a while and thinking about all the boys whoo just throw themselves onto her when they're drunk and I'm not there to help her." Zayn said sighing even more. "Awh! Zayn!" I said hugging him happily. He looked at me with a what-The-Hell look. "That is so cute! You know I sometimes wish I could have a boyfriend that cares alot over me like how you do to Perrie," I said this time me sighing. Zayn gave me one of those awkward man hugs and said "Don't worry, there is a boy out there who want you alright, and one day you might notice he has been right there when you need him." He winked. I was going to ask who? but he walked into the club dragging me in. Inside was what I expected, sluts grinding onto drunk men and other random couples dancing. Zayn dragged me all the way to where all the other boys were. Liam was sitting down watching the boys while the boys were taking down shots, one after the other. I decided to relax abit as Daddy Directioner was on the watch. I got a shot and gulped it down feeling the burning liquid slide down my throat. It felt good so I kept asking for more and more.


About 20 shots later I coudn't walk straight or even think straight, all the boys were as drunk as me all except for Liam who was still watching us like a hawk. I still could think-ish but I was a bit wobbly. I nearly fell over when tight hands held onto me. "Be careful there honey," It was a familiar raspy voice. Greg. I started to run, but because I was so drunk I kept tripping before I finally lost him in the crowd. No way am I ever getting drunk after this incident. Never, ever, EVER. I looked around and saw Harry and Louis doing a usual Larry Stylinson dance. Zayn lingering around making small talk to some girls and Niall, I couldn't find him so I went into eagle mode and scanned the whole club until I found him. 5 sluts were surrounding him, grinding against his crotch and ass while he kind of just stood there looking uncomfortable. They were all fake, caked in makeup and bleach dyed hair. You could see the roots appearing on there almost blond head. I went over to them shouting "Get of meh man!" I didn't notice I said it out loud until they all stared at me. They all saw me walking towards Niall, I couldn't control myself. It's like someone was controlling me. My blood was boiling underneath my skin and the little real me was trapped under the anger. "Your to ugly to have Niall, he's mine." One of the sluts said, flicking her fake blonde hair over her shoulder. Her face was practically orange and she had bright green eyeshadow with fake lashes and a whole lot of eyeliner. Her lips were bright pink and too be quite honest she looked like an oompa loompa. "I'd rather be ugly then cake myself in makeup!" I yell my drunk side taking over me. I look down to what the girl is wearing, a tight pencil skirt which finishes 2 inches from her bum, so if she went and picked something up from the floor, her ass would be on full view. she wore something that looked more like a headband then a shirt and her hair was just down in some messy curls. S-L-U-T wrote all over her skin. "Just shut up and leave meh man!" I screeched. "Make me shut up" she said grinding her bum into Niall's crotch even more trying to make me jealous. "I don't make trash and can you and your other slut clan leave me be?" I said pointing to the other 4. She scoffs and walks off with her heels clanking on the floor. Niall smirks, and I smirk back at him. "I'm guessing I'm your man" he said winking. "Yup" I say popping th 'p' For the rest of the night all I remember is dancing with Niall until we felt our feet were going to fall off.




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~ Chamrock Jack xox

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